These new stylin' faucets in the master bathroom!
Shaving and brushing one's teeth became fun again!
Accomplishing all three required the plumber's theorem "three trips to the hardware store."
The first was the hardest. Quite an endeavor.
Trip #1
I had to go the the TrueValue hardware store in our community, right? I take digital photos of the work to be done. I take the old plumbing hardware with me.
I see the associate. He only has two of the 1/4-turn shutoff valves. Damn. Not what I wanted to hear. I want to finish this job this weekend. I buy the rest of the 16-inch PCV tubing and I am good to go.
Trip #2
I wanted to complete my job, so I go to the TrueValue in Oakhurst to get the rest of my hardware. They have everything I need. Now, I am ready. Back to work. Me happy.
I disassemble the first faucet and do the work underneath. I go outside to turn the master water valve off. I go back inside and remove the old shutoff under the sink.
AARGGGGG!!! I got the wrong parts!
Back to the store.
Trip #3
I return to the TrueValue in our area. I tell the same guy I need these for this, that for these, and that for this, only threaded. He has all the shutoff valves except one which will require a 1/2-inch hose instead of the 1/4-inch hose. Okay! It's just one hose, right?
I go back and finish the first faucet. Turn the water leaks! Turn the shutoff valves leaks! Ask my wife to turn on the faucet...leak in the P trap. Twist and turn. Turn on the the leaks! YES!
The first faucet took me 7 hours to complete including the drive time to the hardware store in our community and in Oakhurst.
Faucets 2 and 3 were completed Sunday. The third took less than 45 minutes.
The only thing left to do is to return the hardware I "didn't need."
My back upper body is sore from being on my back. I swear the plumber who installed all of this had to be a munchkin with contortionist skills to squeeze into the cramped areas I had to be in.
Hey, at least this "honey do" project is DONE! WOO HOO!
At least my work is "100% guaranteed." If anything goes wrong, you can be "100% guaranteed" who will have to fix it!
It's done.
No leaks, no drips, no errors.
Now, we can go hiking!