HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYTONA 500Now, the hard part is trying to convince my wife to eat chocolates while watching the Great American Race!
But, we didn't do either!
For the first time, we visited Lake Tahoe with all of its snow on the surrounding peaks. Quite a spectacle to behold.
Saturday, February 13, 2010:

Hiking down to the beach in Emerald Bay.

Emerald Bay and Vikingsholm Castle.

What beauty!
Sunday, February 14, 2010:
My wife near the top of the precipice near Spooner Junction. At this point, I am shaking my head saying to myself, "Now, why didn't I bring those crampons?"

Near the top the footing gets a little precarious with the snowshoes on.

A view that literally took your breath away.

The best part was that we had the whole summit to ourselves.

Valentine's Day in Tahoe Snow...

What a view.

My wife near the summit of the precipice.

Putting my pack back on after summitting. We had two options: Dig in with our snowshoes or glissade. We dug in with our snowshoes while plunging the trekking poles into the snow. It was a strain on the quads and ankles, but what a workout just to get down.

Looking back after descending. This was fun!
Now, when we started our hike, there was maybe six other vehicles parked in the lot. Upon our return, the lot was full and people parked on both sides of the road making ingress or egress very difficult.
Once we made our escape, we drove counterclockwise around the lake.
We checked into our hotel, got showered up and walked over to Tudor English Pub to watch the end of the Daytona 500 and to blow the froth off a couple. Tudor has these garlic fries to die for. They were delicious. We ordered fish and chips (garlic fries).
Upon our return to our hotel room, it was time for some champagne and chocolate covered fortune cookies. The only thing missing was strawberries.
Saturday, February 15, 2010:
Heading home...

Ice fishing. What do you use as bait to catch ice?


Pretty deep.
What a weekend! Scratch off another "must do" on the list and fill in another white space on the calendar.
Wherever I may roam...