1: Gas $3.159, weight 215.
1: Old town Sacramento.
3: The outside Christmas lights and decorations come down.
4: First day of work in 2011.
4: Gas $3.199.
5: We get a new food processor! Homemade salsa up!
8: Snowshoe hike through Mariposa Grove.
11: Gas $3.239.
12: Get our teeth cleaned. Yes, newsworthy.
13: Subie turns 100k while the Chevvie turns 99,000.
15: Chilnualna hike. Mountain lion tracks. That's all folks!
16: Our first movie as marrieds: The King's Speech. Fresno Edwards 21.
17: Our second movie as marrieds: The Fighter. Oakhurst Met Two.
21: ILs celebrate 55 years of married bliss!
22: Scorpion kill #1 on bedroom floor.
23: Black widow kill #1 in gardening locker.
29: Dewey Point snowshoe hike. 7.0 miles. 4 hours.
30: Movie #3: True Grit. Fresno Edwards 21.
31: Holistic doctor visit.
1: Truck turns "100k."
2: Gas $3.259.
5: We do Dewey Deux. 7.35 miles, 4:37.
9: Scorpion kill #2 on front patio wall.
10: Gas $3.299.
14: Gas $3.359.
16: Gas $3.399.
19: Oakhurst gets dumped with 4 inches of snow.
19: Gas $3.459.
23: Gas $3.499.
25: Gas $3.559.
27: Gas $3.599.
27: Help my wife move into her new abode.
28: Gas $3.659.
1: My wife starts in Richmond, CA. Sigh.
1: Scorpion kill #3 on JayMi's bed.
3: Gas $3.699.
4: I ride Amtrak for the first time since November 1982 to see my wife. Depart 3:20 and arrive around 6:50.
7: I get the flu. First time since November 2008.
10: 8.9 earthquake off Honshu, Japan. Mother and relatives safe.
11: Gas $3.799.
11: I miss a whole week of work due to the flu.
12: Frisco.
14: Gas $3.839.
17: Mom goes "diamond" as she celebrates 75.
17: Gas $3.799. Whoa, it went DOWN!
18: Gas $3.819. Oops, spoke too soon.
19: Frisco.
20: 3.80 inches of rain fell. Power outage in Oakhurst. Trees down.
21: Relatives temporarily relocated to stay warm and take hot showers.
23: Gas $3.859.
26: Frisco.
27: Gas $3.899.
29: JayMi's last day at the spa where she works. The spa closes 03-31-11.
2: Frisco. Dipsea Trail.
3: Gas $3.939.
5: Gas $3.959.
5: Let the weed whacking begin.
6: Gas $3.999.
8: Wife comes out for a "visit."
12: Gas $4.039.
15: Gas $4.059.
15: Old Town Richmond at the Up and Under Pub.
16: Calistoga and Bubba Gump's.
17: JayMi's first Amtrak train ride from Richmond to Fresno.
23: Our first MLB NLeague game: AT&T Park. Giants lose to Atlanta Braves 5-2
24: Gas $4.099.
25: Ran the sprinklers for the first time this year.
28: I get the coryza.
29: Scorpion kill #4 on the garage wall.
29: JayMi moves out and moves to the Bay Area.
1: JayMi's first day on her new job.
1: Gas $4.159.
1: Scorpion kill #5 on the shower floor.
5: Scorpion kill #6 on our bedroom ceiling.
5: Gas $4.119.
6: My wife comes out to visit!
8: Mother's day.
9: Gas $4.099.
14: Mt. Diablo (the very easy way as in drive and then walk 25 yards to the summit!)
15: Gas $4.079.
16: Gas $4.059.
17: Strep throat? Nope, but the doctor is concerned.
17: Gas $3.999.
21: We "hike" the Golden Gate Bridge
22: New tires for the Subie.
22: Gas $3.959.
23: Gas $3.899.
27: Dipsea Doodle Deux. 14.5 miles. 7:15.
28: Purchased a Bose Accuwave II CD/AM/FM. Nice!
31: Gas $3.859.
1: Cleaned the carpet in JayMi's old room.
5: Papou's 78th!
5: Gas $3.799.
8: Scorpion kill #7 on dining room wall.
8: Cousins Sharon and Dexter come out for a visit.
10: Upper Yosemite Falls.
13: Gas $3.759.
15: Teeth cleaned.
15: Mt. Whitney presentation.
19: Black widow kill #2 at the garage patio near the spigot.
20: Triple digits for the first time this year. 102°.
21: Swamp cooler runneth.
21: Temperature hits 106°. Ah...summer comes in with a bang!
21: Gas $3.699.
22: Temperature hits 108°. Ah...summer starts in "high" gear.
22: Sunblinds go up.
24: Last trip to Richmond.
25: Pho Challenge at Pho Garden in Frisco.
26: Last train ride on Amtrak.
26: Gas $3.659.
27: Gas $3.629.
29: First summer rain. A rare event.
29: Gas $3.599.
30: JayMi's stuff is moved to Richmond.
1: Wife back home to an empty nest!
14: Our 4th!
17: Scorpion kill #8 on the front porch.
18: Gas $3.659. Going up again.
23: FIL takes another header at their home. ER visit and hospital stay.
27: Gas $3.699.
2: FIL takes yet another header at their home. No ER this time.
9: Gas $3.659.
10: Gas $3.599.
13: We go fishing at Lee Vining Creek. I catch one, my wife gets five.
14: Scorpion kill #9 on the bathroom floor.
27: Gas $3.659.
28: Black widow kill #3 in the recycling bin.
29: Gas $3.699.
31: Scorpion kill #10 on the bedroom ceiling.
3: Blue Lake. 6.50 miles. 5 hours
6: Gas $3.799.
8: Acupuncture #1.
10: Scorpion kill #11 on the front patio floor.
13: Acupuncture #2.
16: Gas $3.779.
19: Acupuncture #3.
21: Gas $3.759.
21: Scorpion kill #12 on the bedroom ceiling.
26: Scorpion kill #13 on the first guest room ceiling (JayMi's old room).
26: Gas $3.739.
29: Gas $3.699.
2: Black widow kill #4 in the recycling bin.
2: Changed the water in the spa.
4: Back in the spa since June.
4: Scorpion kill #14 on the bathroom floor.
5: Rain. 1.75 inches of it.
5: Gas $3.659.
6: Acupuncture #4.
7: Gas $3.699.
8: Aspen Grove camping.
9: Hiking in snow on slopes of Mt. Dana.
13: Fourth year at the homestead.
13: Acupuncture #5 and chiropractor #1.
14: Bushcraft.
15: Bushcraft.
17: Gas $3.719.
17: Black widow kills #5 and #6 in garage.
20: Chiropractor #2. All is good again.
20: Gas $3.699.
21: My wife's final day of the LDP.
24: Cousin Terry passes away.
29: New bed for the guest room from IKEA.
30: Scorpion kill #15 on the front patio ceiling.
2: Gas $3.679.
3: Scorpion kill #16 on garage floor.
7: Scorpion kill #17 on living room wall.
11: My first Veterans' Day off.
12: "Demolition" begins on the kitchen for our "hole-in-the-wall" (HITW).
15: Gas $3.659.
16: Gas $3.639.
16: Got the truck smogged.
16: Got supplies for the kitchen project.
19: Gas $3.599.
19: The HITW is framed.
20: Drywall is applied to the HITW.
21: Final spackle applied.
21: The counter grout and cabinets deep cleaned.
22: Scorpion kill #18 on dining room wall.
22: Gas $3.579.
26: Painting of the kitchen.
26: Gas $3.559.
27: Painting of the dining room.
30: Gas $3.539.
1: Santa Anas wreak havoc on our fiberglass on our patio and carport.
3: Cabinets installed. Bar light installed.
4: Hallway painted.
6: Gas $3.499.
6: Gas $3.479.
7: Acupuncture #6.
8: Gas $3.459.
8: Scorpion kill #19 on the guest bathroom counter.
11: Countertop in place for the HITW.
12: Stained the countertop of the HITW.
13: Gas $3.439.
14: Chiropractor #3.
15: Gas $3.399.
16: To Escondido.
18: Return from Escondido.
19: Bar up.
20: Bar and cabinets stained.
20: Scorpion kill #20 on kitchen floor.
21: Gas $3.379.
22: Gas $3.399.
23: Final coat of polyurethane for the HITW and bar.
24: Gas $3.459.
25: The perfect Christmas. JayMi and KC home. Santa good to wife and me: Kobalt hatchet and hammer, Jason Aldean CD, REI gift cards (yeah buddy), slippers, running apparel (wife), perfume, Bowie knife, BD Storm headlamp, BD camp light, green tea, rice crackers, huge cast iron skillet (wife wanted one and now she got it!), USMC cap, wine glasses, dinnerware (china and kona wood), sweater, keychains, dragon bell, black rock dragon sculpture, vase, Nerf football (why my ILs got me this I don't know), sushi kit, salad bowls, vibrating pillow, knee pads and sawhorses (my FIL thinks of everything). Breakfast (biscuits and gravy) and dinner (lamb and ham) at the ILs. Guess the knee pads, sawhorses, and hammer means I will be doing more "projects."
29: Scorpion kill #21 on the kitchen floor....squish.
29: New battery for the truck.
29: Den painted. All that is left are the bedrooms, bathrooms and laundry room and they won't get painted...contemplating a move in our future.
31: No fast food for a second year.
31: So long Year of the Hare...
What happened in 2011.