1: Happy Triskaidekaphobia Year.
1: Still sick with the cold.
1: Cleaned up the yard at P38549.
1: Christmas decorations on the tree and in the house go back into storage.
2: Gas $3.299 (Fresno Costco).
2: Water heater repaired--faulty element. All that is left is the dryer to fix or blast holes in it!
4: Finally over the cold.
7: Gas $3.359.
10: Gas $3.399.
10: Chiropractor #1.
12: Freeze warning in effect.
12: Pipes freeze again.
12: Burn day. So long, brush pile.
13: Saigon Pho and Sandwiches in Merced. Great place to get "pho" of it.
14: Chiropractor #2.
15: Gas $3.379.
15: Water heater moved to the garage.
16: Chiropractor #3.
16: Trader Joe's Charles Shaw "Two Buck Chuck" up from $1.99 to $2.49.
17: Chiropractor #4.
19: Demolition begins on the laundry area.
23: Gas $3.339.
26: MIL sells the Dodge pickup.
26: Dinner at Outback in Fresno.
27: MIL sells boat, motor, and trailer.
28: Gas $3.359.
30: Haircut.
31: Gas $3.429.
1: MIL gets her Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun.
2: Back porch taken apart.
3: More work on the back porch.
4: MIL, my wife and I watch "that game."
5: Gas $3.639. WTF!
7: Dentist for me. All good!
8: Gas $3.739.
9: Erected a "brucke" across the stream for Klaus.
9: Removed some sheetrock to expose the vent in the garage.
10: Removed one of the bathroom doors and jambs.
12: Gas $3.759.
14: Gas $3.819.
15: Gas $3.859.
17: Tile flooring and subfloor removed exposing black mold.
18: Mudroom sprayed with 50-50 solution of household bleach and water.
19: Snow dumped in Oakhurst.
20: Gas $3.919.
23: I shovel snow off the front patio. First time since 1981.
23: Plugged up the cracks and crevasses in the roof and soffit.
24: The first Daytona 500 I never saw from start to finish. Oh well.
24: Gas $3.959.
25: Urgent care.
28: Gas $4.019.
MARCH 2013
2: One of the new pantry shelves are put up. Knotty pine casing on all door frames.
3: The pantry is taken down.
4: Gas $3.999.
7: Gas $3.959.
7: Pantry shelves installed.
8: Apartment carpet cleaned.
10: Dad -- 6 years.
11: Gas $3.919.
13: Gas $3.899.
14: Gas BBQ loaded up for P38549.
16: Celebrated Aunt C's 50th at Me-N-Eds Pizza in Fresno.
17: Mom's birthday...the curse of "76" is over.
18: Layoffs at my employ. Three are gone.
19: Gas $3.859.
23: Mowed grass for the first time at P38549. New back porch constructed.
25: Gas $3.799.
27: More layoffs...two more are gone.
28: One year since FIL passing.
28: Gas $3.839.
30: Pre-Easter dinner: Me, my wife, MIL, JayMi, KC, Uncle T, Aunt C, Tre, TheOs, Gail, Klaus.
31: FIL's ashes scattered on this Easter Sunday.
APRIL 2013
1: We get DirecTV at P38549!!
3: Gas $3.839.
5: Our first BBQ using propane gas. Steaks!
9: Gas $3.699.
10: Doctor appointment.
11: Haircut.
13: Living room subfloor removed.
18: Gas $3.679.
19: It's official. My wife to be transferred back to Fresno!
20: Tore up the subfloor in the bedroom.
26: Gas $3.679.
26: JayMi moved from East Bay to Oakhurst.
29: Gas $3.699 Fresno Costco.
29: Custom order windows and doors ordered for P38549.
MAY 2013
1: JayMi moves into her new apartment in Clovis.
2: Gas $3.669 Fresno Costco.
7: Gas $3.659 Merced Costco.
8: Doctor appointment for me.
9: Gas $3.759 Merced Costco.
10: Turned in Comcast Cable equipment. No more cable at the apartment.
11: Took MIL to FYIA for her trip to see my BIL and SIL in Portland, OR.
11: Oil change for the Subie.
11: The doors and jambs to the bedroom, linen closet, and laundry room are taken down.
12: Mother's Day with JayMi and my wife. We dine at Mitsui Buffet in Clovis.
14: Gas $3.879. Final purchase at Merced Costco.
14: MIL returns from Portland, OR.
14: I have an In-N-Out b"urge"r and 2 fries. There goes the streak.
15: My final commute day from Merced.
15: Bedroom is painted yellow.
16: The movers come and the move back to Oakhurst commences.
16: The apartment keys are turned over to property management.
17: PGE shut off at the apartment.
17: Basecamp Dragonfly: We are home for good.
20: Sick with salmonella from the eggs we purchased from one of our neighbors. No fault of theirs.
20: Windows and doors from Lowes arrive.
20: Smart Meter installed. Thanks, PGE!
21: Ceiling fan and closet light installed in master bedroom.
22: Doors and casings stained and sanded.
23: MIL buys us a brand new washer and dryer from Sears. What a surprise.
24: Gas $3.819 at Costco in Fresno.
24: Washer and dryer installed.
24: Closet doors installed.
25: Doors stained/lacquered.
26: Doors stained/lacqured.
27: Doors stained/lacqured.
27: Truck washed.
28: Wife's first "half" day on the new job.
29: Wife's first "full" day on the new job.
29: Ordered another door. Forgot one.
30: Gas $3.799.
30: Bedroom door and pantry doors go up.
31: We carpool for the first time.
JUNE 2013
1: We attend the wedding of Tyler and Kelsey. Hot. Reception at the Ft. Washington Country Club.
6: Gas $3.779.
6: Cousins Rhonda and Tim from Cypress up for a visit for a couple of days.
8: Hot up here.
8: Potluck dinner BBQ with Tim, Rhonda, Uncle T, Eric, Jen, Jeff, and his mother, and Klaus and Gail.
9: My aunt's 88th birthday.
9: Tim and Rhonda leave.
10: We pick up the final 10-lite door from Lowes and got an additional 5% off for waiting!
14: We attend Debbie Alcaraz's surprise retirement party at The Standard. Her husband and my mentor, William, set it all up. She had no clue!
15: Doors stained and lacquered.
16: Doors lacquered. Ceiling removed from front porch. A "canvas" exposed!
16: Carstens Fire off Carstens Road near Midpines.
18: First trash pickup at Basecamp.
19: We become "gym rats" again by enrolling in a local gym.
19: Bedroom door knob, pantry knobs and closet cups installed on the doors.
22: Two dump runs. The yard looks much better.
22: MIL, wife and I see "Chimpanzee" at the Met in Oakhurst.
22: Installed a doorknob to the mudroom door. The old one "broke off."
23: Finished lacquering the remaining french doors to the front and back porch. All that is left is the jambs.
23: Mowed the grass for the last time for the summer.
25: Saw an estate planning attorney.
27: Last day of commuting and my wife's last day at the Fresno District office.
28: Gas $3.759.
29: Our friend, wagga, leaves the States for home in Down Under.
29: We stay in Salinas for the weekend in preparation for my wife's new job.
JULY 2013
1: My wife begins her "temporary assignment" in Salinas as District Manager while filling in for another.
1: I drive 135.1 miles to work for the first time in my life.
2: Gas $3.699.
4: We spend the Fourth of July apart for the first time.
6: We play basketball for the first time. Just shooting around.
7: We go to the REI in Marina.
9: Gas $3.679.
14: Our 6th anniversary.
14: My wife, MIL and I see the movie "White House Down."
14: We have dinner at the South Gate Brewing Company. I have fish and chips. Very good.
15: We stay at the Homewood Suites in Fresno while my wife is in a management meeting.
19: Gas $3.699.
22: Nothing like a July sprinkle.
22: Aspen Fire. Stump Springs Road north of Aspen Springs.
23: Gas $3.739.
26: Gas $3.699.
27: We drive along the "17-Mile Drive" in Pebble Beach.
28: We dine at Phil's Fish Market in Moss Landing.
30: Gas $3.679.
1: Door jambs for linen closet installed.
2: Gas $3.659.
2: Linen closet door installed.
3: Half Moon Bay to eat at Ground Up and to walk the streets of HMB.
13: Gas $3.599.
15: We purchase our National Park Pass.
17: Rim Fire at Groveland near Yosemite.
17: Pella bedroom window is installed.
17: Haircut.
18: All the doors are done: pre-stained, stained, lacquered, wet-sanded.
19: Gas $3.579.
23: Knotty pine trim around bedroom window is installed.
24: Hiked Soberanes Canyon and Rocky Ridge at Garrapata State Park: 4.87 miles; 3:06:00.
24: We get our fishin' licenses at Dick's in Salinas.
27: Gas $3.559.
29: A crack in my windshield from a UFO...unidentified flying object...No, really! Don't know what the hell it was, but my windshield is cracked just below the passenger side wiper blade.
31: BBQ with Gary B., Klaus and Gail, and MIL at our place.
1: Bay window installed in dining room.
5: Gas $3.579.
5: BroIL and SIL visit.
5: PGE moves the electrical line off the dead pine tree, which is on the verge of tipping over due to root rot.
7: We go fishing for the first time at Bass Lake.
8: Siding is removed on the front porch to reveal beautiful beams of wood.
11: West porch reinforced. Landing constructed.
12: Gas $3.639.
13: The first Friday the 13th.
13: Gas $3.679.
14: Truck oil changed.
14: We go to Lowes in Gilroy. A first!
15: We upgrade our cellpones...We get Droid Ultras...a hisn and a hern.
17: Gas $3.779.
20: Gas $3.879.
20: To Salinas for the last time.
21: We have breakfast at the Toro Cafe south of Salinas.
21: We dine at Phil's Fish Market in Moss Landing, then walk along the beach.
21: A whopping 0.66 inches of rain fell.
22: We order from Chipotle what would be my last meal in Salinas.
23: I leave Salinas for the last time.
23: Picked up two side windows for the bay window in the dining room from Lowe's.
24: Gas $3.759.
24: The side windows to the dining room bay window have been installed.
25: The front staircase is now touching the ground.
26: Cement is poured for the posts at the end of the staircase.
26: Wife is home for good. She came home around 8:37 p.m.
26: Put wood into the stove to warm up the house. Nice and toasty!
27: Gas $3.719.
28: Removed siding from side porch side.
28: To Fresno: Costco, Sprouts, Trader Joe's, Broilers (my first time and the gyros we had were delicious).
29: To Fresno to get 12 siding at Lowe's.
29: New heavy duty gate installed for the front porch.
29: Portion of the side porch decking removed.
30: MIL's 83rd birthday.
30: The last of the side windows for the kitchen picked up.
1: Government shutdown for the first time since 1996, and my wife has to work.
1: My wife and I carpool again for good until we retire...soon.
1: Some of the side porch runners reinforced...no more "springboard" effect.
1: Frame erected for new kitchen bay and side windows.
2: All of the side porch reinforced.
3: Gas $3.659.
3: Subie oil changed at Jiffy Lube and they "accidently" drain the transmission fluid. Now, how do you eff-it-up at Jiffy Lube.
4: Haircut.
5: Portion of the side porch removed.
5: One half of the kitchen soffit removed. Messy!
6: Assist our neighbors, Klaus and Gail, in taking down their lattice covers above their porch.
6: Help MIL drain and cover up her swamp cooler.
7: Gas $3.599.
7: The electric blanket is called into service.
8: Vapor barrier in place in anticipation of storm. Plastic covers what was once the soffit to keep the cold air out.
9: Snow shuts down Sonora and Tioga Pass.
10: Gas $3.559.
10: Bay windows installed temporarily for the visual effect. Gonna look good!
11: Payday...actually, no pay due.
12: MIL garage sale.
12: West side porch "renovation."
13: MIL garage sale day 2.
13: West side porch renovation, stairway posts "removed." Kitchen bay window prepped.
14: Federal holiday, but no pay for my wife.
15: Gas $3.499.
16: Government shutdown over for now...at least until January 15, 2014.
17: Rewired the kitchen.
17: Dining room bay window lifted to be level with the kitchen bay window.
17: A temporary light is installed in the dining room bay window...nice!
18: Kitchen bay window installed.
19: The headers for the bay windows are removed.
20: The west porch is close to being completed.
21: Gas $3.499.
21: Night light installed in the southwest corner of the house in the dining room area. Three-way switch installed by the kitchen sink.
22: Subie driver side front brake repaired.
23: Gas $3.499.
23: Siding installed under the bay window for a visual inspection...looks great.
23: West porch deck "renovation" is complete. Up next are the spindles to make.
24: Purchase 20 8-foot 2x4s to rip into 1x1 balusters for the west porch.
24: More siding is put up...how "ex-siding" is that?!
25: Outdoor plumbing rearranged and new spigots installed and more siding goes up.
26: JayMi's 29th birthday.
26: Old balusters removed from west porch.
26: Movie: Carrie. Seen at the Met Too in Oakhurst. JayMi, MIL, my wife and I.
27: The first of the new balusters goes up on the south side of the west porch.
28: Rain. Snow advisory for 5,000 feet. Put new wipers on the Subie.
28: We purchase insulation tubing for the water pipes and pot lights for the kitchen
29: Gas $3.479.
31: Our first Halloween here at P38549.
2: Two cords of firewood delivered.
2: Second set of balusters in place.
2: Wife's office burlarized: Flat-screen television taken.
3: Porch 99.9% complete.
3: Removed underside of soffit above the front door.
5: Gas $3.419.
5: New 4x4 posts installed on the west porch and a third set of balusters in place.
5: Brush was cleared on the "other side." We can see our neighbors across the creek.
6: The third and fourth set of balusters are put in place on the west porch. The 4x4 posts are capped.
7: Gas $3.339.
8: Front door on the west side installed along with the hardware.
10: Porches powerwashed.
11: Reno bound via Highway 49, Highway 50, Highway 89, then Interstate 80 to see Lake Tahoe. MIL's first visit to Big Blue. We stay at Harrah's.
12: We visit Cabela's west of Reno. We take in the sights of Lake Tahoe. We stop in South Lake Tahoe. MIL gambles while we shop.
13: Return trip home from Reno.
13: We visit Restoration Hardware store at the Galleria at Roseville in Roseville, CA
13: Four LED pot lights installed in the kitchen. One light above the kitchen sink will need to be replaced with a larger light. The three-inch light doesn't cut it.
14: West porch deck 100% complete. Siding on the south side is removed.
14: The rest of the kitchen soffit is removed. The kitchen looks larger.
15: Gas $3.319.
16: South porch is powerwashed again. Exposed granite by water blasting the gravel at the front door.
17: Removed the balusters on the front porch.
18: Trees are trimmed.
19: French doors are installed on the south side. Rewiring done to accommodate the widening.
19: Propane delivered.
19: Trees trimmed and the "eyesore" dead pine also used as a utility pole is gone.
20: Hardware installed on the south side french doors and 10-lites, and a new 6-inch light installed over the kitchen sink. The jambs are caulked.
20: Gas $3.299.
23: To Lowes for 22 planks of siding.
23: French doors installed on the east side. Bathroom door cut to allow for bathroom rug and the jambs sanded down for a smooth closure.
24: Window plastic protection removed from the panes on the 10-lites. Gutters cleaned out. Pipes wrapped in insulation.
25: Another "day" in the life...
25: Gas $3.319. Guess we switched to winter blend here in California.
25: Finishing touches to the east side french doors. Door knobs in place. Jambs caulked.
25: Uncle Wally passes away. See you in "Wonder Valley," Uncle Wally.
26: Kitchen drywall in place in the kitchen. Dining room bay window lights installed.
27: Stopped by Miller's Mountain to get a birthday gift card for Uncle T.
27: Scraped and cleaned the french doors with denatured alcohol.
28: Stacked wood that was cut down on November 19, 2013.
28: Thanksgiving: My wife, JayMi, MIL, Uncle T, Aunt C, Erik, and Tre, Aunt P, ChrisTina, JaDen, and NikKi. Gary and Janelle came over later for dessert. It was a great Thanksgiving.
29: Received package from Japan and India. Did more scraping and cleaning of the french doors. All done! Stopped by Miller's Mountain for their going-out-of-business sale.
29: My wife and I go fishing at the dam at Bass Lake. Nothing. We later stop by Miller's Mountain.
30: We go fishing with ChrisTina, JaDen and NikKi at the dam at Bass Lake. Nothing, but we had fun..."Boat on the water, the sunshine in my eyes, boat on the water..."
30: Christmas lights go up for the first time at P38549.
30: 615 cookes are baked.
1: Greywater foundation in place.
2: Garbage disposer moved from the right side and installed on the left side, plumbing redone underneath, hot water faucet switched to its correct position, wiring for the disposer redone, greywater pipe out to the cistern.
2: My wife stains some of the balusters a ginger color. Looks great. Matches the distressed wood on the porch deck.
3: Siding is up on the south side. We use the new saw I got for my birthday. Works wonders.
6: Sanded balusters.
6: Haircut.
7: Snow dump...6 1/2 inches.
8: Deep freeze. Kitchen pipes frozen. Thawed by propane torch.
8: Sick with a chest cold.
8: We take a "walkabout" Bass Lake.
9: Deep freeze. Kitchen pipes frozen again. Thawed by propane torch and insulated.
9: Sick with a chest cold.
10: Deep freeze.
10: Sick with a chest cold.
11: Sick with a chest cold.
12: Sick with chest cold, sniffles, cough.
13: The last Friday the 13th of 2013.
13: Sick with chest cold, sniffles, cough.
13: Trim up on the south french doors and the front door.
14: Sick with chest cold, sniffles, cough.
14: We purchase a 6-foot Christmas tree at the nursery.
15: Feeling better...cough and a sniffle now and then.
15: Christmas tree decorated.
15: Remnants of the particle board in the living room removed.
15: Living room furniture rearranged.
16: Feeling much better.
16: Sent Japan package and mailed Christmas cards to family and friends.
16: Window trim up around the dining room bay window. The south trim and the dining room bay window trim painted kettle black.
17: Over the cold.
17: All of the snow that fell on December 7 is now gone.
17: Kitchen bay window trim in place. Ready for painting.
18: Gas $3.319.
21: In Cypress, CA for the annual family Christmas party. 300 miles one way.
24: First "real" Christmas Eve.
25: First "real" Christmas. Had to pick up KC at the Amtrak station in Fresno. MIL, JayMI, KC, my wife and I have biscuits and gravy for breakfast and turkey and all the trimmings for dinner. Gifts: Biker boots, gear storage line, blue jeans, shirt, tools, pajamas, work light (hey, been gettin' some kind of light for 6 years now), HP Officejet printer/scanner, and other wonderful gifts. For the first time, I didn't get one gift card from REI or Lowe's.
26: My wife comes down with the cold I had.
27: Gas $3.359.
29: I hook up the scanner/printer.
30: Gas $3.399.
31: Doctor appointment.
31: South siding painted.
31: I prepared shrimp fried rice for supper. It was deeeeee-licious.
31: We retire at 9:00 p.m. Pacific. So much for staying up.
Pushups: 89,100 (bad)
Crunches: 100,700
Pullups: 1,380
Bardips: 1,380
Vertical knee raises: 1,380.00
Miles hiked/walked/ran: 38.31 (bad)
Time: 14:48:07 (bad)
Highs: Moving back to our home in the hills for good!
Lows: Losing a family member, Uncle Wally.
What happened in 2013.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Saturday, December 07, 2013
We awoke this morning to this view from our bedroom window...
This is the view from our newly installed french doors looking towards the east.
This is looking south on our front porch.

Looking out from the front porch looking towards the west porch.
Do you spot the hummingbird? Poor thing couldn't get to the feeder so it perched on one of the icicle lights.
Looking south towards the kitchen bay window.
Even the wind chime wanted some of the action.
Our driveway is now a bunny slope.
Six and one-half inches of the white stuff blanketed our mountain retreat during the early morning hours today...
This is the view from our dining room bay window...
More photos...
Our vehicles have become "snowmobiles."
This is the pond near our place.
Having fun...
The next morning, the temperature dropped to 13°, then 14° on Monday morning, and 19° for Tuesday morning.
We broke out our snow boots and took a little walk around our area. There wasn't enough snow to bring out the snowshoes, but we have them at the ready. We are going to make up for lost "snow" time.
On Sunday, we took a stroll out on Bass Lake under sunny skies.
This is the view from our newly installed french doors looking towards the east.
This is looking south on our front porch.

Looking out from the front porch looking towards the west porch.
Do you spot the hummingbird? Poor thing couldn't get to the feeder so it perched on one of the icicle lights.
Looking south towards the kitchen bay window.
Even the wind chime wanted some of the action.
Our driveway is now a bunny slope.
Six and one-half inches of the white stuff blanketed our mountain retreat during the early morning hours today...
This is the view from our dining room bay window...
More photos...
Our vehicles have become "snowmobiles."
This is the pond near our place.
Having fun...
The next morning, the temperature dropped to 13°, then 14° on Monday morning, and 19° for Tuesday morning.
We broke out our snow boots and took a little walk around our area. There wasn't enough snow to bring out the snowshoes, but we have them at the ready. We are going to make up for lost "snow" time.
On Sunday, we took a stroll out on Bass Lake under sunny skies.
Monday, December 02, 2013
What was an annoyance and an eyesore since we purchased our home...
The blue camping kitchen bucket was used to bail out the greywater that leaked from the garbage disposer. Sometimes that blue bucket was overlooked which eventually led to a watery mess at the sink. Yick...
"Arnt" is no more...
has now been transformed into...
This is new our greywater system.
The two white valves control where we want our greywater to flow.
The horizontal valve controls the the garbage disposal "waste" which will lead to the septic.
The vertical valve controls the water that will lead to a drip system below the west porch deck.
The trash can is a temporary "cistern" for collection. We will install a spigot at the bottom of the can which will be connected to the the drip irrigation system. Also, in the case of overflow, there is access to drop a bucket in to extract for our trees and plants in our front yard. The lid will be strapped to keep any animals out and a screen will be placed in the lid to filter any debris.
What about possible malodorous air? That is what the honeysuckles and lavenders will take care of.
This is what it looks like underneath. The garbage disposer has been moved to the left sink. We will eventually install our dishwasher on the left. Numerous dryfits and a few "expletives" later, there are no leaks...not even a drip...but we will continue to monitor to make any adjustments if necessary...
Up next? A new sink and a new kitchen faucet. It is never over...
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