1: MIL cataract surgery post-op.
2: Post-New Year's Day party: My wife, GaRy and JaNell, ToNy and BeVin and AuDrey and SawYer, Klaus and Gail, Uncle T and Aunt C.
3: Christmas lights come down.
3: We make our first batch of tonic consisting of garlic, habaneros, horseradish, ginger, and other ingredients.
4: Gas $2.359.
4: Weight 215.8. Let the games begin.
4: Doctor appointment for heart palpitations. EKG normal.
5: Early.
5: The first rain of year. 2.70 inches. All hail El Nino! It rain so much that the rain was running off of the bluffs north of Fresno.
6: Early.
6: Gas $2.399.
6: Truck in shop for steady check engine light. Guess the oxygen sensors replacement was not good enough.
6: Rain 1.88 inches which includes one inch of snow.
6: We go to the gym for the first time since October 21, 2015. The gym has been renovated since then with new paint scheme and our rates went up $15.00 per month. Two of my favorite equipment (pullup/bardip/vertical knee raise station and the T-bar) are gone. They say that new equipment will arrive shortly. We will see if that comes to fruition. I guess I will have to build my own pullup bar at home!
6: The door jambs are up between the den and MIL hallway.
7: Early.
7: Rain 0.35 inches.
7: My uncle and aunt's 1,000 acres of farmland is sold at auction.
7: Gym.
8: Solo.
8: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
8: I almost lost it on the black ice on the way to work near Serpa Canyon Road. I spotted an accident up ahead and tried to slow down and dang near became part of the accident. Whew!
8: Gas $2.379.
8: My uncle and aunt's farm equipment is sold. The end of a family era.
8: The "moon" is installed on the west bay window.
9: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
9: We install a sheet barrier to keep the rain from ruining the Upper porch.
9: We plant trees: our Christmas sequoia in the "holler" and a total of 12 trees consisting of numerous crate myrtle, dogwood and redbud trees throughout the property.
10: Rain 0.03 inches.
10: We cover the swamp cooler and clean the flue. We purchase a chimney sweep kit.
11: Gas $2.339.
11: Tworking.
12: West bay window seat frame in place.
13: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
13: Gas $2.279.
13: Wood trim applied to west bay window.
14: The 2,000,000th crunch.
14: Cardiologist visit. Echocardiogram.
14: One-half cord of oak wood delivered.
14: More trim applied to the west bay window.
14: Rain 0.02 inches.
15: Rain 0.40 inches.
15: Gas $2.279.
15: Trader Joe run.
15: Baja Fresh night.
16: Rain 0.11 inches.
16: Subie oil change.
16: Planing complete of all ponderosa pine planks.
18: Rain 0.78 inches.
18: The shed door is complete with ponderosa pine planks.
19: Lowe's purchase: 250-foot roll 14-2 with ground.
19: Rain 1.13 inches.
19: Rocky Cut rock slide.
19: I was interviewed by an ABC30 news reporter about the drive back home.
20: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
20: Had to take the scenic route via Road 211 to work and back.
20: Gas $2.179.
20: West bay window seat installed.
21: Tule fog.
21: Today would have been my FIL and MIL's 60th anniversary.
22: Truck is out of the shop.
22: Gas $2.119.
23: Wasted day.
23: No drive day.
24: Fixed driver side rear flat on Subie.
25: Early.
25: Tule fog.
25: West bay window seat completed.
25: Received a letter in the mail stating that our naturopathic doctor will charge $120.00 per visit. States that will reduce the backlog of seeing patients and providing top-notch care. Yeah, bullshit. The thinning of the masses. Only the rich will be able to afford healthcare.
26: Solo.
26: Gas $2.059.
27: Early.
28: Early.
28: All the rough cut ponderosa pine has been squared and sized and ready for tongue and groove.
29: Solo. My wife to take MIL for a checkup for her eyes.
29: Lowe's purchase: 12 2x4x8s, 5# box of 3-inch screws, plastic sheeting, gloves, kitchen sink gasket.
29: The rough cut ponderosa pine tongue and grooved.
29: Haircut.
30: We groove the remaining rough ponderosa pine planks.
30: Rain.
30: We clear out the den in preparation for the wood planks.
30: Rain 1.00 inches.
31: Snow. About an inch.
31: Rain 1.42 inches.
31: No drive day.
31: Rain: 11.09 inches. 2014: 1.92. 2015: 0.26.
Pushups: 6,700
Crunches: 7,800
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 0
1: Rain 0.11 inches.
1: We are "black iced" in. No work. Treacherous driving.
1: We reposition the plastic sheeting on the Upper and intall trim on the northwest corner.
1: We go for a short hike without the dogs beginning at the southern terminus of Lewis Creek Trail up to Corlieu Falls. Our first hike of 2016.
2: The sensor for the blower on the wood stove needs replacing.
2: Gas $1.999.
3: Nosebleed. Right nostril.
3: Lowe's return: gloves.
3: First six rows of ponderosa pine for the den flow is laid down.
4: Another six rows of ponderosa pine laid down,.
5: Gas $1.979.
5: Chipotle night.
5: Horizontal tank delivered...finally! Was to be delivered the week of November 30, 2015!
5: More flooring laid down in the den.
6: Replaced gasket on right kitchen sink.
6: Cleaned house in preparation for our guests for the Superb Owl 50 game.
7: We move the pool table slate to the bar area of the den.
7: Superb Owl 50. Carolina Panthers vs. Denver Broncos. GaRy, Uncle T, Klaus and Gail, my wife and I watch the game. Tre came at the start for during his lunch break at work. Congratulations to Peyton Manning and the Broncos.
9: EriKa's 26th birthday.
9: More flooring laid down in the den.
10: Gas $1.899.
10: The last of the ponderosa pine floor is laid down. All that is left is the steps into the den.
11: Coming down with a cold. Sore throat.
11: Lowe's purchase: Three pint cans of stain (weathered oak, classic gray, driftwood), three paintbrushes.
12: Lowe's purchase: Five quart cans of weathered oak, two gallons of polyurethane.
12: Home Depot purchase: Seven quart cans of weathered oak and two gallons of polyurethane.
13: We pick up the floor sander from SmithWorx Rents.
13: Hutch is moved from the den to the kitchen.
13: The sanding begins.
14: Valentine's Day. More sanding.
14: First coat of polyurethane applied to den floor.
14: Steps project leading to the den completed with the ponderosa pine and oak trim.
15: Second coat of polyurethane applied to den floor.
15: We return the floor sander.
15: Gas $1.879.
15: To Home Depot and Lowe's to return the weather oak stain.
15: Baja Fresh day.
15: Upper windshield stripping came loose.
16: Third coat of polyurethane applied to den floor.
16: Pre-stain applied to all bay windows and door from MIL side into den.
17: Used steel wool (by hand) and a buffer for the den floor to give it a sheen.
17: Canned lights installed on west side of den.
17: Medium walnut applied to certain trim on bay windows.
17: Piano and some of our furniture moved into the den.
17: Classic gray applied to one of the doors on the east bay window seat.
17: I refurbished the old pine table that housed our CDs.
17: Our living room is "livable" again!
17: Rain 0.17 inches.
18: Rain 1.12 inches.
18: Canned lights installed on the south side of the east side of the den.
19: My wife finishes staining the east bay window area.
20: Burned two wood piles.
20: My wife finishes staining the west bay window area.
20: No drive day.
21: No drive day.
22: Gas $1.859.
22: Upper stripping of windshield came loose.
22: Windshield repaired.
22: My wife teleworks.
23: My wife has surgery to remove the wens in her scalp.
23: We treat ourselves to lunch at South Gate Brewing Company
23: The last of the canned lights instaled on the north side of the east side of the den.
24: Wood trim applied to den stairs and around gas stove and remnants of the stone for the gas stove installed at the end of the chimney.
25: Gas $1.859.
25: Trim applied to entryway from the house into the den. Tile now surrounds the upper portion of the chimney.
26: Gas $1.859.
26: Lowe's purchase: can of medium walnut stain, laytex gloves, paint brush, kitchen trash bags.
27: We begin assembly of the billiard table. We have a PTPTP...pool table put together party. GaRy and JaNell and AuDrey, my wife and I have a blast with burgers and chips.
28: I erect a barrier to keep Drake from scaling the wire fence adjacent the south porch.
28: We put together the billiard table. GaRy, my wife and I play 9-ball. My wife gets the first break, GaRy the second shot since he was the mastermind to putting the table together, and I get the third shot. GaRy wins. I play 8-ball against my wife and beat her. Seems she can win in ping pong so it is right I beat her in 8-ball.
28: No drive day.
28: We sample our first batch of tonic brew. Spicy but not too spicy.
29: We play 4 games of pool (3 8-ball, 1 9-ball) on leap day. I win all four.
29: Rain 1.40 inches. 2014: 5.20. 2015: 3.11.
Pushups: 5,200
Crunches: 6,200
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 2.50 / 1:00
MARCH 2016
1: MIL experiencing dizziness and weakness. Ambulance summoned. Vital signs okay. No ride to the emergency room.
1: Banister post installed in the den.
2: Gas $1.999.
3: Tule fog.
3: We both go to the dentist to have our semi-annual checkup. All is good.
3: Sprinkle 0.02 inches.
4: My wife has the staples removed in her scalp due to the removal of the wens.
4: Rain 0.72 inches.
5: Paul delivers the eight 16-foot 3x6 wooden beams we ordered. Later in the day, my wife and I relocated the beams to the south porch.
5: Dimmer switch installed for billiard lights.
5: Wiring connected for the billiard lights. Rack 'em.
5: Liquor cabinet installed.
5: We have a "pool party" with JayMi, GaRy and JaNell, ToNy and BeVin and Sawyer, my wife and me.
5: We play billiards for the first Saturday night.
5: Rain 2.55 inches.
6: The bridge is "washed out" downstream.
6: Drake still getting out near the greenhouse by climbing the gate. Another sheet of plywood to block.
6: We go for a hike with the dogs on the In-N-Out Trail near Bass Lake.
6: Rain 1.35 inches.
7: Finally over my cold.
7: My wife teleworks. Solo me.
7: Gas $2.059.
7: My wife reports it snowed!
7: Rain 0.93 inches.
8: Early.
9: Early.
9: We attend a retirement seminar at the Betty Rodriguez Library on Cedar and Shields.
9: Baja Fresh night after the seminar.
10: Nine years later.
10: Early.
10: Gas $2.079.
11: Early.
11: Lowe's purchase: dimmer switches, fifty 6-inch lag screws and washers.
11: Baja Fresh night. Twice in one week!
11: Rain 1.95 inches.
12: Rain 0.04 inches.
12: Bar is installed. Countertop to be installed later. The bar is clearcoated.
13: No drive day.
13: All beams sanded and clear-coated.
13: Bay windows sanded with 400 grit. Nice and smooth.
13: Nine years later.
13: Rain 1.04 inches.
14: Rain 0.23 inches.
14: Had to purchase a new tire for the Subie. Driver side rear could not be fixed.
14: Subie fails smog.
15: Truck oil change.
16: Gas $2.159.
17: Lowe's purchase: TV wall mount, sheet of OSB plywood, six 2x4x8s, paint trays.
17: Bar top delivered.
17: Bar stools delivered.
18: My wife removes drywall from the "office."
18: Haircut for both of us.
19: Beams are up. Barstools assembled.
19: No drive day.
20: Worked on the Subie to change the intake system.
20: Garden in west holler rearranged and water redirected.
20: No drive day.
21: My wife teleworks.
21: Lowe's purchase: 25-foot HDMI, 14/2 with ground wire, gloves.
21: Home Depot purchase: 25-foot HDMI.
21: Subie passes smog.
21: Rain 0.37 inches.
22: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
22: Gas $2.299.
23: We take MIL to the airport for her flight to Portland, OR.
23: My wife and I dine in Panera for the first time for breakfast! I ate a egg and sausage sandwich and she ate oatmeal and quinoa.
23: I purchase a pair of sawhorses from Sears.
23: The second of glass rack for the bar is in place.
23: The bar top for the sink area is installed.
25: The closet framework for the future office/spare room is erected.
25: Bar lights installed.
25: Electrical outlets on the bar counter are on! Bring on the blenders!
26: Dump run.
26: My wife applies the first coat to the sink bar counter top.
26: We get our fishing licenses.
27: No drive day.
27: My wife applies the second coat to the sink bar counter top.
27: OSB plywood bar floor in place and my wife applies two coats.
28: Gas $2.379.
28: Rain 0.06 and a little bit of snow falling.
29: Trimmed my Van Dyck just a bit.
29: Ceiling fan up in den.
29: Drywall applied to the wall behind the bar.
29: Teleconference with financial planner.
30: Bar sink drain hooked up.
30: Platform erected above water heater in den.
31: Brakes acting up on the truck. Had to drive MIL's car.
31: Gas $2.439.
31: Outlet installed on platform above water heater for Sierra Nevada sign, DVD player, and DirecTV.
31: TV wall bracket installed above west bay window.
31: Copper tubing installed from sink.
31: Rain 9.30 inches. 2014: 2.40. 2015: 0.62.
Pushups: 7,600
Crunches: 12,000
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 7.12
APRIL 2016
1: Lowe's purchase: Two hanging brackets for the mirrors.
2: Hung the mirror with the shelf in the den above the piano.
2: We look at trucks and trailers in Fresno and Selma.
2: Movie: 13 Hours.
2: MIL returns from Portland. Plane was due at 5:15 p.m., but due to mechanical issues with the plane in Phoenix, her flight did not land until 10:52 p.m.
3: I disassemble some of the siding and trim to allow to work behind the TV wall bracket to reinforce.
3: My wife mows the grass. Now begins the mowing season.
3: I water the plants and fruit trees. Now begins the watering season.
4: Today is Square Root Day. The square root of "16" in 2016 is "04." 04-04-16.
4: Outlet installed for the TV in the den.
4: Dimmer switch installed for the ceiling fan in the den.
5: Gas $2.459.
5: Another outlet installed for Sierra Nevada sign.
5: Copper tubing installed for coaxial cable and HDMI for TV in den.
6: More copper tubing installed for bar sink.
6: Bar top is pre-stained.
7: Water hooked up to the bar sink.
7: Bar top sanded.
7: Teleconference with our financial planner.
7: Baja Fresh night.
8: Gas $2.479.
8: Rain 1.61 inches.
8: One of the ponderosa pines next to the trailhead across the street has been chopped down. It was marked #26.
9: One year with Sasha and Drake.
9: Rain 2.11 inches.
9: I move my officer's sword from behind the bar to the top of the doorway leading to the backyard.
9: We hang my coat rack birthday gift from Uncle T at the entranceway to the den.
9: No drive day.
10: Rain 0.12.
10: We have dinner at Uncle T's and Aunt C's along with RoN and SuSan. Venison tacos.
11: Aunt D's 96th birthday.
12: All dimmer switches in place for all of the lights in the den.
13: Gas $2.419.
14: Railing up for the den steps.
14: Crown molding made from ponderosa pine installed along the south ceiling of the den.
14: Baja Fresh night.
15: Lowe's purchase: doorknob, picture hangers.
15: Two coats of clear applied to handrail and counter top.
16: Replaced door knob on backdoor. Drake had managed to always open the door due to the handle. With a knob, that gonna happen anymore.
16: Replaced the truck gate latch.
16: Weedwhacked the west and east holler.
16: My wife tears down the remaining drywall in the Office.
16: My wife clears some of the brush along the road.
16: Pool party: My wife, GaRy, and me. Cutthroat.
16: No drive day.
17: We relocate the garden in the west holler.
17: No drive day.
19: Gas $2.419.
22: Door between MIL side and den installed.
22: Rain 0.48.
22: Lowe's purchase: three can lights, metal cutting blade, door knobs (2 interior and 1 exterior), gloves.
23: Sprinkle 0.01.
23: I install door knob to the north den door and to the east door.
23: More garden work relocating posts and fencing.
23: No drive day.
23: My wife and I play 15 games of 8-ball. She won 8 of the games.
24: Fishing at Bass Lake. Four spots and not a bite.
24: We see a bald eagle in flight west of Miller's Landing at Bass Lake.
24: I hang the large mirror on the south wall of the den.
25: Sprinkle 0.03.
25: We consult with our financial advisor at Panera. We sign the paperwork for our retirement.
26: Gas $2.419.
26: Lowe's purchase: 1 gallon of Valspar Ultra bistro white interior satin.
27: Office is textured.
27: Sprinkle 0.01.
27: Lowe's purchase: paint roller sleeves and door hinges. We pick up the knotty pine interior door we ordered last week for the office.
27: Baja Fresh night.
28: The "Office" is painted bistro white.
29: Gas $2.439.
29: KC and EriKa visit.
30: Fishing at Bass Lake at Willow Creek: GaRy, me, my wife, KC, and EriKa. GaRy catches the only trout...a 16-incher.
30: Rain 4.37 inches. 2014: 2.46. 2015: 2.89.
Pushups: 11,000
Crunches: 7,600
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 0.0
MAY 2016
1: Fishing at Bass Lake at Willow Creek: Me, my wife, KC, and EriKa. My wife catches an 8-inch trout and is released.
1: KC and EriKa leave.
1: More garden work.
1: The lower bar wall is painted.
2: MIL toilet stopped up.
4: Gas $2.419.
4: Haircut.
4: The electric fence arrives. This will be for Drake to keep him from doing his "Houdini Routini."
5: MIL toilet fixed.
5: Rain 0.11.
6: Rain 0.35.
6: Baja Fresh night.
7: Sprinkle .07.
8: Mother's Day.
8: Electric fence installed.
9: Las Vegas via Highway 58. Marriott Grand Chateau Room 3134. We get a rental car: Chrysler 200.
10: Las Vegas.
11: Return from Las Vegas.
12: Erected a compost enclosure near the garden.
13: No drive day.
13: Weedwhacked while my wife mowed.
13: Composter relocated to west garden.
14: Siding removed to make room for bathroom window relocation.
15: Bathroom window relocated.
15: No drive day.
16: Gas $2.439.
17: Cabinet to hide the water heater in the den is installed.
19: Door to office installed.
20: Gas $2.439.
20: KC and EriKa visit.
21: Family hike (Mist Trail/John Muir Trail loop): Me and my wife, KC and EriKa, DusTin and SaRah, TyLer and KelSey, LesLie, Uncle T and Aunt C. Uncle T and Aunt C were unable to keep up with us and turned around just short of the bridge. This is the very first hike with anyone on my wife's side of the family. It was SaRah's first visit to Yosemite.
22: KC and EriKa leave.
22: No drive day.
23: Lowe's purchase: 250-foot roll of 14-2 with ground, toilet, hinges, bathroom door, Durock (8), Durock screws, sponges, pegboard accessories, galvanized pipe, elbows and couplings.
24: Grassfire #1: Near Road 200 and the 41 on the southbound side.
24: Gas $2.439.
24: Rain 0.14.
24: One of the two ceiling beams are now secured tightly.
25: Rain 1.16.
27: Gas $2.439.
27: I purchase two pairs of Riggs workpants at Work World.
27: Lowe's purchase: screws, hinges, pegboard accessories, poison oak herbicide.
27: Baja Fresh night.
27: Grassfire #2: Off Road 211 (Road 200).
27: The wiring is complete in the office.
28: We tear down drywall in the mudroom and bathroom.
28: My wife mows the yard.
28: No drive day.
29: MIL, my wife, and I go to Fresno to look at trailers.
29: Lowe's purchase: tile samples.
30: We tear down more drywall in the mudroom and bathroom.
30: Swamp cooler cover removed.
30: No drive day.
30: Sasha and Drake love chicken broth with their dry food.
31: Early.
31: Toilet drain flange relocated. Holes drilled for water pipes.
31: The water line to the swamp cooler is relocated to the top of the cabinet which houses the water heater for easy access.
31: The swamp cooler is turned on for the first time.
31: The Subie has another radiator hose malfunction.
31: Rain 1.83 inches. 2014: 0.54. 2015: 1.87.
Pushups: 8,900
Crunches: 5,900
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 10.00/6:00:00
JUNE 2016
1: Early.
1: Drywall erected in mudroom so that we can tear down the bathroom drywall.
1: Grassfire #3: Highway 41 and Road 417 near Chukchansi Casino. Chevron Incident.
1: Subie has another leaking upper radiator hose.
1: 100.4°.
2: Early.
2: Gas $2.459.
2: Purchased a new upper radiator hose for the Subie.
2: Rewired the bathroom.
2: Subie has a cracked radiator. New one ordered from Rock Auto.
3: Early.
3: Truck oil changed.
3: 102.0°.
3: Uncle T delivers two cedar logs.
4: Bathroom drywall and framing taken down.
4: No drive day.
4: 101.5°.
5: Bathroom floor removed.
5: No drive day.
7: Primary Election Day.
7: Gas $2.439.
7: Shower basin, shower door, and shower plumbing arrive from Lowe's.
8: Lowe's purchase: 3 sheets of 3/4-inch plywood, sconces for bathroom.
8: Copper pipe in place for the vanity.
9: Subie radiator arrives from RockAuto.
9: Came down with another cold. Sore throat.
10: Lowe's purchase: shower valve.
10: We work on the bathroom renovations.
10: Old bathtub removed. Framing begun on new shower.
11: Bathroom renovation. Toilet replaced and relocated.
11: Greenboard drywall installed on shower and cement applied to cracks.
12: Rain 0.34. Lightning and thunder, too.
12: Shower door and hardware installed.
12: We take our first shower in our new shower.
12: No drive day.
12: All drain pipes and water fixtures installed. No leaks.
13: Subie radiator changed.
14: Gas $2.459.
14: We receive a Notice of Violation from the Madera County Animal Control regarding an incident with Drake.
15: Lowe's return: shower tower and shower valve.
15: Lowe's purchase: Dog run chain and hardware, squeegee, RainX for shower door, pipe insulation (6)
15: I call the Madera SPCA in regards to the Notice of Violation. Interesting.
16: One of the circuit breakers for the kitchen fizzles out and is replaced.
16: Installed new knotty pine door for bathroom.
16: Fixed shower valve. It was missing a disk that was to be between the shower valve and the scald control.
17: Gas $2.459.
17: Costco and TJ run.
18: Sent package of facial cream to my mother in Japan.
18: Dogs are taken to the veterinarian for their rabies shots.
18: Replaced kitchen faucet. The old one kept leaking and it was an accident waiting to happen.
19: Tore down some of the 2x4's in the ceiling.
19: Weedwhacked while my wife mowed.
19: Dog run installed in the east "holler."
19: Dinner at the Iron Horse BBQ for Father's Day.
19: A buyer purchased the leather sofa, chair and ottoman for $500.00. So long.
19: We play 3 games of 8-ball on Father's Day. My wife wins 2 out of 3. So much for letting me win.
20: Costco: we purchase a 43-inch LG flat screen and a Yamaha sound bar.
20: 100.4°.
21: Goodbye leather couch, chair and ottoman. The buyer removes them from the premises.
21: 102.4°.
22: Gas $2.459.
22: 100.0°.
24: Baja Fresh night.
25: DaNiel gives us a bid on the Upper.
25: Paul delivers our rough cut 1x8x16. About 50 in all.
25: Two runs to the transfer station in North Fork.
26: Replaced JayMi's showerhead with our old one.
26: 100.6°.
26: No drive day.
27: My wife "tworks."
27: Gas $2.439.
27: 105.1°.
27: Some greenboard installed in bathroom.
28: A 1,000 pushup day.
28: Some ceramic tile installed in the shower.
28: 104.2°.
29: A 1,000 pushup day.
29: 104.2°.
30: A 1,000 pushup day.
30: 102.7°.
30: The entire interior of the bathroom is tiled.
30: Shower alcove built to house shampoo and soap.
30: 100° days: 11 days. 2014: 3. 2015: 9.
30: Rain 0.34 inches. 2014: 0.01. 2015: 0.03.
Pushups: 13,500
Crunches: 7,700
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 0.00 / 0:00:00
JULY 2016
1: Gas $2.499.
1: Lowe's purchase: 5-gallon olive sawdust paint, 5-gallon of white bistro paint.
1: Haircut.
1: 102.6°.
2: TV installed in den.
2: Painted the Hardie siding.
2: Cut the rough cut into 8-foot sections.
3: No drive day.
3: I put up the siding along the bathroom window.
3: My wife washes my truck and MIL's Kia.
3: Painted the Hardie siding.
3: 100.8°.
4: My MIL, JayMi, my wife, and I enjoy BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, and salad.
4: We played one game of 8-ball on the Fourth of July.
5: Early.
5: Purchased two rear tires for truck at Walmart.
5: Tile applied on the showerhead side outside of the shower.
5: Bathtub is plumbed for the overflow.
6: Early.
6: Borrowed GaRy's trailer for a run to Madera and to Lowe's.
6: Madera run to pick up office furniture and take back to Fresno.
6: Lowe's purchase: Dog run cage, 3 4x4x10, 8 2x10x10, 6 Hardie sheets, 1 12-foot Hardie plank, Z-bar, brackets, 4x6 window.
7: Gas $2.539.
7: Early.
7: Lowe's purchase: plastic shelving rack, electrical ceiling box.
7: Bathtub fixtures installed.
8: Early.
8: Baja Fresh night.
9: Installed drywall on bathroom ceiling.
9: Sound bar hooked up in the den.
9: More reinstalling of the siding on the west side.
9: Shower glass switched.
9: No drive day.
10: Drywall and insulation installed on the bathroom walls.
10: More reinstalling of the siding on the west side.
12: More drywall installed in bathroom.
13: Gas $2.489.
13: Grouted shower tile.
13: More drywall installed.
13: Lowe's purchase: 6 2x4x8, insulation, paint rollers, metal plates.
14: Our ninth anniversary. Dinner at South Gate Brewing Company.
14: 103.1°.
15: Some drywall up in bathroom and hallway.
15: 101.3°.
15: KC and EriKa visit.
16: More drywall up in bathroom.
17: Bass Lake Pine Point to mingle with family.
17: KC and EriKa leave.
18: Lowe's purchase: metal plate protectors, drill bit holder. We pick up 15 1x4x10s and half roll of Tyvek.
18: Pain along my spine and right arm. Thumb, forefinger, and middle finger numb.
19: Gas $2.459.
19: Right arm numb along with my thumb and two fingers.
19: Chiropractor for both of us.
19: Bathtub plumbing installed.
19: Work on the upper roof begins.
20: Bathtub piping installed.
20: Dermatologist visit for my wife.
21: Serpa Canyon Fire.
21: Bathtub is running.
22: Gas $2.379.
22: Eight years.
23: Planed the rough cut pine planks.
23: Dinner at Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino with MIL and JayMi.
23: 101.1°.
23: Our first bath in our new bath tub.
24: Finished planing all of the rough cut pine planks.
24: No drive day.
24: 102.7°.
25: Wife teleworks.
25: 103.6°.
26: Early.
26: 103.8°.
27: We take MIL to airport for her trip to Portland, OR, and then to Dallas, OR.
27: Early.
27: Gas $2.299.
27: Chiropractor for us.
27: 106.3°.
28: Early.
28: Gas $2.299.
28: Doctor appointment for the both of us. I also get X-rays.
28: 106.0°.
29: Early.
29: 106.2°.
30: We erect a wire roof over the dog run. Drake cannot get out now.
30: 105.4°.
31: We paint the siding and trim boards.
31: No drive day.
31: 101.5°. Nine straight days of 100° temperatures.
31: Another batch of tonic is made.
31: 100° days: 13 days. 2014: 13. 2015: 8.
31: Rain 0.00 inches. 2014: 0.03. 2015: 1.23.
31: A dry month.
Pushups: 6,000
Crunches: 5,800
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 7.86 / 3:00:00
1: We purchase a 4-person Camp Dome 4 tent and a footprint from REI. My wife purchases REI convertible hiking pants.
1: 100.4°. Ten straight days of 100° temperatures.
2: 100.0°. Eleven straight days of 100° temperatures.
2: Subway tile around the bathtub.
3: Gas $2.159.
3: Chiropractor for both of us.
3: Drywall up in the bathroom and the subway tile grouted white.
3: The 100° streak ends. Eleven straight days.
4: We meet DaNiel, SumMer, and TedDy.
5: Bloodwork.
5: Wi-fi installed.
6: Dallas, OR bound via Interstate 5.
7: Our twin nephews celebrate their first year.
7: No drive day.
9: Newport, OR.
10: Camped in northern California with our new tent and sleeping bags.
10: Vanity installed in bathroom.
10: Harbor Freight: Miter stand saw.
11: Home again.
12: Lowe's purchase: DeWalt table saw.
12: We pick up MIL at the airport.
13: No drive day.
14: To Pacific Grove Monarch Resort to celebrate my wife's birthday.
15: My wife's birthday. The children get her an Intex Mariner 4 four-person rubber boat.
17: Lowe's purchase: Rectangle steel gable vent, OSB, 2x4x96 (6), crown molding.
17: Baja Fresh night.
18: Sheetrocked office closet.
18: Dinner at Ducey's at Bass Lake with GaRy and JaNell.
19: Installed baseboards in office.
20: No drive day.
20: Tongue and grooved ponderosa pine planks for hallway.
20: We decide to go with a contractor to work on the Upper.
21: Bathroom lights installed. Very bright!
21: Ripped cut ponderosa pine planks.
21: No drive day.
22: Early.
22: Lowe's purchase: Gloves, pliers, bathroom hardware, heater box ordered, carpet ordered for the office and master bedroom, stain.
23: Early.
23: Knotty pine trim installed around office window and the old trim from the mud room closet is installed around the new office closet along with the closet bar.
24: Early.
24: Gas $2.299.
25: Early.
25: Trim around the bathroom door and window.
25: Office closet shelf installed and closet doors from the old coat closet installed in office closet.
26: Early.
26: Haircut.
26: Heater installed but not hooked up and bathroom backsplash installed.
27: Used drywall screws to secure the plywood flooring in the bathroom, office, and hallway.
27: Prestained and puttied the nail holes in the window and door trims of the bathroom and office.
28: Ripped the remainder of the rough cut ponderosa pine planks.
28: My wife sanding seals and clearcoats the bathroom and office window trim and door trim.
28: Used drywall screws to secure some of the plywood flooring in our bedroom.
28: No drive day.
29: Gas $2.359.
30: Crown molding up in bathroom.
31: 100° days: 6 days. 2014: 3. 2015: 5.
31: Rain 0.00 inches. 2014: 0.00. 2015: 0.01.
31: Another dry month.
31: Lowe's purchase: 10-gallon Shop Vac, Shark Vacuum, laser level, pneumatic nail gun, screws, nails, four 8-foot long baseboards
31: Three center drawers installed in the vanity.
Pushups: 1,600
Crunches: 2,400
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 2.75 / 1:00:00
1: Truck hits 200,000 miles at 6:30 a.m.
1: Gas $2.359.
1: Dentist for both of us.
1: Bathroom crown molding done.
1: Bathroom Hardie board applied on the floor.
2: We take in my Trek 6700 for repairs at REI and we purchase a Novarra mountain bike for my wife.
3: We clear out the office and bedroom of all furniture except the bed.
3: Screwed down the plywood flooring.
3: My wife grouts the bathroom floor.
3: My wife paints the trim.
4: No drive day.
5: We disassemble the bed.
6: Carpet installed in office and master bedroom.
7: Gas $2.339.
7: We begin our "circuit training" by running up the stairs and around the vacant lot adjacent our property. The dogs enjoy the exercise, too.
9: Truck oil change.
9: Baja Fresh night.
9: Lowe's purchases: paint, full-length mirror, and other things.
10: Cut the bathroom baseboard to length.
10: Hung full-length mirror in bathroom between vanity and toilet.
11: Screwed down the plywood in the living room.
11: My wife paints the west and north walls of the bathroom (light blue) and the north wall of the office (light green). Hung two pictures in the bathroom.
12: Early.
12: Gas $2.399.
12: Had to take my wife to the doctor.
12: Bike rack ordered online.
13: Early.
13: Gable vent ordered online.
13: Lowe's purchase: gas stove, knee pads, screws, painting supplies.
14: Early.
15: Early.
15: Gas $2.439.
16: Early.
17: Trimmed closet doors and bathroom door and rehung them. No more scraping the carpet or rugs!
17: Assembled the weight tree to store our weights.
17: No drive day.
18: Tongued and grooved all of the remaining ponderosa pine planks.
18: No drive day.
19: My wife teleworks.
19: 100.9°.
19: The Thule 912 XTR bike rack arrives.
20: Passing lanes on SR-41 near 22 Mile House are now open from mile posts 11.7 to 13.4.
20: Gas $2.479.
20: Bike right attached to truck.
21: Truck "warsht."
21: We get our bikes from REI. My Trek 6700 went in for a long overdue tuneup and hers was a brand new Novarra mountain bike.
21: Sprinkle! A mere 0.01 inch.
21: The Power Tower arrives. Time for pullups, bardips, vertical knee raises, and pushups.
21: Bathroom towel cabinet in place.
22: Bathroom towel cabinet installed.
22: Some pieces of tile around the bathtub in place.
23: Gas $2.479.
23: Baja Fresh night.
24: We take the chainsaw in for repairs and purchase "Conan": a very heavy wedge for wood splitting.
24: Wood logs around the premises split and stacked.
25: Power Tower assembled.
25: No drive day.
26: Our new laptop arrives.
27: We cancel our gym membership.
28: Gas $2.419.
28: Harbor Freight purchase: tarps and gloves.
28: Chipotle night.
28: More drawers and doors installed in vanity and cabinet.
29: Lowe's purchase: Two 10-foot 1/2 inch galvanized pipe.
29: Baja Fresh night.
30: MIL birthday. Dinner at Chukchansi Casino.
30: 100° days: 1 day. 2014: 3. 2015: 3.
30: Rain 0.01 inches. 2014: 1.27. 2015: 0.37.
Pushups: 3,600
Crunches: 3,600
Pullups: 5
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 0.00 / 0:00:00
1: Garage sale.
1: We fire up the new laptop.
1: We ride our bikes for the first time.
2: Garage sale.
2: Bathroom vanity and closet stained and lacquered with first coat.
3: Early.
3: Gas $2.399.
4: Early.
5: Early.
6: Early.
6: Gas $2.379.
7: Early.
8: The remaining drawers are lacquered with their second coat and all of the vanity and cabinet receive their second coat of lacquer.
9: All the drawers and the vanity are filled. No more boxes.
9: No drive day.
10: Portions of the roof extensions for the Upper installed.
10: My wife cleans out the refrigerator.
10: Installed some 1/2 inch OSB in the south porch attic.
10: Electric blanket is engaged.
11: One-half cord of wood delivered.
12: Gas $2.439.
13: We prep the upper with plastic sheeting in preparation for the "storm" coming.
14: Haircut.
14: Rain 0.03 inches.
15: Rain 0.82 inches.
15: We attach extension stringers to the upper rafters.
16: No drive day.
16: We move the pavers to a different location in the backyard. We now have room to roam north of the house.
16: Rain 0.43 inches.
17: Wife teleworks.
17: Gas $2.359.
18: Lowe's purchase: 22-foot ladder and accessories.
18: Baja Fresh night.
19: Chiropractor for both of us.
20: Gas $2.339.
21: KC and EriKa visit.
22: Last of the stringers attached to the Upper roof. Plywood down, paper down, rolled shingles down, and tar down. KC and EriKa help us out and their assistance was greatly appreciated. It would have taken my wife and me another three days, but we all did it in two total days.
22: No drive day.
23: KC and EriKa leave.
23: Upper stringers and underside of roof painted.
23: Temporary door built for water heater.
23: No drive day.
24: Rain 0.27.
25: Subaru windshield replaced.
26: Gas $2.339.
26: JayMi's birthday.
26: Drake bites our neighbor Gail on the leg and breaks the skin.
26: More pine trees are being cut down.
27: Rain 0.53 inches.
28: Rain 1.02 inches.
28: Baja Fresh night.
29: Fascia board installed on north side of the Upper.
30: We move the doghouse and Power Tower onto the south front porch.
30: No drive day.
30: We watch our first Netflix movie at home: London Has Fallen
30: Rain 1.38 inches.
31: Sprinkle 0.01 of an inch.
31: Wife teleworks.
31: Gas $2.319.
31: Rain 4.49 inches. 2014: 0.96. 2015: 0.98.
Pushups: 5,300
Crunches: 4,200
Pullups: 90
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 30
Walk/hike/run: 0.00 / 0:00:00
1: Sprinkle 0.24.
2: Sprinkle 0.01.
2: Cubs win the World Series by beating the Indians!
4: Gas $2.319.
4: Truck oil change.
5: Last of the fascia on the Upper installed and the rest of them are secured.
5: No drive day.
6: Platform near the Upper cooler is constructed and painted.
6: No drive day.
8: Election day.
9: Gas $2.299.
11: To the Sacramento IKEA.
11: Stayed at Sheraton Four Points.
11: Dinner at In-N-Out!
12: Purchased mattress, file cabinets, chairs, and other accessories.
12: Chipotle night.
13: Assembled file cabinets and office chair.
13: No drive day.
14: Wife teleworks.
14: Gas $2.279.
14: We see the Super Moon.
17: Gas $2.259.
19: We move the oak firewood pile to the back gate.
19: We construct a fire pit.
19: No drive day.
20: No drive day.
20: We clean the house.
20: Rain 0.40 inches.
21: Sprinkle 0.09 inches.
22: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
22: Foggy.
22: Gas $2.219.
22: One cord of wood delivered.
23: Sprinkle 0.03 inches.
24: Thanksgiving dinner: Me, my wife, MIL, JayMi, KC, KlaUs and GaIl, SaSha & Drake. Uncle T and Aunt C and Tre and KenNedy and NiKo join later for dessert.
25: The Five Ninerth. No. 60 if counting the first. Party: My wife, MIL, JayMi, KC, Uncle T and Aunt C, Tre, TyLer and Kelsey, DusTin and SaRah. I get a utility knife from JayMi, a polo shirt and book on tools from my MIL, and a drill and worklight from my wife, and a K-bar letter opener from Uncle T.
26: No drive day.
26: Rain 0.70 inches.
25: We stack the one cord of wood, we cover up the cooler, plug up the no longer used gray water vents on the roof, and clean out the rain gutters.
27: Rain 1.24 inches including 1/2 inch of snow (later melted).
28: Appointment for me at a new doctor office in Oakhurst.
29: Gas $2.179.
29: Chiropractor for the both of us.
30: My wife buys an artificial tree for the office to get rid of the "Charlie Brown tree."
30: Rain 2.80 inches. 2014: 2.36. 2015: 5.36.
Pushups: 5,600
Crunches: 6,600
Pullups: 320
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 5.24 / 2:02:00
2: Gas $2.179.
2: Chipotle night.
2: Haircut.
3: No drive day.
3: My wife works overtime, while I stay at home with the dogs.
4: Bathroom wall heater operational.
4: No drive day.
4: Christmas lights hung.
6: Gas $2.199.
6: Hallway light switch relocated and a receptacle is installed in the hallway. This receptacle will have a night light so that we can see the dogs in the late evening and early morning hours.
7: Sasha and Drake's second birthday. I cover their evening meal with Purina's Beyond Natural Beef and Apple Puree with Vitamin A and Zinc.
7: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
8: Rain 0.56 inches.
9: Gas $2.199. I purchased the 91 octane at $2.399.
9: Baja Fresh night.
10: Took truck to Lit'l Joe's for the check engine light issue.
10: More lights hung.
10: Deep sink faucet needs repair. Need to buy a replacement.
10: Rain: 1.36 inches.
11: More Christmas lights hung.
11: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
12: Check engine light (CEL) on Subie comes on...again.
12: Wife teleworks.
12: Truck fixed.
12: Subie in for repairs due to check engine light.
13: Replaced MIL's deep sink faucet.
14: Gas $2.259.
14: Bathroom fan installed.
14: Hallway electrical completed.
15: MIL to Dallas, OR.
15: Rain 2.76 inches.
15: Subie repaired.
16: Rain 0.97 inches.
17: Christmas shopping in Fresno: Big 5 (Oakhurst), Whole Foods, Eddie Bauer, Lowe's, Trader Joe's, REI, Macy's, and Kohl's.
17: We purchase a live tree at Lowe's.
17: Chipotle night.
18: We decorate the Christmas tree.
19: Early.
19: Gas $2.199.
20: Early.
21: Early.
22: Early.
23: Rain 1.12 inches.
23: The truck is fixed due to a faulty coil on cylinder #2.
24: Rain 0.05 inches. Including graupel.
25: Another white Christmas for two years in a row!
25: Christmas dinner consisting of homemade meatballs, homemade bread, ham, yam and green bean salad, and pomegranate and cranberry sauce. We also receive pie from our neighbor GaIl and a yule log from her sister JenNifer.
25: Precipitation 0.13 inches.
25: Gifts: Coffee mug, thermometer, pillow (Happy Campers), Roku, slippers, Dockers, Queen greatest hits CD, pullover sweater, pajama bottoms, pen light.
25: No drive day.
25: KC, EriKa, my wife and I play one game of 8-ball.
25: We watch "The Imitation Game" and "Siege of Jadotville" along with watching "Stranger Things" on our big screen television in the living room with the Roku we got from KC and EriKa.
26: Precipitation 0.09 inches.
26: No drive day.
27: Precipitation 0.06 inches.
27: Gas $2.279.
28: Earthquake with aftershocks after midnight. Epicenter: Hawthorne, NV.
28: The truck check engine light comes on again.
29: Gas $2.299.
31: We look at Chevrolet and Dodge trucks.
31: MIL returns from Dallas, OR.
31: Rain 7.00 inches. 2014: 5.41. 2015: 8.84.
Pushups: 5,800
Crunches: 6,800
Pullups: 475
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 30
Walk/hike/run: 13.37 / 4:45:00
2016 TOTALS:
Pushups: 80,800
Crunches: 76,600
Pullups: 890
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 30
Walk/hike/run: 48.84 / 20:40:30
Pushups: 1,628,700
Crunches: 2,072,900
Pullups: 39,330
Bardips: 37,970
Vertical knee raises: 25,070
Walk/hike/run: 243.45 / 94:14:12
2016 Resolutions:
Have fun. Yep!
Lose 10 pounds! Nope
Get out and hike more. Not quite
See more movies. Not really
Get the house renovations D-O-N-E!!! Still a work in progress. At least the bedrooms are done.
2016 Highlights:
2,000,000th crunch. (01-14-16)
ABC30 news interview. (01-19-16)
First commute to Fresno and back via Road 211. (01-20-16)
Gas is at $1.999. (02-02-16)
Gas $1.979. (02-05-16)
Gas $1.859. (02-25-16)
Pool table assembled (purchased 07-03-14 and delivered 08-21-14). (02-28-16)
Playing 8-ball and 9-ball on leap day. (02-29-16)
Playing billiards on the first Saturday in our home. (03-05-16)
Seeing a bald eagle in flight in the wild at Bass Lake. (04-24-16)
Going to Las Vegas via Highway 58 and staying at the Marriott Grand Chateau. (05-09-16 to 05-11-16)
Hiking with family on the Mist Trail/John Muir Trail Loop. (05-21-16)
Purchase a 43-inch LG flat screen and a Yamaha sound bar. (06-20-16)
Sold the leather couch, chair, and ottoman. (06-21-16)
We take a bath in our new bathtub. (07-23-16)
Truck reaches 200,000 miles at 6:30 a.m. (09-01-16)
We purchase a Novarra bike for my wife. (09-02-16)
Carpet is installed in the office and bedroom. Check these two rooms as completed. (09-06-16)
We purchase a new gas stove. (09-13-16)
Thule 912 XTR bike rack arrives. (09-20-16)
The Power Tower arrives. (09-21-16)
Our new laptop arrives. (09-26-16)
We ride our bikes for the first time. (10-01-16)
We see the Super Moon. (11-14-16)
We construct a firepit. (11-19-16)
Playing pool on Thanksgiving Day for the very first time. (11-24-16)
Playing pool on 11-25-16. (11-25-16)
Sasha and Drake's two-years old. (12-07-16)
White Christmas. (12-25-16)
KC, EriKa, my wife and I play one game of 8-ball on Christmas Day. (12-25-16)
We watch "The Imitation Game" and "Siege of Jadotville" along with a few episodes of "Stranger Things" on our big screen television in the living room with the Roku we got from KC and EriKa. (12-25-16)
2016 Lowlights:
Drake bites our neighbor Gail. (10-26-16)
2016 Movies:
13 Hours (04-02-16)
London Has Fallen (Netflix) (10-30-16)
Special Events:
We have a post-New Year's Day party at our home (01-02-15).
Superb Owl 50 at our home (02-07-16).
First Saturday night billiards party (03-05-16).
Total cement siding planks purchased since 09-27-13:
09-27-13: 12
11-23-13: 22
03-02-14: 30
03-17-14: 15
06-28-14: 10
01-12-15: 7
Total: 96
Total cement siding sheets:
06-28-14: 10
12-05-14: 11
03-20-15: 35
Total: 56
What happened in 2016.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Do animals really sense in impending earthquake? We witnessed firsthand that they do, at least Drake anyways.
I awoke around 12:15 a.m. because of Drake barking and pacing around the house. Sasha was on her bed with her ears down. I grab a flashlight to see if there may have been a bear or deer or raccoon outside. Nothing.
Then, I felt a "thump" and heard the rattling of glasses in the cabinet. Earthquake. It was just a shudder and nothing more.
I soothe the poochers down and retire to bed.
Then around 1:13 a.m. I hear Drake barking again. I get up. Go outside. Nothing.
I go back to bed...
Then I felt another "thump." My wife was fast asleep.
The quake was centered near Hawthorne, NV. The magnitudes ranges from 5.5 to 5.7.
I awoke around 12:15 a.m. because of Drake barking and pacing around the house. Sasha was on her bed with her ears down. I grab a flashlight to see if there may have been a bear or deer or raccoon outside. Nothing.
Then, I felt a "thump" and heard the rattling of glasses in the cabinet. Earthquake. It was just a shudder and nothing more.
I soothe the poochers down and retire to bed.
Then around 1:13 a.m. I hear Drake barking again. I get up. Go outside. Nothing.
I go back to bed...
Then I felt another "thump." My wife was fast asleep.
The quake was centered near Hawthorne, NV. The magnitudes ranges from 5.5 to 5.7.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Thanks to the one-half inch of graupel that fell late Christmas Eve, we experienced another white Christmas for a second year in a row.
The below is the cause of me not attaining my weight loss goal of 10 pounds.
Oh well, these were delicious.
The pie was baked by our neighbor GaIl and the yule log was baked by her sister JenNifer.
Also, mix in homemade meatballs, baked ham, garlic mashed potatoes and gravy, yam and green bean salad, pomegranate and cranberry sauce, homebaked rosemary bread, and black olives. Believe it or not, no rice!
The below is the cause of me not attaining my weight loss goal of 10 pounds.
Oh well, these were delicious.
The pie was baked by our neighbor GaIl and the yule log was baked by her sister JenNifer.
Also, mix in homemade meatballs, baked ham, garlic mashed potatoes and gravy, yam and green bean salad, pomegranate and cranberry sauce, homebaked rosemary bread, and black olives. Believe it or not, no rice!
Friday, December 16, 2016
3.14 in case you didn't know.
Well, we received 3.41 inches of rain in a 24-hour period.
The streams are flowing on both sides of us...
Well, we received 3.41 inches of rain in a 24-hour period.
The streams are flowing on both sides of us...
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
![]() |
What the? Hey, can we get some sleep around here. It is our birthday for Pete's sake! |
In human years, that's two years old. Today is Sasha and Drake's second birthday.
When we got the dogs in 2015, they both weighed around 30 pounds. Now, Sasha weighs around 70 and Drake weighs around 60.
Whenever I do my pushups in the morning, Drake comes over and does his version of pushups what yoga practitioners refer to downward-facing dog. He sometimes puts his front paw on the back of my neck as to say, "You are not doing them right. Down further!"
And if that isn't enough, when I do my crunches both dogs are in my face and Sasha decides to straddle my belly and plop down on top of stomach. Seventy pounds is a lot of weight.
Their world revolves not only around us, but also a ball I purchased months ago. Both Sasha and Drake love that ball. Whenever we are outside working around the house, they retrieve the ball and place it behind us. When we turn around they are both looking at the ball. They want us to kick it or throw it. Drake usually is the first to retrieve, but if he is not, he takes the ball away from Sasha and brings it back to us. He needs more work on the retrieving part as he drops it the all several feet away from us. Sasha will then pick up the ball and drop it at our feet.
Sasha can be a little sneaky. They are not allowed into our bedroom, but sometimes when my wife gets up in the middle of the night, Sasha comes darting in to lick my hand to tell me she has to go outside. Before my feet hit the ground, she is out of the bedroom, and lying on her back in the living room to get her tummy rubbed before heading outside. Meanwhile, my wife comes out of the bathroom wondering what all of the commotion is about.
Drake has calmed down considerably and is not the "HD" (Houdini dog) he used to be. He loves to "hug" when I am sitting at the dinner table. Whenever I move my hand, he moves his head under my hand to move it which results in his version of a hug. He still manages to wriggle through my MIL's doggy door. Don't know how he does it but he does it. Meanwhile, barrel-chested Sasha is left outdoors by her lonesome. Poor teeng.
They were treated to their normal food with an extra bonus...Purina Beyond's Natural Beef & Apple Pureee with Vitamin A & Zinc...they loved it when I poured it over their food. They were also treated to two very large beef ribs.
Sasha snaps her jaws whenever she wants attention and throws in an occasional "yip." Drake thumps his tail like a bass drum to let us know all is good.
Sasha also likes to come behind me between my legs to get the doggy rub. She loves it.
They are the best "poochers" in the world.
Happy birthday Sasha and Drake!
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