Hiking/running totals: 718.48 miles / 303 hours 52 minutes 54 seconds.
Commute cycling totals: 2,222.96 miles / 145 hours 28 minutes 7 seconds.
Ride days: 137
Non-ride ("wasted") days: 95Weekend/recreational cycling totals: 42.19 miles / 3 hours 8 minutes 48 seconds
Overall ride total: 2,265.15 miles / 148 hours 36 minutes 55 seconds
Pushups: 66,100
Crunches: 119,000
Pullups: 1,310
Bardips: 1,310
Summits for 2005 (elevations in feet):San Gabriel Peak (6,161) -- Red Box Station, ODC, January 29
Rocky Peak (2,714) -- Hummingbird Trail, ODC, March 13
Sunset Peak (5,796) -- Mt. Baldy Village, ODC, March 19
Bedford Peak (3,800) -- Silverado Motorway, ODC, March 26
Bald Peak (3,947) -- Silverado Motorway ODC, March 26
Modjeska Peak (5,496) -- Silverado Motorway, ODC, March 26
Tahquitz Peak (8,828) -- South Ridge Trail, ODC, April 17
Strawberry Peak (6,164) -- Red Box Station, ODC, April 22
Thunder Mountain (8,587) -- Manker Flats-San Antonio Road, ODC, May 14
Timber Mountain (8,303) -- Ice House Canyon, ODC, June 5
Mt. San Antonio (10,064) -- Baldy Bowl-Devil's Backbone-San Antonio Road, ODC, June 25
Mt. Whitney (14,497) -- Mt. Whitney Trail, ODC, July 12
Mt. Whitney (14,497) -- Mt. Whitney Trail, ODC & TFG, August 5
San Bernardino Peak (10,649) -- San Bernardino Peak Trail, August 13
Mt. San Antonio (10,064) -- Baldy Bowl-Devil's Backbone-San Antonio Road, ODC, August 20
Bertha Peak (8,201) -- Cougar Crest Trail (Big Bear), ODC, September 4
Mt. San Antonio (10,064) -- Baldy Bowl Trail, Solo, October 22
Los Pinos Peak (4,510) -- East Horsethief Trail, ODC, November 19
Almanac:January 6: First ride day of the year (16.52 miles / 1:06:34)
January 18: 30,000 cycling commute miles since working at TFG.
January 19: I get a FasTrak transponder. No more fumbling for quarters on the tollways.
January 23: Pulled my left calf and right hamstring in a co-ed softball game. Two limp gimp.
January 26: My sixth year at TFG.
January 29: First summit of San Gabriel Peak (6,161)
February 13: Led my first ODC hike at Crystal Cove State Park. The muddiest ODC hike ever!
March 26: First summits of Modjeska Peak (5,496), Bedford Peak (3,800), Bald Peak (3,947).
April 14: One thousand miles cycling commute.
May 4: "Blogging" for the first time.
May 14: First summit of Thunder Mountain (8,587).
June 5: First summit of Timber Mountain (8,303).
June 13: Unsuccessful Whitney summit. Hyperextended right knee.
July 1: Vivian Creek trail opens after months of logging.
July 12: Second Whitney dayhike summit with ODC members Tonya, Joe, and Adrienne. Their first summit on their first attempt. 22 miles in 13 hours 46 minutes.
July 28: Chemotherapy over. Onward to the next switchback.
August 5: Third Whitney dayhike summit with ODC member Cisco (first summit first try), and friend, Joe (third summit) , and co-workers Garv and Jonathan (first summit first try). 22 miles in 14 hours 27 minutes.
August 13: First summit of San Bernardino Peak (10,649).
September 1: Mandatory Settlement Conference. Divorce final. Time to move on.
September 4: First summit of Bertha Peak (8,201).
September 8: 100th bike commute day.
October 15: The "shoebox" goes up for sale with an asking price of $519,000.
October 22: First solo summit of Mt. San Antonio (10,064) via Baldy Bowl Trail.
November 11: Two thousand commute miles. Egads! Seven months to ride 1,000 miles?
November 14: The "shoebox" drops to $499,000.
November 19: First summit of Los Pinos Peak (4,510). Easy scramble!
November 23-27: Walking in a Whitney Wonderland. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
November 27: The back goes out trying to repair a vacuum. Go figure!
December 7: Ex-wife "proposes" to pay me $2,000 to move out by January 15. Not! NUTS!
December 8: Sciatica. The back and now this!
December 10: The "shoebox" goes down in price to $485,000.
December 18: The "shoebox" gets a bid for $485,000.
December 25: Another Christmas come and gone.
December 28: Broke the 2,200 mile barrier in cycling commute.
December 29: Signed paperwork for a bid of $475,000 on the shoebox. Counter offers to follow.
December 31: I buy an iPod. Thank you, Mom and Dad! My parents still spoil me so at my ripe age! The one that stores 7500 songs. Jeesh! I don't know that many songs!
And that's the way it was for me in 2005.
I was lucky. There are many of you out there who know of people who lost loved ones and were displaced by the recent hurricanes. I cannot imagine losing my home, my business, my job as well as my worldly possessions and having to evacuate and to live in a strange city without knowing where I will be living next. My heart and prayers go out to those families.
Natural disasters and wars take their toll. We grieve, but we must continue with our lives. Yes, it has been hard for all of us.
I always say to people, "If I can do it, you can do it." We have to pull ourselves up from our despair and continue to live and breathe another day and appreciate all that surrounds us.
Well, damned if we do and damned if we don't. Well, damnit, let's do it!
May your 2006 be a wonderful year. My resolutions? Have fun, ride more, hike more, run more, help others, etc.
In other words...
Carry on and be myself.