Erin at the summit marker with Mt. San Antonio in the background.

Me and Erin.
Patty became interested in mountaineering while her and her husband were troop leaders of their son's boy scout troop. Mt. Baden-Powell is named after the founder of the Boy Scouts. I dedicated this hike in her memory. We have to carry on for Patty...she would have wanted it that way.
Erin, Joe and I set out on our hike to BP's summit around 9:30 a.m. It was ideal hiking conditions. Erin experienced some hip pain about three-quarters of a mile from the summit. I immediately took one of the full Nalgene bottles from her pack to lighten the load. Joe offered to carry it for her. That seemed to do the trick.
We reached the summit at 12:00. It was Erin's first summit of the 9,399 foot peak. Her first summit of any peak for that matter. There were tens of thousands of ladybug beetles flying around at the summit to greet us.
The hike took us 4 hours and 15 minutes.
The torch has been passed to another mountaineer...