That is what my psychologist said last night. I had a panic attack last Sunday after my run, because I failed to continue taking my fluoxetine since Thanksgiving.
The good side is that I "probably" didn't have a "vapor lock" after all. The bad side is that I am possibly "chemically dependent" on fluoxetine. Great. I am now an official member of the great American society of pill-poppers. Got a medical problem, pop a pill.
The psych wrote another prescription for another anti-depressant but I am hesitant to get it. My little "reality check" on Sunday was enough to jolt me out of my current predicament.
I am going to ride this storm out. The only "pills" I want to pop are aspirins and vitamins.
As we grow older our mind and body start misfiring. Duh! Too bad I can't get a "tune up" for another 100,000 miles and replace my brain, blood, and lymphatic system.
It was a strange coincidence that there was a documentary on HBO this morning on panic attacks. Earl Campbell and Kim Basinger also have this "disorder."
Ah, a sign from a higher power...