February 17: I fly for the first time since 9/11/2001.
March 4: My sciatica flares up on the left side. Piriformis muscle is the culprit.
March 7: I fly home again.
March 10: My father passes away.
March 13: Funeral. Full military honors.
March 21: Aunt Kimiko arrives from Japan. Her first visit to the US since 1967.
March 31: I go to the ER in Palmdale for my sciatica.
April 16: Another MRI.
April 23: Neurosurgeon visit. NO SURGERY!
May 9: Mom and Aunt Kimiko fly to Japan.
May 12: Mt. Wilson hike. 14 miles; 11:24:00. First summit hike with Pam.
May 13: Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
May 16: 1,000,000th crunch at 0607.
May 26: Failed summit attempt of Half-Dome with Pam.
May 29: I propose to Pam while at her house.
June 2: I ask permission for Pam's hand in marriage. Permission granted. We later go to Whitney Portal to survey our "wedding chapel." Pam's first visit.
June 11: I move to the first floor of the office building. I finally get an office with a view.
June 17: Father's Day. Happy Father's Day, Dad!
June 18: 100 days since my father's passing.
July 5: Moving day. Good-bye, Orange County.
July 9: Mom returns from Japan.
July 14: Wedding day at Whitney Portal.
July 22: Auction. Everything sold.
July 24: Goodbye, Shelby County, MO.
July 27: My wife and I complete the honeymoon "loop." Mom returns to Japan.
August 6: Mt. Whitney attempt aborted due to work conflicts.
August 14: Training starts.
August 15: Pam's birthday.
August 24: My back "blows out" again.
August 25: We accept counter offer on house. The 45-day escrow starts.
September 15: Mt. Whitney attempt with Pam, Wes, and Sandra. I fail to summit. Pam and Sandra's first summit, Wes' second. Veronica was to go but had to back out due to family matters.
September 22: The first September snows fall in the mountains at the 6,000 foot and above.
September 29: My wife's last day at the Lancaster office.
October 1: My wife's first day at her "new" office.
October 6: The escrow signing and final walk-thru.
October 12: Training over.
October 13: The move from Southern California to Northern California
October 15: My first day.
December 25: Our first Christmas.
December 31: The end of the year.
And other notable events of 2007...