That is the thermometer reading on the new Marquis Spa Epic we purchased and was delivered and installed today on our back patio between our den and the pool. Measuring 90" by 90" by 35.5", the Epic has two pumps that pushes 450 gallons of water through 57 jets and has seating for six people. Two pumps and 57 jets. It provides the ulitmate hydrotherapeutic experience. It boasts a unique hydrotherapy pillar to achieve precision point therapy in areas not typically reached in a seating position. It has extra legroom, an oversized, barrier-free footwell, and strategically placed hand grips for stretching and aiding movement. The open, multilevel seating for six people features a combination of reclined and upright seats including the Adirondack chair which provdes full body support, while massaging the feet, calves, thighs, back and neck.
Pam and I haggle for control over the Ad chair!
Next is the "cage" and more on that later.