The record setting heat in Redding (109°), seeing the majestic Lassen Peak for the first time, hiking the infamous Bumpass Hell trail, seeing Mt. Shasta without the snow, Crater Lake, the roaring Rogue River, the record setting heat in Medford, OR (108°), the seaside resort of Crescent City, camping at Mill Creek Campground, hiking Damnation Trail, staying and driving through Santa Cruz, taking a "spur" to Big Sur and then back up and over to Gilroy.
We pulled into the holy city of Redding to check into our hotel, dump our gear and then head out on SR 44 to drive 44 miles to Lassen Volcanic Park. HOT! HOT! HOT! Our drive to Lassen was scenic. We drove around clockwise around the park. There was some road construction going on causing delays on our way around the park.
MT. SHASTA (08/15/08)
CRATER LAKE (08/15/08)
After Crater Lake, we stopped to see the lava tubes on the Rogue River and then it was Medford. We drove around the town looking for good places to stay and wound up staying at the Rogue River Inn. The city planners and the civil engineers must have been at odds with each other, because it was like driving in a maze from the highway to the hotel. The next morning, I'll be damned that every turn I took to exit the parking lot was a dead end. I eventually followed a garbage truck to get the heck out of there. We headed up north to Grants Pass and took Highway 199 and headed west and south to California and the holy city of Crescent City.
MILL CREEK CAMPGROUND (08/16/08-08/17/08)
Our final night at the camp was eventful. We heard what sounded like a bird but it could have been a raptor from Jurassic Park. Eerie sound. Elk maybe? But we didn't hear any other noise but for the strange sound. We don't know what it was that made that strange noise. Then the rains came and the thunder.
That morning, it was still sprinkling. We canceled our breakfast. Was looking forward to the bacon, eggs, and, of course, rice! We broke camp and headed south.
THE COAST (08/18/08)
We made our way down the coast and stopped in San Rafael to stay for the night before deciding to head into San Francisco for the next two days.
SAN FRANCISCO (08/19/08)
We checked into another hotel near Fisherman's Wharf and unloaded our stuff before walking down to the Wharf. Pam wanted to stop by the Patagonia store just to say she was there. The store is a converted garage with all the latest gear from Patagonia. I resisted the tempation to purchase a down sweater that was so lightweight and less bulky than a regular down jacket. But at $200, I will wait until a sale.
We decided to take a cable car to downtown Frisco. I had never ridden in a cable car and I had no idea it costs $5.00 ONE WAY to ride. I thought you see the cable car, hop on and get off wherever and whenever you wanted to. We get to downtown and we start walking around and Pam gets a little anxious with all the drifters and peddlers about. It was getting close to sundown so it was best we head back to the Wharf. The line for the cable car was too long so we decided to hoof it up the steep hills of Frisco. We boarded the cable car for a little ways and got off and finished our "hike" down to the pier. We went to Ghirardelli's for some free chocolate and indulged ourselves in some ice cream.
We drove to San Francisco Park via Haight/Ashbury.
SANTA CRUZ (08/21/08)
After leaving Frisco, we headed down south to Santa Cruz via Half Moon Bay and the coast. We stayed at one of the hotels along Highway 1.
We left Santa Cruz to head down to Big Sur before heading back north the way we came. We reached Watsonville and headed east towards Gilroy. We were trying to find a vegetable stand to get some of that infamous Gilroy garlic. All hopes faded until we were east of town and found a stand that had braided garlic bundle.