Pam and I camped at site 50 near the stream in our new REI Hobitat 6-person tent that we got on sale at REI Fresno on Tuesday! Nice! Roomy! You can stand up in it to put your clothes on and not have to do it sitting down.
Friday night was our first night there. We get there around 3:00 p.m. to set up camp. The Hobitat is bulky and difficult to set up. It definitely takes 2 people to set up the tent.
Then the temperature mysteriously dropped 20 degrees. How do I know? My Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Monitor told me so. Then off in the distance you could see it coming...the snow. Not enough to stick to the ground, but enough to see it falling.
Yes, that is snow, but not a good picture of it.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The thermometer reads 22°. Brrr.
Pam and I get up and start preparing breakfast. I go to the camp lavatory to get some water. Nothing. The pipes are frozen! Luckily, I had gotten some water the night before, but as soon as the water pours out of the spigot, it freezes.
We drive to the Wawona hotel and start hiking the Mariposa Grove Trail. The trailhead is behind the hotel. About a quarter mile into the hike we spot four grazing does to the left of us. They paid no attention to us. They kept grazing and kept getting closer and closer to us. If I were a hunter today...
Another 100 feet down the trail, I spot a small bobcat on the trail. I turned around and told Pam to come to where I was and have the camera ready. We approached very carefully. I passed by it first as it went off trail in search of food. Pam kept taking pictures as it did an about face and came between us only to proceed to the other side of the trail. Our only hope is that we did not deny its opporunity for a meal. Such an amazing animal. Had it been a mountain lion, then it would have been a completely different story.
We stopped hiking about 1.25 miles into the hike. Pam didn't have a good feeling about the hike and my back wasn't helping matters either. So we did an about face and headed back.
We go back, drop our packs off in the car, and wander through the hotel. Such a storied history. The menu selections were nice and reasonably priced. There were some organic entrees that caught Pam's eye. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Later, we drove around the hotel area and ventured into the housing area near the hotel. Didn't know houses existed back there! I knew the rental cabins were back there, but I had no idea there were houses there, too...very nice houses to be exact. I can imagine waking up one morning after a good snow, sitting on the patio, drinking a cup of coffee, breathing in the pine-scented air and taking it all in. Then go back inside, sit beside the fireplace and falling into a trance as the warmth of the fire warms my body and thaws my soul.
Okay, back to reality...
We decide to drive to Glacier Point and investigate the rock slide damage from high up. We also wanted to see if we could get an trail condition reports from any hikers. We the turnoff and the sign says "Road Closed." Icy conditions and fallen trees on the road. Bummer. We head back.
As we headed back, we decided to take a little sidebar to Yosemite West to look at that residential area that some friends of our stay at whenever they are in the Yosemite are. Never been there. Geesh! What a place to call home for many people! No wonder we cannot convince our friends to stay with us! Fantabulous!
Before heading into camp, we stop at the Wawona store to restock on firewood and food.
We head back to camp. About 30 minutes later, you can see it coming again. Another dusting. Only this time it was held at bay about a half-mile from us. So much for another white camping day.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
As we awaken to the frigid cold in our tent, Pam and I decided we had enough. Let's go have breakfast in Oakhurst! So, we broke camp to head home. We stopped at the Wawona store to get that badly needed cup of coffee to wake up and to warm up to.
A thought did cross our minds to hike in Mariposa Grove, but we thought best we better take care of our hunger pangs first.
There will be other times.
Warmer times.
Strike that.
Snowier times.
Our snowshoes are ready.
Note: The Wawona gas station will be closed from around October 20 and not reopen to around November 20. The store and hotel will be open all year round.