I'm dreaming of a White Christmas!
You bet, Bing! Not only White, but it all started with the wet and windy.
All my life I had never experienced a white Christmas until now. Another first.
After opening the gifts we take a joy ride up to Bass Lake for a photo opportunity and to witness an event not too many can experience on Christmas Day unless you live in the Northeast, Cascades, Rocky Mountains, Central Plains, or Northwest. I load up the snow gear duffel consisting of snow shovel, tire cables, snowshoes, Yak Trax, snacks, and Jet Boil. Also loaded a 50 pound bag of sand as a "just-in-case."
Blizzard-like conditions. The snow was more than two feet deep. The tree boughs were laden with snow. Snowplows out in numbers trying to keep the snow off the roads. The Madera County Sheriff telling pulling over people and not allowing them to proceed without chains. People shoveling snow off their porches and driveways.
We get ready to pull off the main road to Ducey's when we noticed a road block. Snow crews were busily plowing snow off the parking lot. It was best that we turn back and head home.
Cars off to the side of the road. Stuck in the snow. Spinning wheels. Tow trucks out in force as well rescuing stranded motorists. I would have stopped to assist, but I had my family with me and I did not want to risk a motorist losing control and colliding with us or risking getting stuck ourselves. Pam and I were the only two dressed for the conditions. My in-laws and mother wore shoes and socks not for snowy weather.
What the snowplows had done earlier on our way to the lake was now covered with six more inches of snow in a period of about 30 minutes.
We make it back to the 41 and Bass Lake Road intersection. I remove the snowcables from the tires and head back home.
As we near the top of Deadwood grade, it is snowing heavily, but not enough for us to worry. As we look left you could not see Oakhurst and the valley below. The snow was coming down thick.
We get home and there was no snow on the ground. We prepare the traditional Christmas. We sit down for dinner talking about our Wet Windy White Wonder.
Front (l to r): JayMi, BriTt, Tre...oh yeah, Jingles the Wonderdog!
Center: OakSan, NaNa, PaPou, TomMy, ChrisTn
Back: Some guy, my beautiful wife, my broHammy-in-law, TheeOs, BRit
From all of us to all of you...