As I got a little older and a lot wiser, I still had the same mindset I did when I was a teenager. Some things you just don't let go.
Some time ago in the town of Macon, Missouri, I was attending an auction. There were some Amish folks there in attendance making bids on glass jars and some garden and farm equipment. There were also a group of teenagers in the wings pointing in the direction of the Amish.
I struck up a conversation with a gentleman there with his family. Very cordial, very proud, very much aware of the world he and his family lived in.
I excused myself and went to my car to grab my camera. I wanted to take a picture of him and his family.
Upon my return to the auction site, I noticed the teenagers harrassing the Amish gentleman I was talking to. Then they began pushing and shoving him forcing him to drop whatever he just purchased.
As he bent down to collect his goods, the teenagers knocked him to the ground and started punching and kicking him. I, as well as three other gentlemen, intervened and corraled the teenagers and told them to get out of here.
As the Amish gentlman rose and dusted himself off and regained his composure, his family came outside to surround him. I asked for permission to take a picture of him and his family. He shook his head and waved his hand no, gathered his family, loaded up the buggy and took off without saying a word.
Since that encounter, I learn to respect the Amish way of life...
We can learn a thing or two about their way of life...
My wife and I and family are...
What would you do if the electricity went out? No lights, no microwave, no refrigerator, no computer, no television, no cordless phone...
Then there's not being able to pump gas, use the ATM...
The things we take for granted...
Here is an article I read in the newspaper...

MAYFIELD, Ky. – When the wind died down and the ice storm had passed, Joe Stutzman gathered his spare lanterns and stepped out of his Amish farmhouse to lend them to his modern-living neighbors.
"I feel sorry for my neighbors who were used to electricity and all of a sudden didn't have it," Stutzman said. "I know that must be hard for them."
Hundreds of thousands of people in Kentucky have been without electricity for their lights, furnaces, ovens and refrigerators since the killer storm hit more than a week ago, and some spots might not get power back for weeks.
But Kentucky's Amish have been living that way all their lives. And when the disaster struck, they generously lent a hand to their non-Amish neighbors and showed them how it's done.
"Those folks are very good at sustaining themselves," said Master Sgt. Paul Mouilleseaux, a National Guard spokesman.
The Stutzman family and the roughly 8,500 other Amish in the state were essentially unaffected by the storm that knocked out power to more than 1.3 million customers last week, about half of them in Kentucky.
Stutzman, his wife and their seven children were secure in their toasty, two-story home amid corn and soybean fields and swampy stands of cypress in western Kentucky.
"We paid it no attention," Stutzman said Tuesday, relaxing in a handmade rocker as a wood stove across the room radiated heat on a windy morning with temperatures in the low 20s.

Stutzman, a sturdy 40-year-old with a traditional Amish beard and a black-brimmed hat, said he would not have even known the storm was coming if one of his neighbors had not told him about the forecast. He is a member of the Old Order Amish, a sect that shuns modern conveniences such as radios and televisions.
James and Beverly Hutchins, a non-Amish couple who sheltered nine relatives in their home, said they don't know what they would have done without the Amish family across the road from them, not far from the Stutzmans.
The neighbors brought over hot coffee every morning during the week the power was out, ("Best coffee I ever drank," James Hutchins said), provided well water, cooked a meal for them, lent them a kerosene lantern and fixed the one lantern the Hutchinses had.
"Best neighbors we've ever had, and we've been around a few places," 76-year-old James Hutchins said.
Beverly Hutchins said she told the Amish family that she would turn her porch light on when the power came back on as a signal so they would know they didn't need to bring over coffee. That finally happened Tuesday night.
Mayfield Mayor Arthur Byrn said many in his town of about 10,000 will live without modern conveniences for some time. Nearly half the town and most of the outlying areas remained without power, though utility crews were working around the clock to repair transmission lines.
In the meantime, many residents will depend on the kindness of the neighbors whose way of life they probably appreciate a little more now.
The Hutchinses said their week without electricity gave them a glimpse into how their neighbors live.
"I said I didn't know how they could do it," Beverly Hutchins said.

James and Beverly Hutchins of Wingo, Ky., are photographed Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2009 in Wingo, Ky. The Hutchins were one of many families affected by the ice storm that ripped across the state of Kentucky. Living next door to the Hutchins' is an Amish Family that helped them with cleanup after the ice storm aftermath. (AP Photo/Michael Dann)