Our first Major League Baseball game. Angels versus Athletics at the Coliseum in Oakland! My first visit to the stadium since 1972 back when Charlie O. Finley was owner and hotpants were the latest and greatest craze in women's wear. Reggie Jackson, Sal Bando, Joe Rudi, Bert Campaneris, Catfish Hunter, Rollie Fingers, and Vida Blue were some of the players on the A's at the time. Handlebar mustaches were popular with the players.
We checked in early into Embassy Suites near San Francisco International Airport. What a surprise! They upgraded our room to a spatial suite!
We ride the BART to the Oakland Coliseum. It was my very first ride on BART.
We arrive to the game just as the Angels were scoring big against the A's. Our BART had brake problems.
Our seats were along the first base side behind home plate. Right in the sun. The sun was too intense to our liking so we walked around the ballpark finding empty shaded areas to sit and watch the game.
We left the game after the 7th inning stretch to catch the BART before the crowds and return to our hotel suite.
Later found out that the Angels won 11-5.