I saw my best friend, Ken, before he left California for good.
He and another good friend of mine, Gary, drove up from Visalia. I was help cleaning my IL's new place. It was best we met "half way." I had invited Ken to spend time up at our house, but he was on a tight schedule to leave and see his aunt in Sacramento before driving east.
We mutually agreed upon the Elbow Room in Fresno to blow the froth off a couple before saying our "see-you-laters." It was great seeing the two for the first time in over 3 years.
It was frickin' hot on the patio with the misters going, so we decided to head indoors to the comfort of air conditioning and television. The Cubs-Dodgers game was on and good ole Kenny wanted to switch it to the Golf Channel. He got his wish.
I called my wife to have Ken speak to her for a couple of minutes.
It was time to go. Luckily I had brought my camera to take pictures. It was unfortunate we couldn't find anyone in the parking lot to take a picture of all three of us.
We shook hands. I could see tears starting to well up in Kenny's eyes. After living in California since 1962 and working at the same place for 32 years and retiring, making a lot of friends, and then packing up and moving out for the final time, I guess it can become quite emotional.
So where are the Fugowhee? We are now disbanded to the winds of change. Bob and Jayne, and Gary and his wife live in Orange County. We live in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Ken will live in Fredericksburg, Virginia. There are other members of Team Fugowhee, but their names are forgotten and there has been no direct communication from any of them.
The miles separate us, but the emails keeps us close. I never did get an email address for Ken, but I imagine after he settles down in his new place in Fredericksburg, those emails from him will pour in.
Ken invited my wife and I to stay with him back East when we visit. We look forward to that trip to the East Coast sometime next year in the fall.
Safe journey, my friend. You will be missed.