UPDATE 03-16-11: Great news! My mother is safe as well as the rest of my Japanese family. Power has been restored. My mom's land line was down. Her cell phone finally got recharged.
All is good again.
I can breathe again.
UPDATE 03-12-11: Nothing. With the reports of over 10,000 dead, hope still is high.
I am awaiting word from my mother after that 8.9 magnitude quake.
I am unable to email nor am I able to get through on either her land line or her cellphone.
My mother lives in Chiba which is 200 miles south southwest from the epicenter.
Monitoring the USGS website. Over 250 aftershocks of over 5.0 have been felt.
Given the amount of news flowing out of Japan, hopes are high that she is safe. I have to keep that thought of hope that she is safe and out of danger.
The phone lines are probably inundated with incoming and outgoing traffic with other family members trying to make contact.
I just need a little reassurance of hearing her voice.
Some day that time will come.