Just how do you paint a hole?
Well, it started out like this on November 12, 2011...

After removing the cabinet, we had to use the circular saw set to 1" cutting depth to cut the top row of ceramic tile. Note to self: When I do this again, be sure to use plastic to keep the dust confined and to wear a mask! Off to the right there is some damage that was covered by the ceramic tile.

We had to cut the studs rewiring had to be done. This was the hardest part of reconnecting "hot in" and "hot out."
Ain't nuttin' burnt down yet!

Outlet placed at the top. This will be used to connect lights to go on the underside of the cabinet.

Outside looking in. The outlet is for the bar light.

The ugly scar had to be redone. Apparently when they installed the cabinets initially they did some damage and figured the tile and cabinet would cover it up.

Drywall applied.

Mud applied.


The painting begins...

Spun Gold.

Handcrafted oak cabinets installed. The old cabinet covered the entire wall and down to the light switch on the right of the hole. We opted for a shorter and narrower cabinet.

Bar light installed.

Casing applied and sanded down with an orbiter sander with 80 grit and finished with a 220 grit for a very smooth surface. Used the ShopVac to get the fine stuff.

She is in the kitchen working and I am out here doing...


The old cabinet became a bookshelf and the support for the bartop.

Stain applied to the cabinet. Early American by Minwax. The color was chosen to match all the woodwork in the house. We applied the stain to existing cabinetry to restore the color due to use over the years. We applied two coats of polyurethane. Between the coats we hand sanded with 220 grit and wiped off with a lint-free cloth before the second coat was applied.
...and ended up like this at the end on January 2, 2012...

Here is our den before...

...and here it is after.

Kitchen: Spun Gold (Valspar)
Dining room: Canyon Sun (Valspar)
Living room: Lush Sage (Valspar)
Den/office: Rusted Earth (Valspar)
It looks GREAT!
We had fun.