I was recently fitted with a Holter monitor to wear for a 24-hour period from April 13, 2012 to April 14, 2012.
I have heart palpitations.
I mentioned this to my holistic primary care physician during a routine visit. On March 12, 2012, I went to St. Agnes in Fresno, to get an EKG
Reading the results from my EKG, my doctor told me that the EKG was "abnormal" and asked me if I had a heart attack recently.
Her question caught me off-guard and she later replied that sometimes the "leads" give false signals.
Also, she told me about "metabolic syndrome" as being the main culprit. She also mentioned that I am "at-risk" category for diabetes. My LDL and triglycerides were high.
I got fitted with the Holter monitor and had a stress test on the treadmill on April 17, 2012. I tried to get my heart to "fib" by jumping up and down 500 times and doing a brisk walk. Nothing.
After further review, the cardiologist could not find any abnormalities except for my blood pressure. My primary care physician provided me some guidelines for a healthier diet. So, with all this and at the advice of my good doctors, the following will apply to me for the rest of my life:
No white rice
No pasta
No potatoes
No breads
I have eaten white rice all of my life. A couple of years ago, I converted to short-grain brown rice thanks to my wife.
As for the pasta, I can have the "brown rice" variety.
As for the potatoes, I "on occasion" but limit the portions and the frequency of dining on spuds.
As for breads, I can have the "sprouted wheat" variety. Organic vegetables stand alone atop my "pyramid."
Now where does pizza fit into all of this? I am sure I will figure it out using organic sauces and vegetables on a sprouted wheat dough. Veggie pizzas ain't all that bad!
Salads, raw fruits, and oatmeal are the order of the day.
Red meats are "okay" provided I don't eat them every day. Fish is now top priority: wild salmon, wild tilapia, tuna. We occasionally eat salmon burgers and they are pretty tasty.
The concern of the cardiologist is my high blood pressure. He says it is not "too serious" but you need to keep it down.
The culprit? Soy sauce. It is the only "salt" I put on my foods. Time for a change.
It has been over two years since my wife and I dined on fast food.
The doctor says I am on the right track.
My problem is genetics, plain and simple.
Supplements: magnesium, fish oil/flaxseed oil, calcium, and Vitamin D.
"Losing 10 pounds" for my New Year's resolution is serious business. I will try to get down to 200. As of April 18, 2012, I weigh 215.
Behavior modification began April 9, 2012. It's is going to be tougher than any hike I have ever been on. My wife supports me and she is assisting me in this life altering endeavor.
All is okay...