I dug all of the dirt out with a pick axe and a spade. Fortunately, the ground was soft from the rains, but the dirt was laden with moisture.
The leech line to the left had to be repaired due to the brittleness of the existing pipe.
The aqua-colored pipe is from the house. The white will be replaced with...
this new connection...
The view of the sarcophagus.
The septic, repairs and all are complete.
The pipe into the septic (left side) was cemented in and could not be removed. We had to take a replacement pipe and cut it along the longitude in order to compress the new pipe and squeeze into the existing pipe. Glued and sealed, that pipe is going nowhere. Septic ingenuity.
I will wait until I am sure that all of the piping I will need is in place. I ain't, and I repeat, I ain't gonna dig this stuff up again.
Update for 03-22-14: There was a malodorous aire emanating from the leech line. It appears the plastic wrap had hidden a bad connection...correction...a bad installation job. There was no connection...the pipes were never connected. The wrap was used to "finish" the job. The problem was fixed.
Dirt had to be shoveled in to soak up the black water and to keep the odor at bay....