It is with a heavy heart to report that our neighbor's beagle, Duchess, had to be put down due to internal bleeding and injuries suffered when she came between a doe and her two fawns and the doe pounced on her with her hooves.
That's life up here. Even the most timid of creatures can turn into the aggressors. Many pet dogs have died this way. No matter how big or small, it can and it will happen. The deer is defending its young.
When we first moved into our home a couple of years ago, Duchess was there to greet us with tail wagging and those "beagle looks."
You knew she was in the area because of her "calling card" on the gravel at the bottom of our steps. I knew it was there, and sometimes my wife would step in it by accident, and I would get yelled at for not cleaning it up.
"Honey, you knew it was there."
"Maybe I should rub YOUR nose in it. Would you please clean it up next time?!"
I allowed Duchess to enter the house by leaving the front door open. There were occasional ear piercing screams emanating from the bathroom area when my wife opened the door and there was Duchess sitting with her tail wagging. Then you could hear, "GET OUT!" and out comes Duchess waddling out the front door and scurrying for comfort from me.
She had full access to the property. I considered Duchess to be a reincarnation of my late FIL...always looking to see what was going on and what progress was being made. She would occasionally check to see what I was doing and making sure I was okay. I would say, "It's Duchess, the wander dog," and pat her head and scratch her back. Afterwards, she would go wandering around the house and then head to her home.
We sometimes left her some wet and dry dog food. She like the wet because she was getting up there in her years and it was easier for her digestion.
I don't have a picture of her, but she will not be forgotten.
If there are showers in heaven, don't be alarmed. It's just Duchess, the wander dog.
We will miss her.