Monday, April 27, 2015


When my wife and I are getting ready for work, this place in the hallway is her favorite spot. From this strategic position she knows of our whereabouts just before the morning feeding time.

When I place her bowl outside, Drake is also there at the back door to greet me with his tail wagging. As I place the bowl down, I try to let Sasha have the first bites before Drake helps himself. Another peculiar behavior I noticed with Sasha is that her first bites is actually a mouthful of food then she wanders away from the bowl and empties her mouthful of food onto the concrete slab and commences to chow down.

When I walk away both dogs want to jump up to be petted. I have to keep them at bay so that they don't put their pawprints on my casual dress clothes. I am sometimes unsuccessful in that endeavor and an occasional pawprint is on one of my trouser leg or on my dress shoes or boots. It is their way of saying, "Thank you for breakfast."

As my wife and I leave for work, I can't help but notice both of them in the "Crow's Nest" with their heads between the balusters and their tails wagging. It is their way of saying, "Have a nice day. We will be anxiously waiting for you here when you get back."

When I ascend the stairway of my work, I glance down to see the pawprints on my boots or shoes. Do I wash it off? Nope.

If I have a rough day, all I have to do is look down and crack a smile. Good therapy.

But I know a lot of this goes on while we are away...

When we come home, Sasha and Drake are there in the "Crow's Nest" greeting us as if to say, "Welcome back home. We missed you," or, "It's about time you both got home! Let's go hike!"

I have been waiting for you...

Exhausted from being exhausted.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


On Saturday, April 25, 2015, Sasha got hers.

Look at that face...

I don't what it is with dogs. They are literally frightened of baths. Sasha was being very difficult at first with my wife being in the bathroom alone with her, but as soon as I entered, she settled down but still wanted to get out.

When it was all over and she was towel-dried, she went into her "happy dance." She was running all over the house. Once she settled down again, we gave her a "good girl" treat. She scarfed it down, of course.

As my wife and I were in the bedroom, Sasha came in, went to her bed, and started scratching her bed and twirling around for a good minute or two. I guess it was her way of saying, "Thank you. I know longer smell like a kennel dog."

That night, Sasha was passed out from all of the excitement of her first bath in at least two weeks.

The next morning after the deluge of almost two inches the day before and the backyard a quagmire of grass and mud, I let Sasha out to play with Drake. Drake wanted to play, but Sasha wanted nothing to do with him as if to say, "Don't touch my clean fur," or "Don't mess up my clean fur with your dirty paws," or "Don't touch the hair!" (remember John Travolta of "Saturday Night Fever"?) It was the most interesting behavior I had seen in any dog. As soon as she got done with her "business," I opened up the door and she came running inside without missing a step. Poor Drake was left outside without a playmate. He had the cutest look on his face as if to say, "What the...?"

After feeding Sasha, she was ready to go outside and mess up her fur.

Later in the day, JayMi gave Drake his first bath. Different scenario, same results. Both broke out into their "happy dance," but Drake wrestled free and bolted for the open door to the backyard. His paws got muddy, but JayMi managed to salvage her hard work and took him to the Upper for the night.


The hardest part is finally done.



Had a lot of help from my wife. It was her idea...

...and a great friend and his wife (not pictured)
My wife, JayMi, GaRy, JaNell and I worked all day to get this done. We almost called it quits after the first log on the left, but we figured out how to get the job done efficiently.

We had to cut the logs into two sections using a Stihl chainsaw, hoist them up with rope and pulleys via "woman" power and pickup truck power. It was not "measure twice, cut once," but it was "measure thrice, cut once."

We will peel off the bark on the far right pole.

This was the hardest project.

And you know what?

It looks really good!

The west pole is ponderosa pine

The middled pole is cedar

The east pole ponderosa pine

This project isn't over. We still have the beams to erect to finish out the south porch.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


We got a deluge finally.

1.97 inches fell on Saturday, April 25.

Eighteen inches of snow fell at 8,000 feet.

But the drought continues.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Today marks the day that the dogs are "eligible" for their first bath since their surgeries.

Instead of a bath they experienced their first rain playing as if it were a sunny day. Although it only rained a scant 0.05 inches, it was enough to soak their fur and get their paws wet for the first time outdoors.

The tile floor of the house have pawprints on them, but that can be cleaned up.

The dogs seemed to enjoy what Mother Nature provided this afternoon.

There was an instance of thunder when the dogs paused and tilted their heads to the sound. The thunder was a rolling sound and not a clap. I am sure that they will be running for cover under the bed.

With more rain and lightning on the way this Saturday, April 25, 2015, their bath will have to be postponed due to rain.

Almost like a baseball game...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Sasha has figured out our morning schedule when it is time for feeding, and we have figured why she comes into the bedroom while we are getting dressed.

As we get dressed for work, she is in the middle of our bedroom floor with her head between her legs looking at us with those big brown puppy dog eyes. She plants herself their to remind us that it is feeding time as we try to step over her.

I get her bed and place it in the den. Then, the water bowl is placed next to the bed. Then, the food bowl.

I have trained her to "sit and shake."

I leave the door to the backyard open so she has access inside and out. And when Drake awakens from his slumber, it is play time.

So, the Pavlovian conditioning can go both ways for canine and mankind.

She is a very remarkable puppy.

Oh, there mysterious "holes" popping up in our backyard.

Three "pits" and counting.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


My wife and I take the dogs for a 4.65 mile hike near Bass Lake.

Both dogs did very well. There were two encounters with other dogs. Barking exchanged. We allowed them to get their feet wet in the lake. Sasha waltz right in, while Drake was hesitant but eventually got into the wate.

When we got home, the dogs were exhausted from being exhausted.

Matching pair of bookends!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015


A week has passed since getting Sasha and Drake...

So far, they have had two 2-mile long walks. There was a concern about Sasha not ever being leash trained. She doesn't seem to have any issues walking with a leash. We have had to break out into a small trot just to keep up with them. They have encountered other dogs and people. Sasha is the attention-wanter and Drake is still a little shy to men.

Drake has become more affectionate towards me. When I am standing, he tends to walk away, but when I sit on the porch he comes running up and sits next to me. Sasha is a little jealous when I direct my attention to Drake, but hopefully she will get over it.

When I do my pushups and crunches in the morning, Sasha is either licking my face, nibbling at my hand, or sitting on my stomach. I believe she is getting heavier.

Sasha is my little shadow. She follows me everywhere, and I have to be careful not to step on her should I back up or turn around.

One thing she has NOT done is beg while we are eating. We will not give her table scraps while we eat. She will lay down at our feet or lie down next to the sofa.

She knows that when we get dressed for work is is time for "D-O-G-F-U-D" (dog food) feeding time. First, I take her pillow bed to the den, then get the water bowl with fresh tepid water, and then fill up her bowl with puppy food. She definitely knows the routine! I have taught how how to sit and shake before being allowed to eat.

We try not to feed her at night, but if we do she gets only a little bit of food. Then we keep our fingers crossed hoping not to find you-know-what on the floor that night or early in the morning.

Which is another thing...when she does have her "movements" it is on the tile and not on the rugs.

Toby has adjusted well to Sasha and Drake. As for my MIL's two cats, Pixie and Ziggy, I don't have a clue.

It has been a busy week of living adjustments, behavior modifications, and new routines.

The weather will be getting warmer and they will have to adjust to living outside all day and all night.

Life is good for all of them, for all of us...

We are having fun...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015




"It was Drake that dug that hole, not lil ol' me!"

Sasha and her chewy.

A little too young to smoke stogies?

Monday, April 13, 2015


The first 72 hours.

Day 1 (April 9-10)

Thursday night, I cooked salmon burgers on the grill. After my wife prepared the sandwiches and placed our burgers on the coffee table, Sasha was quick to snatch one-half of one of the burgers. I caught her and she dropped it onto the floor. Five-second rule. We have to learn to keep the food on the kitchen counter until we are ready to eat. A "behavior modification" for us.

Up until the arrival of Sasha and Drake, my MIL's dog, Toby, was the Alpha male. He now has competition with Drake. Sasha wants to play with Toby, but Toby is not interested in either Drake or Sasha. He is constantly going around the backyard marking his territory.

Friday morning, we awaken to "puppy poop oops" and "puppy piddle puddle." Another behavior modification that "I" have to make is that it is, ahem, WILL BE my duty to clean it up and spray it down with Windex. Another behavior modification for me is that not only do I have to leave the toilet seat down for my wife, I will also have to keep the toilet LID down to prevent the dogs from drinking from the toilet.

While my wife had her hair done, I went to the store and purchased two 15-pound bags of puppy food. I am thinking to myself in the checkout line, the bigger they get the more we will have to buy.

Early Friday evening, after returning from work and the salon, we were greeted by tail wagging Sasha. She had another "accident" in the kitchen because she was so happy to see us.

During the day, my MIL and JayMI took all of the dogs for a walk around the house.

That night as we ate, Sasha was exhausted from being exhausted on the floor next to the sofa.

Day 2 (April 10-11)

Pretty uneventful day for all of us and the dogs. They played in the backyard while we worked on the renovations, and mowed and weedwhacked.

Sasha is my constant shadow. She goes where I go. Always curious as to what I will do next, especially when it comes to her water and food bowl.

Sasha has adapted well to her big bed. She didn't like it because of the noise it made due to the fabric cover on it. To get her on the bed, I placed a "chewy" on it that made her get on the bed to retrieve and enjoy the "chewys" of her labor. One day I witnessed the most "doggonedest" thing I ever saw a dog do. She pounced on her bed with her front paws which causeed the chewy to become airborne and she snatched with her jaws in midflight. She does this often. It amuses her I guess. Sometimes she misses her target and her chewy goes errant in another direction. She then lies on the bed waiting for her chewy to return. When she realizes the return is futile, she either gets it or finds something else to do.

Her bed also acts as an early warning system. Her bed makes a distinct sound when she gets on or off her bed. If I am semi-conscious, that alerts me that she is up and is wandering about. That tells me it is time for her to go outside. Sometimes, it alerts me, sometimes it does not. When it does not, my "doo-tees" are summoned.

Another behavior modification is I have a flashlight on my nightstand. Before getting out of bed, I flash the light down next to my bed to make sure Sasha isn't there and that there are no "surprises."

While my wife and I worked around the house, Sasha seemed bored probably thinking to herself, "You humans have weird habits. I wanna play, but all you want to do is work." An occasional, "Sasha good dog," and a pat on the head is all we think she needs to let her know all is well.

Drake has been a little shy towards me. Something may have happened to him at the shelter with one of the male volunteers. While I was sitting on the back porch with Sasha, he slowly came up to me with his tail betweeen his legs. After I let him smell and lick my hand, he came to me and I gave him a big hug. That tail of his started thumping on the deck boards. It will take some time. We have plenty of that.

Drake is also an escape artist. Twice. The first time he managed to squeeze through the baluster of the gate next to the front door. To remedy any further escape attempts, I placed a folding chair on the gate. Will see how good that will do. As he gets bigger it will very hard for him to squeeze through those balusters. For the second escape, he somehow got through the backgate. Another adjustment to the gate prevents that from ever happening again.

Their favorite hangout is now the Upper balcony. From that vantage point, they can see everything. At first, Drake didn't like coming down the Upper stairs. He would only descend so far and then run back up to the porch. After a few runs, he seems comfortable going up and down. Guess Sasha assisted with that.

Day 3 (April 11-12)

JayMi, my wife and I took the three dogs for a little stroll through our neck of the woods. Sasha is doing well with the leash. We purchase a short leash to keep her close and not to wander. She likes to be out in front of the others. Trailblazer she is.

Drake has an identity crisis. My wife wants to call him Jake. I correct her. Now, I am saying Jake. Both sound the same, but he is Drake.

Later that day, the four of us and the three dogs hop in the truck and we go to Bass Lake. After eating dinner at The Forks, we walk down to the lake and allow the dogs to get their feet wet. Sasha and Drake weren't allow to wade in the water due to their surgeries. They cannot be bathed for two whole weeks. Need to get doggie wipes...unscented.

Drake and Sasha love to play. Sometimes an occasional, "Yip," alerts us that they are little too rough. Sasha is the agressor during the playtime. It is a good thing we got both of them when we did. If we cannot keep them busy or occupied, they have each other.

Again, that night, Sasha was passed out next to the sofa.

During these 72 hours, they have seen what we hoped would be just the tip of the iceberg. As they recover from their surgeries, we will then take them on longer hikes. There is a perfect trail near Bass Lake that is level but has plenty of wilderness.

There has been plenty of smiles and laughter from their antics. Just two puppies growing up together and playing together. I guess it is their way of saying, "Thank you for bringing us home to you."

My wife made a great decision to get both of them.

It was a great first weekend with our dogs.

Thursday, April 09, 2015


Today, we get Sasha, our Australian cattle dog mix...

Today marks the end of her shelter days...

She is going to become a dog again...

A funny thing happened at the shelter. We did not know it was Sasha's brother in the pen with her. When the volunteer brought us Sasha, she told us that her brother wouldn't let Sasha out. The volunteer told us her brother, Ray, had been newtered and vaccinated and was ready for adoption.

We left the shelter and drove about eight miles out of town. My wife and I were throwing around the idea to get Ray. My wife called the shelter and told them we were on our way to get Ray. They shared their lives together in the beginning so why separate them. Each was their world to the other.

My wife renamed Ray, Drake. He looks like a little vampire with his pointy ears. I almost named him Spock. We decided to give the dog to JayMi. Since JayMi is into vampires, we figured Drake would be short for Dracula. We told her she could rename him, but the name stuck.

Sasha and Drake will begin their lives as wandering puppies taking in the sights and especially smells of their new home. They will be on hikes, on kayaks, on fishing trips.

It was a good thing we got both of them. Both were born on December 7, 2014. Pearl Harbor Day. Both were fixed on April 8, 2015. Sasha currently weighs 27.8 pounds and Drake weighs 28.8 pounds and growing. And both started their new lives on April 9, 2015. They are going to have fun with us.

The bowls were for Sasha. The blue bowl for water and the pink bowl for food. Each one has their own colored bowl: Blue for Drake, pink for Sasha.

Another chapter in our lives...


Drake is more outgoing, Sasha is more affectionate.

For a small puppy, he has a loud bark.

Both of them couldn't sit still long enough to get a good snapshot.

Sasha with her chewy...

We are going to have fun...

Friday, April 03, 2015


Local reservoirs are at a drastic low.

Many residents in our area are listing their homes for sale. They are heading to wetter climes like Oregon and Washington. Even Washington is have a drought emergency.

Expect to may more at the checkout counter:

Avocados (main cash crop of California)
Wine (a lot of water is needed to irrigate the grapevines)