Sunday, April 26, 2015


The hardest part is finally done.



Had a lot of help from my wife. It was her idea...

...and a great friend and his wife (not pictured)
My wife, JayMi, GaRy, JaNell and I worked all day to get this done. We almost called it quits after the first log on the left, but we figured out how to get the job done efficiently.

We had to cut the logs into two sections using a Stihl chainsaw, hoist them up with rope and pulleys via "woman" power and pickup truck power. It was not "measure twice, cut once," but it was "measure thrice, cut once."

We will peel off the bark on the far right pole.

This was the hardest project.

And you know what?

It looks really good!

The west pole is ponderosa pine

The middled pole is cedar

The east pole ponderosa pine

This project isn't over. We still have the beams to erect to finish out the south porch.