Tuesday, October 27, 2015


When we first saw the house, I couldn't help but notice bear scat around the property and adjacent. We have heard reports of bears in the area.
We have seen evidence of their destruction in large trash receptacles. We have seen our first bear.

Last night just before midnightn the dogs alerted us. At first, I thought it was just a deer underneath the south patio. Out of the corner of my eye, something moved in the moonlit darkness near the trash receptacle.

I grabbed my flashlight and saw two glowing eyes.

I yelled to scare it off and was successful in that endeavor.

A couple of hours later, the dogs alerted us again. It had returned to the scene of the crime.

I grabbed my truck keys and started it up in hoping to shine my lights on it and sound my horn.

As soon as my lights came on, the bear scampered off into the ravine.

A lesson learned. I will have to wait until the morning of trash day to set out everything, and I will have to devise a locking mechanism to keep the bear from doing that again.

Well, we have seen grey foxes, bobcats, deer, and now, a bear.