Saturday, October 01, 2016


For the first time in over 10 years for me and for the first time with my wife, we both rode our bikes around the property.

It was awkward for me at first. They say you never forget how to ride. Well, I disagree. My leg got caught on the rear carrier as I tried to swing my leg over. Then, I start out. It took some time before my proprioreceptors kicked in to "high gear" and I was able to stabilize

It has been years since my wife had ridden, and she, too, had some difficulty learning the mechanics of gear shifting and braking. I kept telling her for braking, "Right rear, left, front."

We let the dogs run with us, and Drake didn't know what to make out of the new bikes. At first he seemed trepidatious but soon accepted the new "items" into the family. Sasha? She didn't care one bit!

Hard to imagine I used to ride in "century" rides for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team-In-Training. Man, do I have a long way to go before I ride another "century."

We all had fun!