1: Christmas lights come down.
1: No drive day.
2: Kitchen renovations begin.
3: Sasha has a cough.
3: Solo.
3: My wife and JayMi remove the tile and subfloor from the living room and portion of the dining room.
3: Rain 0.62 inches.
4: Solo.
4: Gas $2.339.
4: More tile is removed.
4: CEL on truck comes on again.
4: Rain 2.70 inches.
5: Solo.
5: Rain 0.65 inches.
5: Truck taken into shop to fix the CEL problem. Probably a thermostat according to the mechanic.
6: Solo.
6: Gas $2.599 (Subie).
7: Rain 1.82 inches.
7: No drive day.
7: Removed more subfloor by refrigerator, south french doors, and east french doors.
8: Rain 2.50 inches.
8: Dismantled old wheelbarrow to put in dumpster and dumped three sacks of old concrete into the dumpster.
8: No drive day.
9: Solo.
9: Rain 1.14 inches.
10: Solo.
10: Gas $2.679 (Subie).
10: Rain 1.69 inches.
11: My wife reports to work for the first time this year.
11: Rain 1.09 inches.
11: Gas $2.479.
12: Rain 1.33 inches.
13: Gas $2.459.
13: Neurologist appointment.
13: Baja Fresh night.
14: Took both dogs to the vet for their first nail clipping. Sasha tested negative for heartworm. Started her on the heartworm monitoring for the next 6 months. She was also prescribed amoxicillin for her chest cold.
14: Rewiring of kitchen begins.
15: No drive day.
15: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
16: Coat closet frame erected.
16: Most of the kitchen mud room wiring relocated and completed. All that is left for the wiring is for the island.
16: No drive day.
17: Early.
18: Early.
18: Bloodwork.
18: Gas $2.439.
18: One cord of wood delivered.
18: Lights installed in mudroom and hallway.
18: Rain 0.65 inches.
19: Rain 0.84 inches.
19: Early.
19: MRI for my cervical spine.
20: Early.
20: Haircut.
20: Rain 1.77 inches.
21: Rain 0.42 inches and 2 inches of snow.
22: Rain 2.29 inches
23: Rain 0.62 inches and 5.0 inches of snow.
23: Tore down kitchen ceiling and a portion of the hallway.
24: Rain 0.39 inches.
24: Gas $2.619 for Subie.
24: Kitchen drywalled.
24: Baja Fresh night.
24: New lights for the dining room arrive.
25: Sprinkle 0.15 inches.
25: Mud applied to the walls.
25: New range delivered.
26: Gas $2.419.
27: Truck oil changed.
27: Walls textured.
28: The Room primed.
29: The Room painted.
30: Gas $2.419.
30: Solo.
31: Cabinet carcasses installed in kitchen.
31: Sasha seems to have recovered from her bout with canine flu.
31: Rain: 20.68 inches. 2014: 1.92. 2015: 0.26. 2016: 11.09
Pushups: 2,000
Crunches: 1,400
Pullups: 325
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 0.00 / 0:00:00
1: Kitchen drawers arrive.
2: Gas $2.419.
2: Shower leaking again.
2: Sprinkle 0.10 inches.
2: Baja Fresh night.
2: New stove installed and the "Continent" is installed around it.
3: Rain 1.42 inches.
3: New stove operational.
4: We cook breakfast on our new stove.
4: No drive day.
4: We get two bids on tree removal.
4: We stain the island cabinet and drawers with a dark walnut stain.
4: We paint two walls in our living room and dining room. Hunter's white.
4: Sprinkle .01 inches.
5: Superb Owl 51. Just me, my wife and Uncle T. Tre joins us after halftime.
5: Rain 0.41 inches.
5: KC calls us to tell us he proposed to EriKa!
6: Solo.
6: Wife teleworks.
6: Rain 0.31 inches.
7: Solo since my wife had an area office visit at her branch office.
7: Rain 3.68 inches!
8: Rain 0.44 inches.
8: Early.
9: Early.
9: Gas $2.439.
9: 0.31 inches.
10: Early.
10: Rain 2.53 inches.
11: No drive day.
11: Cabinets sanding sealed.
11: Kitchen drawer covers stained.
11: Plywood subfloor secured with screws.
12: Cabinets clear-coated
12: Plywood subfloor secured with screws.
13: Kitchen and floor tile ordered.
14: Gas $2.459.
14: I am now in a different part of the building at work.
14: Baja Fresh night.
15: Guest room queen-sized mattress arrives.
16: We pick up one-half of our tile shipment.
16: Sprinkle 0.10 of an inch.
17: Gas $2.459.
17: Rain 3.51 inches!
17: Baja Fresh night.
17: We pick up the other half of our tile shipment.
18: KC and EriKa visit.
18: Cabinet faces installed on The Continent.
18: Kitchen cabinet installed between bay window and sink.
18: Wood flooring down in hallway and living room. KC and EriKa assist us.
18: Pizza Factory night.
18: Rain 0.64 inches.
19: The remainder of the wood flooring installed.
19: Wood flooring sanded.
19: KC and EriKa leave.
19: Rain 0.20 inches.
20: Wood flooring lacquered with three coats of polyurethane.
20: Rain 1.64 inches.
21: Solo.
21: Rain 1.39 inches.
21: A fourth coat of polyurethane applied to the wooden floors.
22: Lowe's purchase: a new refrigerator and new kitchen sink.
22: We purchase bullnose tile for the Continent.
22: Rain 0.26 inches.
22: Baja Fresh night.
23: Gas $2.459.
23: Outlets in the Continent operational.
24: New refrigerator and sink delivered.
24: EMG.
24: Bullnose order arrives.
25: More kitchen cabinets installed.
25: New kitchen sink installed.
25: Floors sanded smooth.
25: Baseboards painted.
25: I dropped the garbage disposal as I was working under the sink and now it is broken.
25: No drive day.
26: Gaps along the wall filled with ripped wood flooring.
26: Newly installed cabinets stained and lacquered.
26: Some of the baseboards installed in the living room and hallway.
26: Curtains hung in the living room.
26: No drive day.
27: KC's birthday.
27: Rain 0.32 inches.
28: Gas $2.499.
28: Water line installed for the ice maker of the new refrigerator and a new garbage disposer installed for the new kitchen sink.
28: Neurosurgeon consult.
28: Sprinkle 0.01.
28: Rain 17.28 inches. 2014: 5.20. 2015: 3.11. 2016: 1.40
Pushups: 300
Crunches: 600
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 3.59 / 1:15:02
MARCH 2017
1: Kitchen cabinet hardware is delivered.
2: I pick up the bull nose ceramic at Creative Tile.
3: Gas $2.559.
3: Lowe's purchase: four sheets of 1/4 inch Durock.
3: Baja Fresh night.
3: KC and EriKa visit.
4: Our old refrigerator we had for almost 10 years is sold to ToNy and BeVin.
4: All four of us go to Paradise Springs to view the future wedding site.
4: We move the love seat from the den to the living room. We then moved the sofa in the den to where the love seat once was. We have more room in the den and we can watch television comfortably in the living room.
5: Our old range we purchased back on September 27, 2012 is sold.
5: Cracks and holes between the plywood flooring filled.
5: No drive day.
5: I stain more of the cabinet pieces, while my wife fills in the cracks in the plywood flooring.
5: Rain and snow 0.93 inches.
6: My wife teleworks.
6: My wife gets a pedicure and a manicure.
6: Sprinkle 0.04 inches.
7: Early.
7: Gas $2.559.
8: Early.
9: Early.
9: Gas $2.799 for the Subie.
9: Dentist for the both of us. Cleaning only.
9: Chipotle night.
9: Cabinet and drawer doors installed.
9: The oak tree that fell on our backyard fence was cut down and removed. To be used as firewood in two years after it cures. Other trees on our property are cut down or trimmed.
10: Early.
10: Dad 10 years since passing.
10: Haircut.
11: Durock on the counters.
11: Some door and drawer pulls installed in kitchen.
11: No drive day.
11: Our first weenie roast.
12: Coffee cabinet stained and lacquered. Refrigerator frame stained. Refrigerator storage lacquered.
12: Door and drawer pulls and toilet paper holder installed in bathroom.
12: No drive day.
13: Gas $2.619.
13: CT scan.
13: We purchase new phones.
15: We mark the living room ceiling for our pot lights.
15: Deli Delicious night. Our first time. Great place.
16: Gas $2.639.
16: Baja Fresh night.
16: The mini cabinet next to the refrigerator is installed.
16: The Continent backsplash is covered with 1/4-inch paneling.
17: Mom's birthday. She received her card and flowers.
17: Lowe's purchase: 3 sheets of birch bead board paneling.
17: Dining room lights operational.
18: Tile down kitchen sink counter.
18: No drive day.
19: Wood trim secured to the counter bottom of the Continent.
19: Tile cut for Continent.
19: Remaining fallen trees cut.
19: Durock down on east and south french doors.
21: Rain 0.52 inches.
21: Gas $2.639.
22: Rain 0.33 inches.
22: Dishwasher operational.
22: Solar tube reinstalled in kitchen.
22: Two more kitchen can lights installed near Continent.
22: Refrigerator cabinet frame face installed.
23: Sprinkle 0.01.
23: Tenth anniversary of our first meeting.
24: Gas $2.599.
24: Chipotle night.
24: Rain 0.84 inches.
25: Kitchen drawer pulls installed.
25: Durock down around the fireplace.
25: Beadboard up in the mudroom.
25: Rain 0.64 inches.
25: We run the dishwasher for the very first time since we purchased our home in May 2012.
26: Tile down on the Continent and on the floor at the east and south French doors. The tiling for the entire kitchen sink counter is complete.
26: No drive day.
27: Early.
27: Rain 0.12 inches.
27: Lowe's purchase: 2 1# boxes of 2" fine drywall screws and a box of 48-inch fluorescent lights.
27: Baja Fresh night.
28: Early.
28: Dogs are given two whipped eggs to be mixed with their breakfasts.
28: Solar tube installed in mudroom. Needs to be connected.
28: South bar light repaired. Bad socket was the problem.
28: Bullnose applied to the kitchen sink counter.
28: Tile down in front of the woodstove.
28: Deli Delicious night.
28: Five years since Pop's passing.
29: Early.
29: Gas $2.599.
30: Early.
30: Rain 0.16 inches.
30: I get the remaining 17 pieces of bullnose for The Continent from Creative Tile.
31: Early.
31: Rain 3.59 inches. 2014: 2.40. 2015: 0.62. 2016: 9.30.
Pushups: 0
Crunches: 0
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 27.31 / 9:13:07
APRIL 2017
1: Stained and lacquered the "Hoodie."
1: My wife and MIL rearrange the shed area. My wife reorganizes the south porch.
2: My wife repairs the errant tile on the Continent.
2: Range "Hoodie" is installed.
2: Solar tube in mudroom connected.
2: My wife mows the yard for the first time this year.
2: No drive day.
3: Gas $2.599.
3: Metal pipe fence posts installed.
3: My wife gets a manicure.
5: Neurosurgeon consult.
5: Bullnose attached to the Continent.
5: Cabinet doors installed above the refrigerator.
6: Gas $2.599.
6: Baja Fresh night.
6: Rain 0.17 inches.
7: Rain 2.06 inches.
8: Rain 0.23 inches.
8: Installed a shut off valve and water filter for the ice maker.
9: We had Sasha and Drake for two years.
9: The tile is mortared in front of the wood stove.
9: The bay window tile is mortared.
9: The dining room tile is mortared.
9: Beadboard is intalled on the north wall of the living room.
9: Stained the two cabinet doors above the refrigerator.
9: No drive day.
10: Solo.
10: Ordered 12 more pieces of bullnose and 20 18x30 floor tile. This may be the last of all of this.
10: Some more kitchen tile laid down.
10: Grout applied to the east and south french doors, along the wood stove, and portions of the dining room.
10: Baja Fresh night.
11: Early.
11: Gas $2.599.
11: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
11: Baja Fresh night.
11: The top rail for the fence is installed.
12: Early.
12: We purchase the last of the Durock for the mudroom. All of the flooring is done in the house.
12: Drake bites one of the fence workers.
12: Fencing up on the posts.
13: Early.
13: Truck oil change.
13: Rain 0.72 inches.
13: Backsplash applied to kitchen sink wall.
14: Solo.
14: Gas $2.599.
14: Desk installed.
14: My wife puts down more tiling and grouting on kitchen floor.
14: Baja Fresh night.
14: Backyard fencing completed.
15: Tile down in kitchen and mudroom.
15: Sanded wooden hallway door.
16: Grout applied to the remaining tile and to both countertops.
16: No drive day.
16: Rain 0.15 inches.
17: Tile sealant applied to all the floor tile and countertops.
17: We are one floor tile short.
17: Mental health day.
17: Rain 0.10 inches.
18: Rain 1.22 inches.
18: We purchase the one floor tile short. This will be the last floor tile we will ever purchase.
18: Desk carcass installed in the dining room bay window.
18: Baja Fresh night.
19: Panel installed on the wall behind the refrigerator
19: Refrigerator moved back to its spot.
19: More backsplash applied to Continent.
19: Four desk drawers installed.
19: Deli Delicious night.
20: Gas $2.639.
20: Bloodwork for surgery.
21: Truck tires rotated.
22: We borrow the trailer from GaRy.
22: Flagpole up.
22: MIL and my wife work in the garden.
22: Baseboard along the beadboards.
22: Remaining floor tile completed.
22: Remaining backsplash completed.
22: Door installed on desk.
22: Stained the entire desk.
22: Pine bark beetles out in force.
22: Fireplace rope replaced.
22: No drive day.
23: Caulked the baseboard in the mudroom, bathroom, and living room.
23: Floor tile and kitchen sink backsplash grouted. Didn't get enough grout to finish the Continent backsplash.
23: Beadboard painted white.
23: Lacquered the hallway door.
23: We clear off the west porch.
23: No drive day.
24: Woke up to a sore throat. Another cold.
24: Lowe's purchase: Two 10-lb. bags of cocoa grout, plants for the garden, broom, two Lowe's buckets, and sun sail shade.
25: Gas $2.679.
25: Four barstools for the Continent are delivered and assembled.
26: Sinus infection.
26: Bench for guest room arrives.
26: Desk drawer faces and doors lacquered and installed.
26: Refrigerator cabinet doors lacquered and installed.
27: Sick. Urgent care.
28: Sick. Sinus infection.
28: My wife cleans up the place while I rest.
28: No drive day.
29: Mowed and weedwhacked.
29: Dog run disassembled.
29: Scrap wood pile relocated next to greenhouse.
29: Green cargo box relocated within the fenced in area.
29: No drive day.
30: Dump run.
30: I wash all of the windows.
30: My wife cleans up the front porch.
30: Pictures and mirrors hung.
30: Rain 4.66 inches. 2014: 2.46. 2015: 2.89. 2016: 4.37
Pushups: 0
Crunches: 0
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
VKR: 0
Miles: 6.1 / 2:09:00
MAY 2017
1: Solo.
1: Gas $2.619.
2: Early.
2: The area rug and runner arrive.
3: Early.
3: We purchase a gas/charcoal BBQ from Lowe's.
3: Haircut.
4: Early.
4: Surgery.
5: New BBQ assembled.
5: No drive day,
6: Insurance inspector comes out to assess the house.
6: Stained middle desk drawer.
6: New area rugs laid out in living room and den.
7: We use new coffee pot and small rice cooker.
9: Truck gets a cleansing.
9: Mom and Aunt KiMiko arrive.
10: My wife and I eat white rice for breakfast for the first time in a long time.
10: Mom, KiMiko, my wife and I have a Forks Burger.
11: Mom, KiMiko, MIL, my wife and me go to Yosemite. Got a soaking at Bridalveil Falls.
11: We eat curry.
12: We go to Fresno for shopping.
12: Lunch at Pismo's.
12: We pick up the rental vehicle: Black Nissan Murano.
12: We eat fried rice prepared by my aunt.
13: KC and EriKa arrive.
13: Pre-Mother's Day party. Uncle T, Aunt C, DusTin, Tre.
13: No drive day.
14: KC and EriKa leave.
14: No drive day.
15: Missouri bound. Arrive Salt Lake City via South Lake Tahoe via I-80.
16: Vacation.
16: Reach North Platte, NE. Storms.
17: Vacation.
17: Arrive Platte City, MO. Stay at Sharon and Tim's place. Tornado watch. None occurred.
17: Lunch at Joe's BBQ. Delicious.
18: Vacation.
18: Jacksonville, MO. Visit my father's grave as well as my Uncle J and Aunt P's grave.
18: Leave Shelbyville via 15 South and 36 West.
18: Hookup I-29 South to I-70 West.
18: Arrive at Topeka, KS. More storms.
19: Vacation.
19: Arrive Denver, CO.
19: Snowed on us through the Rockies.
20: Arrive St. George, UT.
21: Arrive home.
22: Vacation.
22: Return rental.
22: MIL takes Mom and KiMiko to Chukchansi Casino.
23: Vacation.
23: Mom and Aunt KiMiko return to Japan.
23: 100.3°.
24: Vacation.
24: We put Toby to sleep.
25: Vacation.
25: We have turkey for dinner. It was purchased last year before Thanksgiving, but we never got to cooking it for Christmas so it sat in our freezer during this entire time. It was delicious.
26: Vacation.
26: Dump run.
26: Fired up wood stove for the last time.
27: No drive day.
27: Weed whacked.
28: No drive day.
28: Continent upper grouted.
29: Continent completely grout sealed.
29: No drive day.
30: Gas $2.799.
30: Early.
31: Early.
31: Rain 0.02 inches.
31: Rain 0.13 inches. 2014: 0.54. 2015: 1.87. 2016: 1.83
31: 100°+: 23
Pushups: 0
Crunches: 0
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 5
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 3.00/1:15:00
JUNE 2017
1: Early.
2: Early.
2: Gas $2.779.
3: No drive day.
4: No drive day.
4: Weedwhacked Gail Trail.
4: My wife mows backyard and fruit tree holler.
5: Early.
5: Baja Fresh night.
6: Two yards of gravel delivered.
6: RhonDa, Aunt PaT, PhylLis and SteVe visit. Uncle T and Aunt C and Tre come over for Tre's pre-graduation dinner.
7: Gas $2.779.
7: Neurosurgeon post-surgery follow-up.
7: Tre graduates from Minarets High School.
8: RhonDa, Aunt PaT, PhylLis and SteVe leave for their return home.
9: Chipotle night.
9: Our DIRECTV goes out.
10: No drive day.
10: Burn day.
10: Rearranged and cleaned up the log pile.
11: Rain 0.26 inches.
11: No drive day.
11: DIRECTV repaired due to a faulty receiver.
11: We order our new wedding bands with the Mt. Whitney motif.
12: Rain 0.01 inches.
12: Telework.
12: Gas $2.739.
14: Teleconference with our financial advisor.
15: MIL taken to the ER via ambulance due to severe abdominal pain.
16: Gas $2.659.
16: Baja Fresh night.
17: Garage sale.
17: 100.5°.
18: Garage sale.
18: I mow the vegetable garden and fruit tree areas, while my wife mows the backyard.
18: 106.9°.
19: Telework.
19: 108.0°.
19: Deli Delicious night.
20: Solo.
20: JayMi and MIL present us with a gift certificate to Erna's Elderberry House so we can celebrate our 10th anniversary.
20: 106.7°.
20: Pam takes MIL to doctor for further testing. Results are negative for any form of cancer.
20: I develop some pictures of KC and EriKa and a deer we came across hiking to Glen Aulin a few years ago.
21: Early
21: Summer solstice.
21: Gas $2.639.
21: The remnants of the garage sale are given away to a local church. They didn't take the oak file cabinet.
21: 106.0°.
22: Early.
22: 108.0°.
23: Early.
23: 107.8°.
24: KC and EriKa, along with her parents GenNis and AleLi and brother EzeKiel visit us. It is their first time to our home.
24: 103.5°.
25: All of us take a short hike along Lewis Creek to Corlieu Falls.
25: All of us drive to Paradise Springs to finalize some of KC and EriKa's wedding plans.
25: KC and EriKa and her family leave.
25: 102.1°.
26: Gas $2.599.
26: 100.1°.
26: I make reservations for July 13 and 14 at the Creekside Inn in Bishop, CA.
26: We help celebrate our neighbor Klaus' 90th birthday at the Forks at Bass Lake.
27: Camp Fire near Bass Lake. About 3.7 acres burned. CalFire did a remarkable job of containment.
27: We go vegan.
28: Ben Fire in Mormon Bar in Mariposa County.
29: Gas $2.599.
30: Chipotle night.
30: Haircut.
30: 100°+: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
30: Rain 0.27 inches. 2014: 0.01. 2015: 0.03. 2016: 0.34
Pushups: 2,800
Crunches: 2,600
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 0.00 / 0:00:00
JULY 2017
1: KC and EriKa visit then leave.
1: No drive day.
1: My wife and MIL go to Fresno to look at puppies.
1: Chipotle night.
2: GaRy B tells us he is retired. Period.
2: We take the dogs on a hike on Lower Lewis Creek Trail.
3: MIL gets a new puppy. It is named Bandit. My wife and I go get him at the Fresno SPCA.
4: Installed can lights in front of stove and in the hallway.
4: Assembled two outdoor ceiling fans.
4: 102.6°.
4: No drive day.
5: Home Depot purchase: maple planks, crown moulding, electrical boxes.
5: 102.1°.
6: Truck CEL comes back on again.
6: Gas $2.639.
6: Truck taken into the shop to get repaired.
6: My wife gets a manicure.
6: 104.4°.
7: I drive the Subie to for the first time this year.
7: 106.0°.
7: I purchase an annual park pass.
8: My wife, JayMi, and MIL travel to San Diego to attend KeVin and NaTale's wedding.
8: Installed one of two ceiling fans on the south porch.
8: 105.3°.
8: No drive day.
9: NaTale and KeVin are married.
9: 103.7°.
9: No drive day.
10: Second ceiling fan on the south porch installed. Dogs are happy.
10: The can light above the stove is installed.
10: No drive day.
10: 103.6°.
10: Somehow there is no electricity along the north and east wall of the living room, one bank of lights in the kitchen, and the insinkerator.
10: MIL and JayMi return from San Diego with Uncle T and Aunt C.
11: Gas $2.899. (Subie)
11: Gas $3.159. (Truck/Vons)
11: Truck repaired.
11: Electricity restored in the living room and kitchen.
11: 101.0°.
12: Gas $2.639.
12: My wife returns from her manager's meeting in LA county.
12: Chipotle night.
13: We pick up our rental vehicle, a black Nissan Rogue, for our trip to The Other Side for the first time in five years.
13: We travel to Bishop via Yosemite National Park and stay at the Creekside Inn and stay in Room 224 to celebrate our 10th anniversary. It was a beautiful drive through Tuolumne Meadows.
13: We have a vegan pasta dinner at Whiskey Creek.
14: Our 10th anniversary. We hike to Lone Pine Lake just like we did 10 years ago.
14: We eat Portal Fries for the first time in five years.
14: We have a vegan dinner at Whiskey Creek. I eat a portobello sandwich for the very first time.
14: We are later entertained by Fiddlin' Pete Watercott at Whiskey Creek.
14: 100.0°.
15: We camp at Aspen Grove Site 16 near Lee Vining. For lunch we eat an Asian salad and a portobello sandwich at Whoa Nellie Deli in Lee Vining.
15: For dinner, I eat another portobello sandwich while my wife eats a vegetarian chili.
15: 102.6°.
16: We drive over Sonora Pass and hike portions of the Sonora Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail.
16: Detwiler Fire near Mariposa.
16: We sleep on our new 12-inch mattress.
16: Chipotle night.
16: 103.0°.
17: Truck oil changed and air filter changed.
17: Dump run to get rid of the old mattress and some cardboard.
17: 105.3°.
18: No drive day.
19: My wife gets a pedicure and a manicure.
21: Gas $2.599.
21: We dine at the Noodle Bar in Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino for a meeting with my wife's management team.
22: No drive day.
22: My wife goes to work while I stay at home.
22: My wife purchases a new Bosch router for me. She also purchased a router stand but after reviewing the stand online, I decided I would return it on Monday. I went online and ordered a heavy duty Bosch router stand. Better reviews.
22: Chipotle night.
22: 102.3°.
23: No drive day.
23: 103.9°.
24: I return the router table.
24: 100.1°.
24: My MIL purchases an oak television cabinet from the Salvation Army.
25: Early.
25: Gas $2.579.
28: Gas $2.579.
28: Follow up X-rays on my neck.
28: 108.8°.
29: My wife goes to work while I stay at home.
29: Our new wedding bands arrive.
29: Chipotle night.
29: 108.8°.
29: Had to reorder a new light fixture for one of the porch fans.
30: No drive day.
30: My wife mows the garden holler.
30: 108.9°.
31: Early.
31: 111.0°.
31: 100°+ days (19): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
31: Rain 0.0 inches. 2014: 0.03. 2015: 1.23. 2016: 0.00
Pushups: 2,800
Crunches: 2,100
Pullups: 5
Bardips: 5
Vertical knee raises: 5
Walk/hike/run: 7.80 / 4:00:00
1: Early.
1: 114.8°.
1: Gas $2.579.
2: Early.
2: 113.9°.
2: I pick up my Bosch router table I purchased online at Lowe's.
2: The CEL on the truck comes on again.
2: My wife gets a manicure.
2: The subcontractors for PG&E remove the remaining logs from our property.
2: MIL toilet clogged.
3: Early.
3: Gas $2.779 (Subaru).
3: 106.9°.
3: Sprinkle 0.02.
3: MIL calls plumber to unclog her toilet.
4: Early.
4: Picked up the truck from the shop and dropped off the Subie for repairs.
5: Wife works.
5: Chipotle night.
5: Routed floor trim.
5: 102.6°.
5: No drive day.
6: Cut to fit the floor trim.
6: No drive day.
6: My wife cleans up the debris left by the PG&E subcontractors.
6: 104.9°.
7: Gas $2.579.
7: 101.6°.
8: Early.
8: Weight 199.2!
8: New porch light arrives.
8: 103.9°.
9: Early.
9: Picked up Subie from shop.
9: 103.5°.
10: Gas $2.579.
11: Dermatologist. Two moles for biopsies.
11: Baja Fresh night.
12: Wife works overtime.
12: Stained and varnished floor trims.
12: Chipotle night.
13: Installed floor trim.
13: South Fork Fire near Wawona in Yosemite National Park.
15: Gas $2.579
15: Wife teleworks.
15: My wife's birthday.
15: My wife, JayMi, and I play cutthroat.
16: Neurosurgeon follow up.
16: My wife and I have dinner with the Pennings.
18: Gas $2.579.
19: My wife works overtime.
19: I make floor trim from knotty pine for our bedroom and bathroom.
19: Chipotle night.
19: No drive day.
20: No drive day.
21: Solar eclipse (72% totality).
21: Early.
22: Telework.
23: Gas $3.479 (Subie).
23: Early. My wife heads out to Madera office.
23: Doctor appointment for the both of us.
24: Early.
24: My wife conducts a security audit for one of the branch offices.
25: Early
25: 32nd anniversary here in California.
25: Gas $2.579.
25: Haircut.
25: The piece for the porch fan is picked up from Lowe's.
25: 100.8°.
26: My wife works overtime.
26: I install the second ceiling fan on the south porch.
26: Chipotle night.
26: No drive day.
26: 104.6°.
27: I work on pieces of wood for insertion between the cracks on the floor.
27: 104.9°.
28: Solo
28: We order more bullnose and more floor tile for the last of the cabinets.
28: Optometrist appointment for me at Costco.
28: 109.2°.
29: Gas $2.599.
29: 108.0°.
29: Railroad Fire near Sugar Pine.
30: Bloodwork for the both of us.
30: 104.2°.
31: 103.9°.
31: 100°+ days (15): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
31: Rain 0.02 inches. 2014: 0.00. 2015: 0.01. 2016: 0.00
Pushups: 9,000
Crunches: 3,900
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 0.00 / 0:00:00
1: 103.5°.
1: Last of the kitchen cabinet installed.
2: 108.0°.
2: Crown molding in living room.
3: 103.6°.
3: Crown molding in kitchen.
3: No drive day.
3: Mission Fire in North Fork.
3: Peak Fire near Mariposa.
4: Crown molding around stove exhaust fan.
4: Maple fascia fastened to pantry drawers.
4: Knobs and drawer pulls installed in kitchen cabinet and pantry drawers.
4: No drive day.
5: Gas $2.699.
8: Gas $2.799.
9: Drawer pulls installed on dish cabinet and pantry drawers.
9: PaBlo and his wife KaRen comes over to assess our bathroom situation.
9: No drive day.
10: Crown molding up in our bedroom and guest bedroom.
10: My wife caulks and paints the crown molding in our bedroom. The bedroom is DONE!
10: I install the corner trim in the mudroom and living room.
11: Early.
11: Rain 0.20.
12: Early.
12: Rain 0.01.
12: MIL taken to Kaiser ER for abdominal bleeding. She is later admitted for further tests.
13: My wife drops me off at work then proceeds to visit her mother at the hospital.
13: MIL spends another day in the hospital.
14: MIL spends another day in the hospital.
14: We had to purchase a new battery for my MIL's car.
15: Gas $2.799.
15: MIL discharged from the hospital.
16: Crown molding installed in guest room and hallway. Baseboards installed in the hallway. My wife caulks and paints. This completes this project.
16: We let Bandit out to play with Drake and Sasha for the first time. He had a blast running around the backyard.
17: No drive day.
19: Mountain lion spotted on Road 426 and the water treatment facility construction near our street.
20: Gas $2.799.
21: Rain 0.95 inches.
21: Dental appointment for the both of us.
21: Both of us are stung by yellow jackets while trying to gather wood for the stove. They made a hive in the pine bark pile near the fire pit.
21: Wood stove fired up.
23: No drive day.
23: Installed more baseboard around newest kitchen cabinet.
23: Removed the moldy sheetrock in the guest room closet in an attempt to find the cause. It was wet due to a leak around our shower.
24: Dump run.
24: My wife lays down a weatherstripping tape around the base of the shower and caulks to seal.
24: We take bath. My second one in our tub.
25: Gas $2.799.
25: I am no longer a Dallas Cowboys fan.
26: My wife teleworks.
28: Gas $2.799.
28: Had to take truck in for brake repair.
28: Doctor appointment for the both of us.
29: Solo. Had to drive the Subie.
29: Truck repaired
29: BrittNey arrives.
29: KC and EriKa arrive.
30: MIL's 87th birthday.
30: I fry up some bacon and eggs for breakfast. My wife remained vegan.
30: We make homemade pizzas. I had pepperoni and canadian bacon on my half. My wife remained vegan.
30: No drive day.
30: KC and EriKa leave.
30: 100° days (3): 1, 2, 3.
30: Rain 1.16 inches. 2014: 1.27. 2015: 0.37. 2016: 0.01
Pushups: 3,500
Crunches: 3,000
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 9.15 / 3:13:00
2: BrittNey leaves.
3: My wife teleworks.
4: Gas $2.77.9.
7: Tile and backsplash applied to dining room cabinet top and wall.
7: No drive day.
9: We take the dogs for a walk on the dam and a swim in Bass Lake.
10: My wife teleworks.
10: Gas $2.759.
12: We cancel DirecTV.
13: Gas $2.749.
13: Haircut.
15: Electric oven operational.
15: One-quarter inch ply applied above both bay windows.
15: We use our new oven for the first time by making oven fries.
16: I went to urgent care for a lump on the right side of my neck.
17: Coming down with a cold.
18: Gas $2.729.
20: Rain 0.28 inches.
20: Manager's meeting at Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino.
21: No drive day.
21: My wife works overtime.
22: Gas $3.199.
23: Early.
23: Gas $2.729.
23: My wife gets a manicure.
24: Doctor appointment for bump on the right side of my neck.
25: Dentist. Two new onlays on my lower molars on both sides.
26: My wife takes JayMi to the train station as she goes to Hayward to see KC and EriKa.
27: Gas $2.739.
29: No drive day.
30: We both call in sick.
31: We both call in sick.
31: We both go to the doctor.
31: Rain 0.28 inches. 2014: 0.96. 2015: 0.98. 2016: 4.49
Pushups: 4,500
Crunches: 2,400
Pullups: 105
Bardips: 105
Vertical knee raises: 105
Walk/hike/run: 21.35 / 7:22:00
1: Early.
1: Gas $2.859.
2: Early
3: Early.
3: Sprinkle 0.01.
4: Truck oil change.
4: Had to get medicine for Drake's rash on his haunches by his tail.
4: Rain 0.04 inches.
4: Rearranged overhang and shed.
5: No drive day.
5: Brought patio table and chairs to south porch.
5: Rain 0.01 inches.
7: My wife "tworks."
7: Lowe's purchase: patio heater and tank.
8: JayMi takes Drake to the veterinarian. He has to wear a cone. Poor thing.
9: Gas $2.899.
10: Truck passes test for smog certificate.
10: One cord of wood delivered.
11: Dump run.
11: Dinner at South Gate Brewing Company. I eat a lettuce-wrapped black bean burger for the first time.
11: The last cabinet gets grouted.
12: The last cabinet gets sealed.
12: No drive day.
14: Wife tworks.
14: Returned the patio heater for another one: dented.
15: Gas $2.899.
15: Sprinkle 0.01.
15: Lowe's purchase: Rubbermaid storage cabinet for south porch, blinds for MIL windows.
16: Rain 0.88 inches.
16: MIL has cataract checkup.
17: Rain 0.77 inches.
17: Lowe's purchase: DeWalt orbital sander.
17: Chipotle night.
18: Sprinkle 0.01 inches.
18: Assembled Rubbermaid storage shed, porch torch, installed mini-blinds for MIL, fixed sewer pipe.
19: Cleaned windows while my wife cleaned the house in preparation for Thanksgiving.
21: Gas $2.899.
23: Thanksgiving: KC, EriKa, MIL, JayMi, my wife, and I.
23: No drive day.
24: We purchase a Rockwood Mini Lite 19-foot travel trailer.
25: No drive day.
25: T-shirts, vest, slippers, skull cap, Starbucks gift card, REI gift card.
26: We purchase a used 2016 Ram Big Horn crew cab pickup. 34,294.
26: Rain 0.07 inches.
27: Rain 0.82 inches.
29: Gas $2.859. Filled up the Ram for the first time.
30: We purchase a 19-inch television for the trailer.
30: Rain 2.62 inches. 2014: 2.36. 2015: 5.36. 2016: 2.80
Pushups: 1,800
Crunches: 800
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 2.00 / 0:40:00
1: Haircut.
2: The gravel mound is relocated.
2: Dug trench by hand for gasline for MIL and JayMi's rooms.
2: We take GaIl and KlaUs to North Fork so that they can buy a Douglas Fir Christmas tree.
3: Rain 0.04 inches.
3: Hung Christmas lights.
3: No drive day.
5: Twork. My wife gets a pedicure and a manicure.
5: Gas $2.799.
5: Duct work begins on furnace installation.
6: Furnace installation is complete and is up and running when we got home.
7: Sasha and Drake turn three.
8: We do a walk-thru for the trailer.
8: Lowe's purchase: Pella window, 3/4 hp garbage disposal.
9: Installed new insinkerator.
9: We purchase a live Colorado spruce for our Christmas tree.
10: MIL, JayMi and my wife bake cookies.
10: No drive day.
11: Gas $2.799.
12: Wife tworks.
12: The Rockwood Mini-Lite trailer is delivered.
12: Running boards installed on truck.
12: Propane gas tank and meters installed for MIL and JayMi.
13: MIL and JayMi now have heating from their own propane.
14: Returned the 19-inch television for a 24-inch television later.
15: Gas $2.789.
16: Received package from my mother.
16: Installed smoke and fire and carbon monoxide alarms throughout the house.
16: Raked the backyard. I have never seen so many acorns on the ground since we moved here.
16: No drive day.
17: Our dear friends, BruinDave and BruinJane visit us for a couple of hours.
19: My wife tworks for the last time this year.
20: Rain 0.22 inches.
20: We purchase a 24-inch Samsung television for the trailer.
21: Gas $2.699.
22: Mailed package to my mother.
23: BroIl, AlLa, GalYna, TheoDon, and NiKolai arrive.
23: We sleep in our trailer for the first time since we let BroIl and AlLa and kids sleep in our bedroom during their visit.
25: KC and EriKa arrive.
25: BrittNey arrives.
25: Christmas: BroIL, AlLa, GalYna, TheoDon, NiKolai, BrittNey, KC, EriKa, MIL, JayMi.
25: No drive day.
26: KC and EriKa leave.
26: Had to take my wife to the clinic.
27: BroIL, AlLa, GalYna, TheoDon, and NiKolai leave.
27: BrittNey leaves.
27: No drive day.
28: Early.
28: Lowe's purchase: GFCI, toilet paper holder for trailer, 20 amp breakers, 3/4 inch socket for trailer stabilizers.
28: Trailer license plate arrives.
29: Gas $2.779.
29: We purchase a NutriBullet 900 series.
30: The Christmas lights come down.
30: We put up more plywood flooring above the south porch for more storage space.
31: I lost 16.6 pounds this year. Started at 211.2 and finished at 194.6. My lowest weight attained was 191.8 pounds which occurred on December 11 and 12, 2017.
31: We sleep in our trailer to usher in 2018.
31: It was a great year.
31: Rain 0.26 inches. 2014: 5.41. 2015: 8.84. 2016: 7.00
Pushups: 2,100
Crunches: 2,800
Pullups: 0
Bardips: 0
Vertical knee raises: 0
Walk/hike/run: 0.00 / 0:00:00
2017 TOTALS:
Pushups: 28,800
Crunches: 19,600
Pullups: 435
Bardips: 115
Vertical knee raises: 110
Walk/hike/run: 80.80 / 29:19:44
It was a sucky year for pushups due to my surgery.
Pushups: 1,657,500
Crunches: 2,092,500
Pullups: 39,765
Bardips: 38,085
Vertical knee raises: 25,180
Walk/hike/run: 324.25 / 123:33:56
2017 Resolutions:
Have fun.
Get out and hike more.
See more movies.
Get the house renovations D-O-N-E!!!
2017 Highlights:
Sasha tests negative for heartworm. (01-14-17)
KC proposes to EriKa. (02-05-17)
My wife and I have a weenie roast. (03-11-17)
The purchase of new phones for the both of us. (03-13-17)
The 10th anniversary of our first meeting. (03-23-17)
We have an operational dishwasher since May 2012. (03-26-17)
My mother and aunt visit for a couple of weeks. (05-09-17 to 05-23-17)
We have turkey for dinner. (05-25-17)
JayMi and MIL present us with a gift certificate to Erna's Elderberry House so we can celebrate our 10th anniversary. (06-20-17)
KC and EriKa, along with her parents GenNis and AleLi and brother EzeKiel visit us. It is their first time to our home. (06-24-17)
We decide to go vegan. (06-27-17)
MIL gets a puppy and names it Bandit. (07-03-17)
Our 10th anniversary and we celebrate with a hike to Lone Pine Lake and pig out on Portal Fries. (07-14-17)
I eat a portobello mushroom sandwich for the very first time at Whiskey Creek in Bishop, CA. (07-14-17)
We dine at Erna's Elderberry House for a delicious vegan dinner. (07-17-17)
My wife, JayMi, and I play cutthroat. (08-15-17)
Solar eclipse (72%). (08-21-17)
Mountain lion spotted near our street. (09-19-17)
Our second oven is up and running. (10-15-17)
We purchase a 2018 19-foot Rockwood Mini-Lite travel trailer. (11-24-17)
We purchase a 2016 Ram Big Horn crew cab pickup truck. (11-26-17)
We have gas furnace installed in our home. (12-06-17)
MIL and JayMi's furnaces operational. (12-13-17)
Our dear friends, BruinDave and BruinJane visit us for a couple of hours. (12-17-17)
We spend our first night in our new trailer. (12-23-17)
2017 Lowlights:
Putting Toby to sleep and laying him to rest next to Pops' tree. (05-24-17)
Detwiler Fire in Mariposa County. (07-16-17)
Railroad Fire near Sugar Pine. (08-29-17)
Mission Fire near North Fork. (09-03-17)
Peak Fire near Mariposa. (09-03-17)
Both of us get stung by meat bees. (09-21-17)
I declare I am no longer a Dallas Cowboys fan. (09-25-17)
We both call in sick on consecutive days. A first for my wife to call in sick for a long time. (10-30-17 and 10-31-17)
2017 Movies:
No movies this year.
Special Events:
No special events this year.
Total cement siding planks purchased since 09-27-13:
09-27-13: 12
11-23-13: 22
03-02-14: 30
03-17-14: 15
06-28-14: 10
01-12-15: 7
Total: 96
Total cement siding sheets:
06-28-14: 10
12-05-14: 11
03-20-15: 35
Total: 56
What happened in 2017.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Thursday, December 07, 2017
Wednesday, December 06, 2017
We had a furnace installed to take a bite out of the chilly mornings and evenings.
It was up and operational tonight.
We came home and the house was a comfortable 68°.
No more stressing over loading the logs into the wood stove to heat our place up.
It was up and operational tonight.
We came home and the house was a comfortable 68°.
No more stressing over loading the logs into the wood stove to heat our place up.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
On Black Friday, November 24, 2017, we purchased a Rockwood Mini Lite 19-foot travel trailer...
On Sunday, November 26, 2017, we purchased a used 2016 Ram Big Horn crewcab...
What better way to kick off our retirement for next year...
Two less things on our "to do" list other than work on the house.
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The Pale Horse |
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Sorry, no dogs allowed! |
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
MINUS 10...
NOVEMBER 15, 2017
As of today, I weigh 193.2 pounds. We are still vegan.
The BIG test is Thanksgiving.
Yes, we will be eating turkey and ham and all of the fixings.
JULY 25, 2017:
Well, I managed to lose 10 pounds.
I weighed in at 211.2 pounds on January 3.
Today, I weighed in at 201.2 pounds. How low can I go? That is up to me to make it happen.
The vegan diet is working for both of us. I have lost six pounds since starting on June 26. My wife has significantly lost weight as well.
I know our weight will fluctuate, but the idea is to stick with this plan.
Both of us will be scheduling a physical.
As of today, I weigh 193.2 pounds. We are still vegan.
The BIG test is Thanksgiving.
Yes, we will be eating turkey and ham and all of the fixings.
JULY 25, 2017:
Well, I managed to lose 10 pounds.
I weighed in at 211.2 pounds on January 3.
Today, I weighed in at 201.2 pounds. How low can I go? That is up to me to make it happen.
The vegan diet is working for both of us. I have lost six pounds since starting on June 26. My wife has significantly lost weight as well.
I know our weight will fluctuate, but the idea is to stick with this plan.
Both of us will be scheduling a physical.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Sorry, Dodger fans...
Congratulations to the Houston Astros. From Hurricane Harvey to World Series Champions. The Fresno Grizzlies should be proud as well being the AAA affiliate of the Astros.
For the first time in my life, I never saw a single game during the regular season, during the playoffs, and during the World Series. We did listen to the seventh game on ESPN radio only until the seventh inning. That was it.
Life goes on...
Congratulations to the Houston Astros. From Hurricane Harvey to World Series Champions. The Fresno Grizzlies should be proud as well being the AAA affiliate of the Astros.
For the first time in my life, I never saw a single game during the regular season, during the playoffs, and during the World Series. We did listen to the seventh game on ESPN radio only until the seventh inning. That was it.
Life goes on...
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Left: Contemplating launching missiles at the United States.
Middle: Realizing what a stupid mistake he made.
Right: Running to hide.
Only 0.28 inches of rain fell for this month...
2014: 0.96
2015: 0.98
2016: 4.49
Not a good way to start off the rainy season.
2014: 0.96
2015: 0.98
2016: 4.49
Not a good way to start off the rainy season.
Monday, September 25, 2017
I was a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan...
Not any more...
Yes, I know what President Trump said. I heard all about what happened in the NFL on Sunday. I saw what Jerry Jones did with the players before Monday Night's football game during post-game coverage. That made me sick.
In the past, as the camera panned the sidelines, I saw players spit, blow their nose, and not place their right hand over their heart during the playing of the National Anthem. How disrespectful is that? It would be nice if they sang the National Anthem. Well, maybe not, but at least lip it.
When you live in a nation with Constitutionally guaranteed rights that include the first amendment, you have to endure words and actions that may cause you concern or sometimes offend. I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders and his ilk, but he sure has a right to speak his beliefs and his followers to show their support. Too many lives were lost in defense of the people’s right to speak their minds.
During the 1960s, there were anti-war protests, civil rights protests, women’s rights protests, and this nation endured. The Vietnam War was ended by President Nixon as we withdrew from that part of the world having realized that it wasn’t going to end well, and the American population had grown tired of the conflict. “Peace with honor” was a political way of saying, “we’re outta here.”
Civil rights legislation led to changes in laws that allowed minority citizens fairer treatment by their government. While the ERA proponents failed to pass the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, the women’s movement gave a voice to half the population that expected to be treated as equals.
Whether you agreed or disagreed with either side of each issue they all shared a common theme; there was a compelling argument and the issues were not based on false pretenses. Now we seem to base beliefs on false narratives.
The Black Lives Matter pretense of Michael Brown’s action just doesn’t agree with any facts. Brown was a thug who answered the description of a shoplifter that then ignored the orders of a uniformed police officer. Brown charged the officer and was killed. The false statements aired endlessly on national media fueled violence and anger towards whites and cops. The facts disproved those false statements but Black Live Matter has persisted.
The Baltimore cops did not do what the Baltimore district attorney wanted us to believe they did to the arrested Freddie Gray. The courts cleared those cops but the false narrative continues.
Those folks in America who wish to talk to us about being oppressed had better look around the world to see what oppression really looks like. To make it easier for those dear souls just look to Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, North Korea, and other countries led by leftist dictators.
Colin “what’s-his-name” wanted to make a big show of kneeling during the national anthem. Now others are following suit. Colin can’t find a job because he has made himself a “hot potato” and no team wants the fallout. My folks used to say, “you made your bed; now lie in it.” His display cost him. Tough luck, Colin.
Others footballers want to show their angst at being oppressed by a society that allows them to make millions playing a game. It is bleeding down to the colleges and high schools. How shameful. A bunch of athletes protesting the flag of the very country that allows them better opportunities than anywhere else in the world, and they show disrespect to that flag and anthem.
And who is this actor Jesse Williams? Hey, buddy, raise your right hand and swear "to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic."
Thanks to the First Amendment I suppose they have that right. I too have rights. I will not attend or watch another professional sporting event where team members show disrespect to the USA. If we stay out of the stands the team will get a message. If we don’t buy the products they sell at the games the concessionaires will get after management. At least it won’t be my dollars paying a bunch of whiny overpaid ball players with questionable talent.
This hubbub with President Trump and the NFL has caused me to never purchase any NFL gear or any gear with the NFL logo on it. We did not watch the Cowboys-Cardinals game tonight. In fact, we don't watch too much football anyways. We will not watch the Super Bore game in February. My wife and I can find plenty of things to do in Yosemite National Park during that Sunday.
I have seen MLB, NBA, and NHL players do it. Is this "unity" going to carryover to the other professional sports?
Grow up, players. Play your game, retire in peace, run for public office.
What really irritates me is that I have an NFL app on my phone that I CANNOT delete!
Enough is enough.
Not any more...
Yes, I know what President Trump said. I heard all about what happened in the NFL on Sunday. I saw what Jerry Jones did with the players before Monday Night's football game during post-game coverage. That made me sick.
In the past, as the camera panned the sidelines, I saw players spit, blow their nose, and not place their right hand over their heart during the playing of the National Anthem. How disrespectful is that? It would be nice if they sang the National Anthem. Well, maybe not, but at least lip it.
When you live in a nation with Constitutionally guaranteed rights that include the first amendment, you have to endure words and actions that may cause you concern or sometimes offend. I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders and his ilk, but he sure has a right to speak his beliefs and his followers to show their support. Too many lives were lost in defense of the people’s right to speak their minds.
During the 1960s, there were anti-war protests, civil rights protests, women’s rights protests, and this nation endured. The Vietnam War was ended by President Nixon as we withdrew from that part of the world having realized that it wasn’t going to end well, and the American population had grown tired of the conflict. “Peace with honor” was a political way of saying, “we’re outta here.”
Civil rights legislation led to changes in laws that allowed minority citizens fairer treatment by their government. While the ERA proponents failed to pass the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, the women’s movement gave a voice to half the population that expected to be treated as equals.
Whether you agreed or disagreed with either side of each issue they all shared a common theme; there was a compelling argument and the issues were not based on false pretenses. Now we seem to base beliefs on false narratives.
The Black Lives Matter pretense of Michael Brown’s action just doesn’t agree with any facts. Brown was a thug who answered the description of a shoplifter that then ignored the orders of a uniformed police officer. Brown charged the officer and was killed. The false statements aired endlessly on national media fueled violence and anger towards whites and cops. The facts disproved those false statements but Black Live Matter has persisted.
The Baltimore cops did not do what the Baltimore district attorney wanted us to believe they did to the arrested Freddie Gray. The courts cleared those cops but the false narrative continues.
Those folks in America who wish to talk to us about being oppressed had better look around the world to see what oppression really looks like. To make it easier for those dear souls just look to Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, North Korea, and other countries led by leftist dictators.
Colin “what’s-his-name” wanted to make a big show of kneeling during the national anthem. Now others are following suit. Colin can’t find a job because he has made himself a “hot potato” and no team wants the fallout. My folks used to say, “you made your bed; now lie in it.” His display cost him. Tough luck, Colin.
Others footballers want to show their angst at being oppressed by a society that allows them to make millions playing a game. It is bleeding down to the colleges and high schools. How shameful. A bunch of athletes protesting the flag of the very country that allows them better opportunities than anywhere else in the world, and they show disrespect to that flag and anthem.
And who is this actor Jesse Williams? Hey, buddy, raise your right hand and swear "to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic."
Thanks to the First Amendment I suppose they have that right. I too have rights. I will not attend or watch another professional sporting event where team members show disrespect to the USA. If we stay out of the stands the team will get a message. If we don’t buy the products they sell at the games the concessionaires will get after management. At least it won’t be my dollars paying a bunch of whiny overpaid ball players with questionable talent.
This hubbub with President Trump and the NFL has caused me to never purchase any NFL gear or any gear with the NFL logo on it. We did not watch the Cowboys-Cardinals game tonight. In fact, we don't watch too much football anyways. We will not watch the Super Bore game in February. My wife and I can find plenty of things to do in Yosemite National Park during that Sunday.
I have seen MLB, NBA, and NHL players do it. Is this "unity" going to carryover to the other professional sports?
Grow up, players. Play your game, retire in peace, run for public office.
What really irritates me is that I have an NFL app on my phone that I CANNOT delete!
Enough is enough.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Yes, 0.95 inches of it fell this morning.
That brings the rain up to 1.16 inches. Doesn't come close to the 2014 total of 1.27, but it is a great relief up here considering the fires.
The air smelled clean again.
That brings the rain up to 1.16 inches. Doesn't come close to the 2014 total of 1.27, but it is a great relief up here considering the fires.
The air smelled clean again.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Wild turkeys...
Gray foxes...
Bald eagle...
King snakes...
Gopher snakes...
and now a...
Mountain lion.
It was spotted at 6:30 a.m. on my morning drive to work near our home.
It was a magnificent looking animal.
I assume it was displaced due to the wildfires at the higher elevations. Probably looking for food since today is trash day.
I guess I will have to be more vigilant with the dogs staying outside. Their barking the last couple of days has made me aware that they are not barking at coyotes and deer that roam our property.
It is a different kind of bark...
Gray foxes...
Bald eagle...
King snakes...
Gopher snakes...
and now a...
Mountain lion.
It was spotted at 6:30 a.m. on my morning drive to work near our home.
It was a magnificent looking animal.
I assume it was displaced due to the wildfires at the higher elevations. Probably looking for food since today is trash day.
I guess I will have to be more vigilant with the dogs staying outside. Their barking the last couple of days has made me aware that they are not barking at coyotes and deer that roam our property.
It is a different kind of bark...
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Mother Nature unleashed .20 and .01 inches of rain last night and this morning.
Mix in a little lightning and you have a spectacular light show.
The lightning did not ignite additional fires. A majority of the lightning was cloud to cloud.
The air smelled fresh after the rain. Almost didn't want to go to work this morning. After all the smoke for several days, it was a great relief to take in a deep breath of fresh air.
We can only hope there is plenty of precipitation to assist the fire crews in snuffing out the South Fork, Empire, Railroad, Mission, and Pier fires in the the Sierras.
It is still fire season up here.
Mix in a little lightning and you have a spectacular light show.
The lightning did not ignite additional fires. A majority of the lightning was cloud to cloud.
The air smelled fresh after the rain. Almost didn't want to go to work this morning. After all the smoke for several days, it was a great relief to take in a deep breath of fresh air.
We can only hope there is plenty of precipitation to assist the fire crews in snuffing out the South Fork, Empire, Railroad, Mission, and Pier fires in the the Sierras.
It is still fire season up here.
Friday, September 08, 2017
Our condolences to the family of Troy Gentry, of the country music duo Montgomery Gentry, who was tragically killed in a helicopter crash today.
Saturday, September 02, 2017
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
BELOW 200...
For the first time in many years, my weight has finally fallen below the 200 pound barrier.
I weighed in at 199.2 this morning.
The vegan diet seems to be working very well. Had to give up bacon, sausage, hamburger, salmon, tuna, cheese, and pepperoni.
And you know what? The transition isn't so bad. Both of us are doing well on this diet.
Life is good.
I weighed in at 199.2 this morning.
The vegan diet seems to be working very well. Had to give up bacon, sausage, hamburger, salmon, tuna, cheese, and pepperoni.
And you know what? The transition isn't so bad. Both of us are doing well on this diet.
Life is good.
Monday, July 31, 2017
As of July 31, 2017, we have had 19 days of 100°+ heat on the following days.
July 4: 102.6°
July 5: 102.1°
July 6: 104.4°
July 7: 106.0°
July 8: 105.3°
July 9: 103.7°
July 10: 103.6°
July 11: 101.0°
July 14: 100.0°
July 15: 102.6°
July 16: 103.0°
July 17: 105.3°
July 22: 102.3°
July 23: 103.9°
July 24: 100.1°
July 28: 108.8°
July 29: 108.8°
July 30: 108.9°
July 31: 111.0°
As compared to:
2016: 13 days
2015: 4 days
2014: 13 days
These temperatures are at 3,000 feet elevation.
Also, there has been no rain for the entire month as compared to:
2016: 1.23 inches
2015: 0.01 inches
2014: 0.03 inches
One major fire:
Detwiler (Mariposa County): 81,826 acres.
There has been no rain since June 11, 2017.
July 4: 102.6°
July 5: 102.1°
July 6: 104.4°
July 7: 106.0°
July 8: 105.3°
July 9: 103.7°
July 10: 103.6°
July 11: 101.0°
July 14: 100.0°
July 15: 102.6°
July 16: 103.0°
July 17: 105.3°
July 22: 102.3°
July 23: 103.9°
July 24: 100.1°
July 28: 108.8°
July 29: 108.8°
July 30: 108.9°
July 31: 111.0°
As compared to:
2016: 13 days
2015: 4 days
2014: 13 days
These temperatures are at 3,000 feet elevation.
Also, there has been no rain for the entire month as compared to:
2016: 1.23 inches
2015: 0.01 inches
2014: 0.03 inches
One major fire:
Detwiler (Mariposa County): 81,826 acres.
There has been no rain since June 11, 2017.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Our new wedding bands arrived today.
They were made by a lady in the United Kingdom. Her name is Hannah Louise Lamb.
If you look closely, there is a peak that looks very familiar. Yes, Mt. Whitney, and there is also Lone Pine Peak (not in view). These rings pull apart.
She did a remarkable job.
They were made by a lady in the United Kingdom. Her name is Hannah Louise Lamb.
If you look closely, there is a peak that looks very familiar. Yes, Mt. Whitney, and there is also Lone Pine Peak (not in view). These rings pull apart.
She did a remarkable job.
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Whitney... |
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Lone Pine Peak |

Friday, July 14, 2017
A PERFECT +10...
Today is our 10th anniversary. Below is a trip report.
JULY 13:
We pick up our rental vehicle, a black Nissan Rogue.
We drive via SR 49 and SR 140 through Mariposa and Yosemite National Park. We stopped to walk around in Tuolumne Meadows to stretch our legs and enjoy the 360° scenery. There were no services: no gas station, the visitor center was closed, and all of the campgrounds from Crane Flat to Tuolumne were closed.
We stop off by Aspen Grove to reserve campsite 16 for July 15-16.
We arrive in Bishop and check in to the Creekside Inn in Bishop, CA. We stay in Room 224 on the second floor overlooking the creek that flows through the premises. The creek was overflowing due to the melts.
We dine at Whiskey Creek and order a vegan linguine alfredo. It was delicious. Our bartender Tom mixed us a concoction what he called Liquid Valium made with Crown Royal, peach scnhapps, orange juice, and cranberry juice.
JULY 14:
We have breakfast at Creekside. We then stopped at the Looney Bean Coffee Shop for some delicious coffee to go.
We arrive at Whitney Portal and prepare for our short 5.5 mile hike. We opted to go the Shortcut instead of the Stock Trail to avoid the Carillon Crossing which was a raging torrent of water.
We took our time and and enjoyed the scenery. We had to adjust to the altitude doing mountaineer breaths and going at a slow pace. The weather was exceptionally warm and the temperature was around the mid-80s. You could feel the heat coming off the exposed trail and the granite rocks. The shade provided excellent comfort from the sun.
We went passed the turn off to the lake and headed directly to the edge of the Whitney Zone. After a few photos we turned back and went in the direction of the lake.
When we arrived, we were not disappointed. The lake was calm and full to capacity. Some golden trout were seen breaking the surface. It was a sight to behold.
We head back down. On the way down near Switchback 14, we were swarmed by hundreds of dragonflies.
We reach the end of the trail and go to the vehicle to doff our hiking clothes for cleaner items. We stopped by the Portal Store to say hi to the proprietor, Doug. We ordered our vegan meal of Portal Fries. They were delicious! Fresh cut, deep fried twice to a golden brown. The picture below tells it all to the quality and quantity of our order.
We returned to Bishop to shower up and take a quick nap. We went back to Whiskey Creek for dinner. I ordered a portobello sandwich with sweet potato fries while my wife orders the While we were eating, I noticed a gentleman setting up to perform. He had a violin, mandolin, guitar, and a couple of banjos. It was a great show.
JULY 15:
We eat our final breakfast at the hotel. We stop off at the Looney Bean to get our to-gos before heading north. We stop at Whoa Nellie Deli in Lee Vining for lunch. We order an Asian Salad and an order of portobello sandwich. Both were delicious. After eating, we proceed to our campsite and set up our tent. Lee Vining Creek was flowing. We have never seen the cascades like it before. We returned to the deli for another order of portobello sandwich for me and vegetarian chili for my wife.
JULY 16:
We break camp. We stop at Latte Dah and order two Americanos to go. We stop at the Mono Lake turnout to walk down to the shore and see the thousands of brine flies.
After travelling through Bridgeport, we turn left on SR 108 to Sonora Pass. It is such a beautiful drive.
We stop at a couple of spots along the way before heading to Merced for some vegan Chipotle before heading home up the SR 140 to Mariposa then onto SR 49 to home.
JULY 17:
We dined at the exquisite Erna's Elderberry House in Oakhurst. It was first time dining in that fine dining establishment. Our dinner was compliments of JayMi and MIL.
The pictures that highlighted our trip in the Sierra Nevadas.
Log crossing...

Lone Pine Lake...

Two lovers with nothing better to do...I should have wiped my nose before taking this shot.

The rope...

We love going vegan...

Tuolumne Meadows...

Mono Lake...

Mono flies...

Sonora Pass...

Pacific Crest Trail...

10 years ago...
Aspen Grove cascade...

Outside of Yosemite on Tioga Pass Road...
My beautiful wife...
Our personalized menu...
Near the Whitney Zone.
JULY 13:
We pick up our rental vehicle, a black Nissan Rogue.
We drive via SR 49 and SR 140 through Mariposa and Yosemite National Park. We stopped to walk around in Tuolumne Meadows to stretch our legs and enjoy the 360° scenery. There were no services: no gas station, the visitor center was closed, and all of the campgrounds from Crane Flat to Tuolumne were closed.
We stop off by Aspen Grove to reserve campsite 16 for July 15-16.
We arrive in Bishop and check in to the Creekside Inn in Bishop, CA. We stay in Room 224 on the second floor overlooking the creek that flows through the premises. The creek was overflowing due to the melts.
We dine at Whiskey Creek and order a vegan linguine alfredo. It was delicious. Our bartender Tom mixed us a concoction what he called Liquid Valium made with Crown Royal, peach scnhapps, orange juice, and cranberry juice.
JULY 14:
We have breakfast at Creekside. We then stopped at the Looney Bean Coffee Shop for some delicious coffee to go.
We arrive at Whitney Portal and prepare for our short 5.5 mile hike. We opted to go the Shortcut instead of the Stock Trail to avoid the Carillon Crossing which was a raging torrent of water.
We took our time and and enjoyed the scenery. We had to adjust to the altitude doing mountaineer breaths and going at a slow pace. The weather was exceptionally warm and the temperature was around the mid-80s. You could feel the heat coming off the exposed trail and the granite rocks. The shade provided excellent comfort from the sun.
We went passed the turn off to the lake and headed directly to the edge of the Whitney Zone. After a few photos we turned back and went in the direction of the lake.
When we arrived, we were not disappointed. The lake was calm and full to capacity. Some golden trout were seen breaking the surface. It was a sight to behold.
We head back down. On the way down near Switchback 14, we were swarmed by hundreds of dragonflies.
We reach the end of the trail and go to the vehicle to doff our hiking clothes for cleaner items. We stopped by the Portal Store to say hi to the proprietor, Doug. We ordered our vegan meal of Portal Fries. They were delicious! Fresh cut, deep fried twice to a golden brown. The picture below tells it all to the quality and quantity of our order.
We returned to Bishop to shower up and take a quick nap. We went back to Whiskey Creek for dinner. I ordered a portobello sandwich with sweet potato fries while my wife orders the While we were eating, I noticed a gentleman setting up to perform. He had a violin, mandolin, guitar, and a couple of banjos. It was a great show.
JULY 15:
We eat our final breakfast at the hotel. We stop off at the Looney Bean to get our to-gos before heading north. We stop at Whoa Nellie Deli in Lee Vining for lunch. We order an Asian Salad and an order of portobello sandwich. Both were delicious. After eating, we proceed to our campsite and set up our tent. Lee Vining Creek was flowing. We have never seen the cascades like it before. We returned to the deli for another order of portobello sandwich for me and vegetarian chili for my wife.
JULY 16:
We break camp. We stop at Latte Dah and order two Americanos to go. We stop at the Mono Lake turnout to walk down to the shore and see the thousands of brine flies.
After travelling through Bridgeport, we turn left on SR 108 to Sonora Pass. It is such a beautiful drive.
We stop at a couple of spots along the way before heading to Merced for some vegan Chipotle before heading home up the SR 140 to Mariposa then onto SR 49 to home.
JULY 17:
We dined at the exquisite Erna's Elderberry House in Oakhurst. It was first time dining in that fine dining establishment. Our dinner was compliments of JayMi and MIL.
The pictures that highlighted our trip in the Sierra Nevadas.
Log crossing...

Lone Pine Lake...

Two lovers with nothing better to do...I should have wiped my nose before taking this shot.

The rope...

We love going vegan...

Tuolumne Meadows...

Mono Lake...

Mono flies...

Sonora Pass...

Pacific Crest Trail...

10 years ago...

Outside of Yosemite on Tioga Pass Road...
My beautiful wife...
Our personalized menu...
Near the Whitney Zone.

Monday, July 03, 2017
My MIL gets a new puppy and names him Bandit.
My wife and I went to the Fresno SPCA to pick him up.
My wife and MIL went to Fresno on Saturday, July 1, to look at puppies.
MIL wanted a female but opted for the male.
My wife and I went to the Fresno SPCA to pick him up.
My wife and MIL went to Fresno on Saturday, July 1, to look at puppies.
MIL wanted a female but opted for the male.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Well, we are not in Phoenix, but the temperatures up here posted 100°+ over the last ten days.
That is a rare occurrence at 3,000 feet. Especially in June.
There is still July, August, and September.
So far, no major fires in our area...
That is a rare occurrence at 3,000 feet. Especially in June.
There is still July, August, and September.
So far, no major fires in our area...
Saturday, June 24, 2017
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Some guy, my wife, EzeKiel, GenNis, AleLi, EriKa, and KC at Corlieu Falls of Lewis Creek. |
We were honored by the visit of our future daughter-in-law's parents, GenNis and AleLi, and her brother, EzeKiel. It was their first visit to our home.
We had met them two years earlier and KC's and EriKa's graduation in May 2015.
Thursday, June 01, 2017
Only 0.13 inches of precipitation fell for the entire month of May.
2014: 0.54
2015: 1.87
2016: 1.83
Now, fire season begins in June.
2014: 0.54
2015: 1.87
2016: 1.83
Now, fire season begins in June.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
We had to put my MIL's dog, Toby, down.
He had tumors in his lungs and his health was deteriorating rapidly.
We took him to the veterinarian. There they inserted a catheter in his left leg. He was then carried out to the car and placed in my MIL's lap. The vet went to the other side to administer the dosage that would end his life. He expired at 4:27 p.m.
We buried him next to Pop's tree at 5:15 p.m.
He will be missed. He was a very good dog.
He had tumors in his lungs and his health was deteriorating rapidly.
We took him to the veterinarian. There they inserted a catheter in his left leg. He was then carried out to the car and placed in my MIL's lap. The vet went to the other side to administer the dosage that would end his life. He expired at 4:27 p.m.
We buried him next to Pop's tree at 5:15 p.m.
He will be missed. He was a very good dog.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
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Four beautiful women... |
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My mother, some guy, and my aunt... |
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Yes, I ate all of this. |
My mother and Aunt KiMiko came to visit us. They arrived at Yosemite Airport on May 9.
We went to Bass Lake to have a Forks Burger, we went to Yosemite National Park and had a good soaking from Bridalveil Falls and witnessed spectacular waterfalls.
My aunt celebrated her first Mother's Day in the United States. My mother celebrated her first in 10 years. It was a great feeling to have my mother, my aunt, my wife, and my MIL celebrate together for the first time. My aunt even played pool for the very first time.
On May 15, we headed east.
The I-80 to and the I-70 back.
Through California, Nevada, Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona.
We went through South Lake Tahoe and stopped there to make our lunches. As we ate, it started to snow lightly.
Then it was on to Salt Lake City, Utah, where we spent the night.
The next morning we drove through Wyoming and spent the night at North Platte, Nebraska. Prior to arriving we drove into a hailstorm and heavy rain.
Then, it was off to Platte City, Missouri, to visit my wife's cousin, ShaRon, and her husband Tim. All of us drove to Joe's Kansas City BBQ. I ordered a full rack of pork ribs and it was delicious.
Then, we headed out to Jacksonville Veterans Cemetery to visit my father's grave. We then drove to Lentner to visit my Uncle J and Aunt Pearl's gravesite at the Mt. Hope cemetery.
We stopped in Shelbyville to visit a couple of people before heading west on Highway 36 to Topeka, Kansas. While arriving in Topeka we drove through yet another storm.
Then, it was off to Denver, Colorado, for the night.
As we head out the next day, we encountered more snowy weather while traveling through the Rockies. It was quite a sight to see especially in May.
We crossed over into Utah and spent the night at St. George.
Then it was off to end our trip to our home.
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