Friday, February 17, 2006


My family doctor-referred anesthesiologist called to schedule sessions for my epidural.

The three sessions will be two weeks apart. My first session is Friday, February 24 at 11:30 a.m. He wanted to do it on Monday, February 20, but I have other issues with the exterminator man that day.

My co-worker and "hiking wife," Kindra, has offered to take me to the clinic. It is a coincidence that we are going to the same clinic I took her to when she went for her epidurals. Strange, but true.

After the sessions, I will be sedated and I will be in no condition to drive. This should be fun!

Imagine me trying to explain to the CHP officer why I was driving erratically: "But ociffer, I had uh edipural and me under evy shedayshun and I wuz on my waaaaaaaaaaaay hoam. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Humor is the best medicine.

I figured Fridays would be good since it extends my weekend and gives me two days to rest during the weekend.

I have also decided to go for a walk in Crystal Cove State Park. No pack. I have a Camelbak FlashFlo pack that I will use. I will shoot for 3 miles on relatively flat trails. From the parking lot to the junction of Poles, Mach One, and El Moro Canyon is about 1.5 miles. My two hiking friends, Garv and Joe, will hike the route I scheduled. We will probably grab a bite to eat afterwards.

The forecast calls for some rain. How much will fall in Crystal Cove State Park is anybody's guess. If the trails are too muddy, I will not walk it in fear of slipping and falling and really screwing things up.

Wouldn't be prudent.