We muster at the Claim Jumper in Santa Ana for one last tribute in honor of Paul.
I do not know their names, but they were some of the many mourners in attendance.
"Batman", me, Bob, Gary, and Ken. We are the "Fugowhee!"
As we gathered and ordered our drinks, Batman stood up and proposed a toast. We relived old times. We drank and ate.
The crowd started to thin out. I asked Kathy to take a shot of the four of us outside Claim Jumper.
Afterwards, an eerie feeling came over me and I returned to Fairhaven Memorial Park. I drove up to the spot, got out, took a picture and said, "Paul, we had a get together in your honor. I just thought you might want to know that. Then again you are up there looking down so why am I here?"
And I bet his response was, "You dumb jarhead!"
I smiled and chuckled. I walked away. Got into my vehicle. Took one last glance and drove off.
I shed a tear.