What started out as the Double Dare, wound up being just a walk in the zone...the Whitney Zone. Normally, on day hikes you don't take the time to take in the beauty. You are preoccupied with a summit and a safe return to the Portal Store before it closes.
The cables were a little "d"icy considering the gear we were carrying and it wasn't worth a try for a summit. That was the turn around point. We brought crampons with us, but we left them at camp since my objective was to summit twice in two days.
There is just something about the air at 12,000 feet. Maybe it was due to the lack of oxygen, but it is hard to put into words the exhiliration one experiences as you gaze at the granite sentinels that surround you. It is a good feeling.
Walking around Trail Camp and down to Consultation Lake. Thought about going up Thor Peak, but didn't.
The weather was beautiful. Some clouds, but spectacular nonetheless.
Marmots out in force looking for that one stray bag of trail mix left unattended by an inexperience hiker. Mosquitos abundant around Outpost Camp and Lone Pine Lake. Saw some deer along the trail. They just continued about their business as if we weren't there. No bear sightings. The Steller's Jay constantly chirping looking for an opportunity (just like the marmot) for someone to leave their food unattended and fly off with a fry or two.
Water flows at all crossings.
We saw some familiar faces on the trail and at the Portal Store. A reunion of sorts.
Basecamp was at the Portal. Nice during the day, but very chilly when the shadows fall on the Portal. The campfire brought much needed warmth.
The Portal Burger and Fries are fantastic.
No pictures.
Just memories...
Wherever I may roam...