Saturday, October 24, 2009


The first shot.

No, the target is on top of the post 50 yards away, not what you see within 15 yards of me. I am a southpaw, but my dominant eye is my right eye so I shoot right-handed.

My wife shooting the .22 caliber. Note my wife the southpaw.

Back off, pardner. Uncle T playing with a machete.

Bro-in-law zeroing in on target with Libby. Note my bro-in-law the southpaw, too.

Uncle T with his shotgun and my wife with Libby firing the second shot.

After all the chordite has cleared, we have worked up an appetite.

The family decided to take our family "pets" to the range to do a little target acquisition exercies.
Libby "breathes." The first round was fired at 2:39 p.m. My wife had the honors of firing the second round at 2:41 p.m. Both casings were saved.

After all the excitement, it was off to Uncle T's for some BBQ venison and chicken.