My wife and I had our moments today and tonight. Hers was more of a comical situation, mine was more of a confrontational situation.
The Day:
The security guard goes to my wife and says the "Garbage disposal is not working. There is standing water in the sink. I turned on the switch and it seems to be operational, but nothing is happening."
Well, my wife goes to the break room. Sure enough there is water standing in the sink. The guard goes to get one of the "men" in the office to see if he can fix it. Well, this "man" didn't want to stick his hand in the garbage disposal to see what the problem was. Notice I put "man" in quotations. No, it wasn't me.
Okay. My wife calls the janitor. The janitor tells her to call the property manager. The property manager says she will call the plumber.
My wife then goes back to the break room, takes off her wedding band and then takes her hand and shoves it down into the standing water.
Lo and behold she pulls out the drain plug!
Hey, the garbage disposal works! And to think the guard was just about to call the plumber. And to think that all the guard and the "man" had to do was stick their little "paw paws."
Now, imagine the plumber showing up and finding out the problem...
I can hear it now, "That will be a $75.00 service call."
The Night:
I am sitting in a hair salon waiting for my wife to finish up with her appointment. There is a one and a half year old in a carriage.
To make a long story short, "mom" asked one of the stylists to watch her kid while she goes and takes care of errands. This was around 2:00 p.m.
It is now 5:00 p.m. Where's "mom"?
Meanwhile, all of the "women" are squabbling and complaining about this and about that and that "I would never do that to my kid," or "Even though I know such-and-such, I would never do that to my kid." Blah, blah, blah.
During these exchanges I am saying, "Why don't you call the Fresno Police? If anything happens to the kid, you will be liable."
"But she is a client," remarks one of the "bright" stylists in the salon. And this "stylist" is the one complaining about this and that.
In the meantime, one of the stylists goes to the store to bring back food for the child.
Squabble, squabble, squabble.
They are calling the "mom" on her cellphone. No luck.
Who's the father? What's he going to do?
Well, at about a 5:30 p.m. in walks in "mom" with anothe "daughter."
"Mom" is a "recipient" of the Darwin Award for gene pool propagation.
Suddenly, all the squabbling and bickering ceases.
I ask myself, "What the hell is going on here?"
I am watching this all transpire in front of me.
My wife emerges from the behind to come and pay for her treatment. I go up to meet her at the cashier. While she is doing that, I notice a Fresno Police squad car out front.
Good, "someone" finally called the police.
I go over to "mom" and tell her, "Hey, lady, two words: child abandonment. The Fresno Police are here."
You should have heard the squabbling and bickering intensify. "What?" "Oh, my God!" "You're kidding."
Most assuredly the comments were directed at me, but I didn't want to hear anymore. I just know what I said to "mom" got the attention of all those "squabblers."
My wife and I exit the establishment. One of the stylists is talking to the police. As we got in our car and was leaving, another stylist was talking to the other policeman.
Bottom line: my wife and I are "clients" at this salon. My wife has been a client for almost 2 years. I am do for my hair appointment on October 28.
I can see it adn hear it now..."How could you say such a thing to that woman?"
My response would be, "Well, then don't volunteer your motherly instincts services when you don't have any credentials."
Blah, blah, blah.
The Game:
We get home and the Angels are up 4-0 and it is the top of the 7th inning. I tell my wife, "Maybe I shouldn't watch the game. The last time I did that the Angels won!" As soon as I said that, the Yankees started getting hot bats.
Now you know the rest of the story.
We did watch the game until the final out.
What a day, a night, and a game.