Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I did some browsing online and came upon some pictures of our house...

The picture above is the view looking from the dirt road to our house.

Since this picture was taken, a lot has "changed" for the better.

The pine tree trunk to the left is actually an electric pole. The previous owners thought they would run the electric line from the utility pole to the house by attaching the line to that dead tree. Why is anybody's guess. Well, that line has been moved and tightened. That trunk is about to fall. It no longer has the bark on it. All it will take is a good gust of wind.

Also note the open side porch and the stairway adjacent to it. We are working on this to give the house more "curb appeal." We are gonna love it!

Also note the sliding glass door and the kitchen window above the side porch. There will be remarkable changes.

As for that white garage door? We are going to remove it and extend that portion of the house with a large bay window and side glass. Same for the other side as part of our new office. We will be purchasing a billiard table. What my wife does to me in ping pong I will do to her in billiards. Hell, she might be a pool shark and I don't even know it yet.

The T1-11 siding is going to be replaced with 144" by 8.25" James Hardie Primed Cedarmill Fiber Cement Lap Siding.

Oh yeah, is the grass really that green? You're damn right it is. Especially, when the miner's lettuce appears. It is a some beach to weed whack.

This is a shot of our bedroom. The window has been replaced, the heater near the closet has been removed, and the closet has been redone with a second rack added, and three closet doors, and trimmed in knotty pine. The bedroom door has also been replaced with a walnut-stained pine door.

Our living room. We ripped up the old carpet. We are now "living" on wall-to-wall plywood. We are looking at purchasing wood flooring.

The sliding glass doors to the left and front will be replaced with french doors.

This room is now officially the laundry room. The closet will be removed to elongate the hallway into the "family room" that used to be our garage. We have since painted the room to hide the atrocious color scheme.

This is the "in-laws" room which is the second story to our house. During the summer, the heat is unbearable. During the winter months it is very temperate. No worries, no inlaws have stayed in here.

My how things have changed...

You can see some of the projects on P38549 dated 10-18-12 in this blog.

New pictures to follow...