Sunday, February 23, 2014


Now what?

One of our friends, who owns his own lumber mill, cut these beams to our specifications for our next project.

My wife and I were just toying with the idea of adding pizzazz to our south porch. We talked it over with Raymond and that is how it all started.

This is just a rough sketch of what the project will look like when complete.

Now, things can and do change and we have left our options WIDE OPEN.

From the front, it will look like the Roman Pantheon or Greek Parthenon (I married into a Greek family). The two outside pillars will be made of shaved pine logs 16 to 20 inches in diameter.

The middle pillar of the same type of pine log will be from the ground to the top. The beams that are being cut will provide character and structure integrity. The beams will be secured with heavy metal brackets and bolts.

We were going to go with cedar but decided we didn't want any carpenter bees ("cedar bees") buzzing our porch. It's bad enough with yellow jackets ("meat bees"), and mud daubers ("mud bees").

There will be a series of five cross beams running from left to right in the diagram that will replace the original trusses. We plan to purchase indoor/outdoor ceiling fans. Our intent is to build screens to keep the insects out as we either eat or entertain on the porch.

We are contemplating installing low voltage Malibu lights for aesthetic effect. There is the solar option, too.

The underside of the porch roof will be covered with log offcuts and remnants that cover up the OSB plywood for that log cabin feel.

As for underneath the porch deck itself, it may be prudent for us to reinforce with cables, heavy brackets, and posts.

Not only are these beams huge, they are heavy...

The dry rot will be removed.

Our friend milled one side straight and the other side was hand hewn. He scorched the wood with a propane torch and sanded it smooth. The grain in the wood is something to behold.

The beams exposed...

After seeing these beams, we may have to redo the mantel in the house.

UPDATE 04-01-14:

Work began by removing the corner posts and reinforcing the porch with some of the scrap lumber. Didn't think we could pull it off, but all went will without a hitch.

The dry rot will be removed. Thankfully, this is the only area where there was damaged.