1. You aerate your lawn with your crampons.
2. You begin buying your shoes 2 sizes too large out of habit.
3. You get mad of having to spend $40 on a pair of Levi's, but don't mind spending $200+ for a sleeping bag.
4. Your hiking gear is worth more than your car.
5. You give up a decent job so you can hike more.
6. You blow a good marriage so you can hike more.
7. Your body is worn out and you need medical attention, but that would take away from your hiking time, so you continue to hobble.
8. Your list of names for future trail hikes are longer than your list of friends.
9. Your ice axe and snowshoes are made of wood.
10. You can name all the PCT trailtown saloons, but cannot remember your significant other's birthday.