This morning, I went to the wood pile to get some kindling to start the woodburning stove. As I was moving stuff around to get to the kindling and putting it in the paper bag, I noticed out of the corner of my right eye a deer...a young buck...coming towards me from the front of the RV shed.
"Hey, there!"
At first I thought, it was just curious and eventually would go away, but it didn't. It kept coming closer and closer. It stopped to rub its nose on the wheelbarrow handles and then proceeded to get closer. It pushed its head into my left side then down to my feet. It then started to rear up on its hind legs.
Whoa, wait a minute big fella, you ain't going to try it!
I turned towards the wood pile with the bag of kindling in my right hand. Now, there is nothing but kindling in that wood and I am not wearing any type of musk cologne. It still kept nudging me.
I thought to myself where is a camera where you need one? No one is going to believe me what is happening out here. I look around to see if anyone is watching. No one.
I decided to head back to the house. At first I contemplated heading into the confines of our backyard, but thought best not to (more on this later).
I thought for sure the deer would not follow me, but sure enough it did as we made our way slowly towards the house.
I walked outside the fence line. I look towards the house as I make it by the den, the laundry room and then the kitchen windows. No one to be seen. Where in the hell is everybody?
The deer is still following me. This is good. Now, where in the hell is ANYBODY?
I see someone in the laundry room looking into the refrigerator. I wave my arms hoping that whoever was in that room could see me and not startle the deer in the process. To no avail. Damnit! Where in the heck is ANYBODY?
In the meantime I am waiting for anyone to appear in the kitchen and look out the kitchen window. NO ONE! I look towards the living room window. NO ONE! Will someone please see me.
The deer goes around behind me and finds a clump of pumpkin seeds from a pumpkin we had gutted to make soup a couple of nights ago. The deer commenced to eat the seeds and pumpkin guts. Good boy. Keep eating. MAYBE SOMEONE WILL SEE US!
Then my wife comes out of the den area and walks towards the garage. Why are you looking over there? I AM OVER HERE!
She looks in my direction but fails to see me! I call her name and wave at her to get her attention and point to her what was happening. She didn't notice at first and had that perplexed "What-the-hell-are-you-doing-out-there-and-where-is-the-kindling-I-asked-you-to-get" look. Then the expression of amazement overcame her when she noticed the deer by my side. She mouths, "Oh, my god!" then asks me, "Where is the camera?"
"It is in our bedroom on the dresser."
She goes back into the house. Where is my mom? I know Pam's parents are still in their room asleep. Pam comes out of the den area with camera in hand. She starts to take pictures.
"Where's my mom?"
"I can't find her."
"Go get her, please."
As soon as Pam enters the house, the deer rears back on its hind legs. He wants to play. I back away slowly as to not make the animal charge or startle it. I pet its head to comfort it. Petting a wild animal in OUR BACKYARD! Now, that is definitely a first!
Now, where me and the deer are standing, there is a sharp dropoff about 75 feet down. Not much room for error. So I stand real close to the fence. If it charges or tries to flip me, I can hold on and then try to vault over the fence line.
Pam comes back out of the laundry room area and says she found my mom. Just then Jingles the Wonderdog comes outside just awakening from his slumber.
Oh no, this is not good.
I said to myself, "When he sees the deer..."
Pam gets ready to take more pictures...
In the milliseconds that followed after my thoughts and with Pam getting ready to snap some more pictures, Jingles sees the deer and starts barking. The startled deer dashes along the fence line towards the garage. Jingles wriggles through the iron slats and continues his chase of the deer. Way to go, Jingles.
We yell, "Jingles, COME HERE!" Forget it. The deer and the dog run out of sight.
Then, my mom comes outside!
"Where were you?"
"I was changing my clothes."
Oh well, at least there are three pictures.