Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Samson has grown considerably since we got him. He is now just as big as Jingles. Jingles is a little jealous of all the attention we give Samson.

I have been feeding Samson the wet cat food every night. I buy the big can but divide the can into 8 sections. I feed him only one section per night. As soon as I open the door he is right there waiting. As for Jingles, he wonders where his "wet" food is. Papou and Nana do not feed him nothing but the dry stuff, so I offer Jingles some Buddy Biscuits from Trader Joe's and he seems content with that.

Now, Samson has seem to taken up indoor hockey. The doorstop we use to prop the hallway door open is now his "puck." He is constantly slamming the puck into the walls and crashing into the walls to retrieve it. This is at 5:00 in the morning. Who needs an alarm clock?

Sometimes he runs all the way from the den, down the hallway, into the dining room doing 360's on all fours. Quite the comic cat he is. He is also bodychecking me as I make my way around the house by cutting me off at the legs. He sometimes gets kicked by accident but he seems to enjoy it. Pain cat.

He is my constant companion as I make my way out to retrieve the paper every morning. He opens the door for me with his front paws (I leave the door slightly ajar when leaving the house.)

He is the only cat I know that can double his body weight as you try to pick him up from the floor to take him outside. Plop down boy.

He is now big enough to jump from the floor onto the kitchen counter. Bad cat.