My FIL got discharged from the skilled nursing facility. He is better off at home...
Family and fresh air...great remedy and good medicine.
There is the surgery still for his right shoulder.
Keep in mind he has a comminuted right shoulder since his fall on DECEMBER 28, 2009!
How many days have elapsed? As of this date, 25 DAYS!
How much pain can a 77 year-old man endure with a comminuted shoulder? The ball of his upper humerus snapped off and is "floating" near his armpit.
Then there are the questions for the hospital where he was a patient (name withheld due to possible legal action):
Why was there no bed alarm?
Why did it take so long to notify the family of his fall in the hospital room?
Why wasn't surgery performed right away?
These are just three...there are many more.
We are furious about the care my FIL was given while in the hospital.