Well, here we are in "Y2K10" or is it "MMX" or "MM10" or "2K10" or "2KX" or "2MX" or "2M10"?
Have fun.
Perennial no brainer!
Drop the weight to 198!
Eliminate the white spaces in our calendar.
Purchased an "activities" calendar for 2010. Gonna fill up those white spaces.
No cussing/swearing.
Cheeze its fuggin gripes. Fuggit. That resolution didn't last long.
Recycle more.
We have been doing the recycling and composting for a couple of years now. Need to disappoint the sanitation engineer who frequents our place every Friday.
Waste less food.
We purchase organic foods that aren't "cheap." Sometimes we let things spoil and that is NOT good!
No fast food (for me).
No Wendy's, Carl's Jr., Del Taco, Burger King, Taco Bell, Jack In the Box, McDonald's, Arby's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, El Pollo Loco. This includes breakfast sandwiches in Starbuck's.
Pizza? That is an essential food group!

Pass on WPS fries above? There are exceptions to my resolution.
No extra side orders.
No more extra side orders such as hash browns, country potatoes or fries should we dine in a non-fastfood restaurant. This will be tough. I love hash browns, country potatoes and french fries.
Splitting meals.
Ain't no law against this in any restaurant we frequent.
Death Valley National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Olympic National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
New bed set
Recycle bins
Rain barrels