Thursday, March 16, 2006


With spring less than a week away, many people are heading out into wilderness areas. Remember, you are in their "yard." Nature is unpredictable.

Report any mountain lion sightings to the California Department of Fish and Game.

Orange County Register
Source: California Department of Fish and Game
Compiled by: News Researcher Michael Doss

DO NOT HIKE ALONE; go in groups with adults supervising children.

DO NOT RUN; that might stimulate a lion’s instinct to chase.

Stand and face the animal; make eye contact.

Pick up young children, without bending or turning from the lion if possible.

DO NOT crouch down or bend over; you might appear like ordinary four-legged prey to the lion instead of a human.

DO all you can to appear larger -- raise your arms, open your jacket, throw stones, branches.

Fight back if attacked.

Mountains lions have been repelled with rocks, sticks, garden tools and bare hands.

Remove dense and low-lying vegetation that provide good hiding places for mountain lions.

Install motion-sensitive outdoor lighting.

Keep pets from roaming and don’t feed pets outside.