Last night, my doctor called as a follow-up to the message I left him yesterday. I told him about my visit to the ER Saturday night and I gave him a rundown on my current condition.
I had told him that the nurse from the neurologist's office had called and left a message for me to schedule an appointment. My doctor strongly recommended that I make that appointment now and not wait until the epidurals end. He told me there could up to a two-week wait.
I will call that neurologist first thing this morning. I told my doctor that once I make that appointment I will call him and leave a message that I did so.
I have a feeling I may require surgery. Another switchback in my life. Overcoming another switchback means I am getting closer to the summit.
My doctor is a very good doctor. He tells things the way they are without holding anything back. You have to respect a person like that.
I slept well last night. No pain, no problems. All systems are fine in regards to other bodily functions. I did not take any meds before retiring last night. I slept like a big baby.
I awake without any pain. On the pain scale of 0-10 with 10 being THE worst, I am around a 1. I attribute that "1" to the tingling sensation still in my right toes. The time now is 5:49 a.m. There is still a lot of day left today.
I will blog with any latest developments.
Thank you for reading.