The Fresno Social Security Administration office on Shaw and West is closed to the public today in order to move what is left to the new office.
Well, it should be or
Big difference in websites if you click on the links.
And to think this was created by none other than the Social Security Administration AREA DIRECTOR'S public relations department here in downtown Fresno!
Oh, and the "800" number? The Fresno office has its own toll-free number 866-902-7313.
At least the office hours are correct!
Hey, I didn't sign off on the work order!
Oh, well. Hopefully, no one else noticed. Yeah, right!
But it is a nice picture!!!
Another thing. If you click on the map to view a larger version and look at the top of the map you will see "LOCATED BEHIND WAL-MART." Yup, Wal-Mart. I am going to leave it at that.
And one more thing. The new office is located next to a mortuary. Already, the owner is upset about the light that illuminates the American flag at night. He says it "disturbs" his business. DISTURBS HIS BUSINESS? Okay. What type of clientele "visit" mortuaries? I am going to leave it at that, again.