So on Saturday, May 23, we left home at 7:14 a.m. and drove down to Fresno and stopped at Whole Foods to have breakfast. As we sat and ate our breakfast burritos, I called my in-laws and left a voicemail message to negotiate a "ransom," but I they didn't reply to my call. Now, this is their daughter we are talking about!
We drove up the 99 to Manteca. Holiday traffic was considerably light. We opted to take the 120 East instead of the 108 through Modesto.
We hit bumper-to-bumper along the way. Oakdale was a bad traffic jam where the 120 and 108 meet. Figures. EVERYONE IS GOING TO YOSEMITE, RIGHT?! At least we hoped since we were headed in the "other" direction. We went beyond the turnoff, went down a couple city streets and got back on 108.
We made it passed Sonora without further traffic.
We stop at Sonora Pass for some photo opportunities and to walk on the snow. On the ride down, we stopped at the Marine Corps Mountain Warefare Training Center, then drove down and spent the night in Bridgeport. We have dinner at Rhino's and then retire for the evening.
The sign of the times in Bridgeport is "For Sale." A couple of eating establishments in town are for sale, Bridgeport Inn and the Jolly Kone.
On Sunday, May 24, we gassed up at the Shell station. Gas was $3.499 per gallon for regular unleaded! I wonder if the gas price "spiked" due to the Memorial Day weekend?
We ate an early breakfast at the Bridgeport Inn and headed over to Bodie State Park for three hours, before the holiday crowds came. What a place.
We then headed to Lee Vining and stopped to get a cup of coffee and then it was up Tioga Road through Yosemite National Park. Quite a bit of snow near the east entrance. The Tuolumne Campground and Grill was still closed.
In two days, we took a lot of pictures. Sonora Pass, Bridgeport, Bodie, Yosemite. All beautiful pictures.
On Monday, May 25, we wanted to show our family the pictures of our trip. I got everything hooked up and ready to go. I wanted to eliminate the "border" stuff so I referred to the manual. I didn't see anything so I went to FORMAT. Hit OK and ...
All pictures...
Say what?
Cannot "UNDO." Ain't no "UNDO" button or function.
What I did was done.
(Plus other expletives of my choosing! )
I didn't read the fine print. Well, I only saw what I wanted to see.
Oh, well.
Once before, never again.
This weekend we are retracing our route in the opposite direction.
We will go through Yosemite National Park via Tioga Pass, then stop at Bodie for pictures (we know what shots we want), then head up to Bridgeport and up to Sonora Pass and turn around and probably stop in Bridgeport again.
We can leave Friday night and car camp somewhere in YNP or we can leave early Saturday morning.
I think Friday night would be more exciting.