The alarm in the "off" position. We love our weekends. On the weekends we don't hike, we stay in bed. Getting up every weekday morning at 4:00 a.m. and getting home around 5:00 p.m. does take a toll on you. When we retire, clocks will be banished in the house. Our cars will have the time set to another time. We won't know what time it is unless we turn on the computer or the television, or hear it on the radio, or see the time displayed in public. Time will not ru(i)n our lives in retirement.

Twenty-five pound bags of organic brown rice. Got this one at Whole Foods for a little under $28.00. After finishing off the last 20-pound bag of white rice earlier this year (at the insistence of my wife), this is my (our) preferred food of choice. No more purchases of those 2-pound bags for $3.79. We currently use the 2-pound bags for our training hikes. We stuff our packs and off we go! Soon, those 2-pound bags will disappear. Make room for the big guy. We have been searching the web for bulk deals. Yeah, bulk deals my @$$! They nab you for $20+ for shipping! So for now, as long as Whole Foods stocks it, we will keep buying it.