Thursday, May 17, 2012


Went to the dermatologist today to do more "digging" in my neck where the biopsy was performed. 

A dysplastic nevus.

I just had the sutures removed on May 10.

The above photo was taken on May 31, 2012 the day the second set of sutures were removed.

Life goes on...

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Another "punch" on my lower back, more stitches, no spa for 2 weeks...

Two down and one to go...

Hiking is still a GO!

Thursday, May 03, 2012


Killed the first rattler of 2012...

The "baby" one-foot long neonate Western Diamondback was coiled in hibernation near the water spigot in the fruit tree garden.  It had blended in well with the rocks, dried grass, and dirt.  Camouflage at its best.

After a well-placed blow with a spade, I examined it and noticed it didn't have enough keratin for form its first rattle.

Of course, where there is one, there is another...there is a four footer out there on our land somewhere.

The rodent population heaved a sigh of relief, but I got a feral cat to take care of them.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Signed the paperwork for the "38549 Project."

This is gonna be good...

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Got results from the doctor...

Bravo Niner...B-9 in the behind...

In other words....

the polypectomy showed no signs of cancer.

Good for another 10 years, but

I will go back in another 5 just to be on the safe side...

Whitney awaits and so is...

Having fun.