Thursday, June 30, 2016


100° days: 11 days (1, 3, 4, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)
2014: 3
2015: 9

Rain: 0.34 inches (06-12-16)
2014: 0.01
2015: 0.03

June started out with a boom and ended that way. It got up to 105.1° on 06-27-16. The lowest high was 75.7 on 06-15-16. It got as low as 38.5° on 06-16-16. We live at 3,000 feet elevation.

June was a hot one for the record books. We thought that the temperaturs would be mild like it was between 06-09-16 and 06-18-16. Then 06-19-16 came around and hit hasn't dipped below 90° for a high since then.

The dogs are fine with the heat since we do have that kiddie pool. We try to limit play time to prevent them from becoming overheated.

Then there is July, August, and September...

All of the rain we received has given rise to vegetation which has now turned to beige.

What will the fire season be like this year?

Friday, June 17, 2016


Another project begun...


The area is anticipating the arrival of the First Family this weekend.

The first family is scheduled to touch down at Castle Airport in Merced tonight, and are expected to leave Sunday afternoon.

The first visit by a U.S. President since President Kennedy in 1962.

We will NOT be going to Yosemite this weekend.

Thursday, June 09, 2016


Today would have been my aunt's 90th birthday.

Probably sloppin' hogs with my uncle Up There...